How to Make Him Miss YOU in 5 Simple Steps 💖 #MakeHimMissYou

Published 2020-08-23

All Comments (8)
  • @rubenjr4908
    I have a few issues with your points. 1. Novel experiences is spot on but it's totally dependent on the guy's background. This is why really getting to know someone is critical. It's very easy to recommend stuff to do or play 20 questions. But that kind of brute force romance wont get you nearly the same investment from actually knowing who the guy is deep inside. Danger doesnt make the heart grow fonder if the guy isnt reactive to it. 2. Appreciation is pretty good but it's also kind of weak to some guys. I never understood the "5 ways people show appreciation or whatever" because although it's true, it's not always emotionally relevent. Yeah you show appreciation that I respond to, but it's not a guaranteed "Wow she gets me!" Instead appreciation through showing how he's providing for you would be more emotionally relevent. This is from the book "The Queen's code" by Alison Armstrong. To a man NOTHING is worth doing But Much is worth PROVIDING As they looked at the paper, Claudia explained, “They want to accomplish something for the impact that it has. Specifically, the impact on you. How will this make your life better? Easier? More fun? More satisfying? In other words, what will it ‘Provide?’” He explained patiently, “To a man, nothing is worth doing. In other words, there is no task worthy of his undivided attention. Which is the only kind of attention he has.” He paused and noted they were listening attentively. “A man never does something merely to get it done. It's not how we're made.” He added, “We are result-oriented and impact-oriented. Even if a younger man can't articulate it, it's always about the benefit, the upside, the difference it will make. In other words, what the result will provide for someone we care about.” He continued, “We naturally prioritize. After a result that is time-sensitive, a man will prioritize by impact. He wants to make the biggest difference he can at the time. In fact, if you want to bring out the worst in a man, don't let him have an impact. Don't let him provide anything for you.” This kind of appreciation hits more to home. Even to more stoic men. (This is one book I would urge, beg on my knees, for you to read. It's that important.) 3. Allowing the gift of missing the guy is good but it's kind of useless too. The reason being that missing him needs to translate to some kind of action on his end. You still need to get a result out of him. I actually think banter should be in this step. Because banter is an amazing way to not only create romantic tension but also to show how you will miss him and how it's valuable for him to miss you back. Banter will kill 2 birds with one stone in this step. 4. Getting to know a man's world is like the holy grail. This step is the most important step you gave. I wouldnt change anything about this except for removing banter from this step. You really did banter a disservice by having it here and not in step three. 5. Authenticity is also critical. But it needs a dose of pragmatism to balance it out. Being yourself is good. Being your BEST self is ideal. And all that means isnt changing who you are, it means changing how you market yourself. This is from "The Art of Self Promotion" by Debbie Stone. "Car buyers are initially attracted by the image and the aesthetics of the vehicle. Prospective buyers want to see how the car looks on the road, get a feel for how it handles and imagine how pleasant it might be to drive. The full-color commercial does not tell the prospective buyer everything she needs to know in order to buy the car, but it does establish initial credibility and create enough curiosity for her to head down to her local dealership or hop online to learn more." It's not about showing people your quirks and personality and hoping for a result. It's about giving them a "test drive" into your world and getting them curious about you. If they like or dont like a "feature" you adjust.
  • @mnoir8888
    It's all worthless if it's not the right guy.
  • @ericaharris8602
    Oh man the amount of men on here telling her how she should do x or what she needs to do differently. I NEVER see this type of patronizing in male dating coaches comments sections. Lol.
  • @trippygod9737
    TheFeminineWoman my beats would sound great on your channel 💯🔥🔥🔥 lets collab