Should Women Pay on The First Date? (3 Reasons Why It Is High Value to Offer...)

Published 2020-05-07

All Comments (19)
  • @poojapophale
    I always offer to pick the tab.Whether it's a date,dinner outing with family,clubbing with friends.Sometimes the other party refuses and pays the bill and I thank the person for their generosity.On occasions when I have picked the tab,the other party has richly reciprocated sometimes with a beautiful gift and sometimes with a lasting friendship.I think life becomes so much more interesting when we go beyond money-truly we can extract the juice of life that way.I use my intuition and wisdom while dating and making friends so I don't think anyone can take advantage of my generosity. Thank you so much for your guidance David and Renee. :) I can so relate to this video.Agree with all the points here.Definitely what I have given,I have got to keep.This reminds me of Juliet's quote from the play 'Romeo and Juliet'-"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep. The more I give to thee,The more I have, for both are infinite." In general,anyone can pay the bill and if someone feels that their partner is being a gold-digger,they should discuss it and decide who pays,when and how much.Men can offer to pay if they ask a woman out and on special occasions.Also woman can pay if they are asking him out or on his bday. They can go dutch if they are a steady couple and make joint purchases.If the woman is a homemaker then he can pay the bill.If he is not working/earning,she can pay the bill.Couples must discuss these kinda issues instead of squabbling over them.
  • @annacats5240
    Its not masculine for a man allowing a woman to pay. I would think very little of a man. Also i think women not making an effort with appearance on a date is unfemnine too
  • @kp5870
    Very enlightening! I appreciate the dual perspectives. If the guy turns down the offer, how does offering calibrate on future dates - on and off, every date? Thank you David and Renee! ❤️
  • @pluong2964
    This video is really comforting and cute (because of your youngest son) for me. When I started dating at 17, I began with an automatic reaction to wanting to pay for the first date with men because I valued the connection with the person. Some men paid (the ones with jobs) and some men were willing to pay for the next date (because they were students). After exploring the various dating advice over the years out there, I actually suppressed my generous side and became a generally less generous person with both men and women because I wanted to be more feminine and receive more, and probably subconsciously feel more worthy. Thank you Renee and David for your wisdom.
  • @Fkiria
    Thank you so much for this video. I started watching very skeptical, however now I think I will offer to pay the next first date I have. Also great insight on value. I always felt uncomfortable just waiting for the man to pay without any gestures on my part, and I think this is why.
  • Hello Renee. When I was 17 I went out on a date with a guy I really liked. The iniative was mine. I valued connection more than what he can give me. Idk at that age, it's just so endearing to think about how I was thinking. I never was after the money or the material things. I was generous and giving. what can I say, it was one of the best connections I've ever had. I let myself feel and give and not be be restricted. Idk i just followed what I felt like. And receiving mostly in dating, it was so nice also, but I didn't feel it. Some say when you give you don't feel worthy of receiving but I feel like it's not true, idk. Perhaps balance between the two is the key. Too bad and also fortunately, I think we have to chose who to give to. Not everyone will be valuing the same things such as connection. And it makes dating special
  • Hahaha, when your husband said,” Who comes up with this kind of trap?!” 🤣🤣🤣
  • @hylamyc
    Interestingly, as a female, I use this technique to filter my friendship as well. I won’t hangout with the person the second time who’s these generosity/money issues.
  • @CADcougar
    Three points for Renee's recycled gift story. I have learned to always accept a gift with class (even when my plan was gift disposal privately in a dumpster). I pride myself in being the giver of special classy gifts that will be valued by the receiver. Doug: is anything with the Star Wars theme, Jo: unicorns or cats, Jan: wolves, wolves and horses. Cost: financially appropriate for my current financial situation.
  • @yoginitransit
    What about in a scenario where the man has established his intent to pay for the date in advance?
  • @ansaam9583
    I think that's fine to regift???? it is still generous. some good points nonetheless.
  • @arip172
    We spend so much money on our looks, that a man can offer us a drink, really, otherwise they are being simply stingy.
  • You guys make so much sense! Another POV says he should pay for everything and I don’t agree.
  • Kindly watch the video or read the article in FULL to understand the true premise of what we are saying before you leave a comment.
  • @rubenjr4908
    I love it when women tell me I should get them dinner. I could have totally missed that high value woman and been talking to you. But you made the sacrifice play and weeded yourself out. Thank you, all of you. Seriously.
  • @ll0lllo493
    Women, don't listen to this. Never ever offer to pay for a date until you're the girlfriend. This is an immature thing to do. Always let the man pay. He needs to show you HE IS A GENTLEMAN and show his generosity, not that he's a modern day lazy taker. DON'T DO IT.
  • @rudinaalbania
    It's not that a man cannot afford the bill, but they feel taken advantage of because they think low of themselves, they think that the girl doesn't like them. He has to be sure she likes him and then to start paying for her