Is it "feminine" to receive? & Other Myths of Masculine/Feminine Energy...

Published 2020-06-21
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Related video: 'Why Being Feminine Is NOT Always High Value'
   • Why Being Feminine Isn't Always "High...  

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All Comments (16)
  • Nevermind. You just mentioned him. I'm glad to hear you guys teach on this. I was on the road to taking feminine energy too the extreme of do's and don'ts. I have to confess, I was attempting to teach this to women and would have been totally wrong. I want to teach anything that I have not embodied myself. Although, I must say, I'm totally confused now on the purpose of the masculine and feminine. Shouldn't we start with balancing the two energies and being comfortable with them within ourselves before we even make them rules in relationships?
  • @LindaMeade
    Hello, Renee and Dave! Thank you for this inspiring series. I am married to the love of my love and am looking at how your principles might help.
  • Thank youu... 🧡❤️💛💜💖💖 ...this speaks so much to me... having been a student of yours for the last 4 years or so...and having worked on embodying the teachings to the point it felt natural to me and I felt true to myself... this video is such a great one... like phewww... I’m not that crazy!! 😅😅 ...clarifies so much thank youuu again Renee and David 🤗☺️🙌🏻🙌🏻
  • Omg I love you guys 😂😂❤❤ Could you also talk about your take on the more spiritual side of relationships?? Like twin flames/ soulmates/mirror souls etc? Because you guys really give off that twin flames vibe 😍
  • @maerose11
    I am one of the confused ones :D with the concept of feminine energy and masculine energy. How about the circular dating? (It is also confusing..)
  • @babietee86
    Love Aussie humour. Laughed hard at the comparisons in the beginning. Youre not here to give life. So good. Thank you!!!
  • @Diamond-hg2ij
    Thank you so much this video is really helped me understand a lot of things thank you 🤍
  • @elysianinfinity
    This is so true that the framework is too restrictive for a relationship long term... I don't know the roles often switch - cause you're dealing with TWO INDIVIDUALS , isn't it just about expressing what's real in each moment of interaction? And yes having rules isn't the point of relationship don't we enter it to expand not restrict eachother more?
  • @flowerh691
    I know its a very personal to request. But can you do a video on your relationship with your parents and how that has effected you and your relationships growing up. Many of us have deep rooted issues with our parents that followed us as adults. Those patterns are very difficult to change and we carry these baggage's into our relationships. In my case, my mum was very distant growing up, even though she was a stay at home mother - emotionally I felt she was absent. This has developed into fear of vulnerability and attachment in relationships. Everytime something is about to get serious, I pull away. I hate it. I hate letting anyone get close to me. I always feel like if they truely get to know me, their fantasies about me will be let down, and they will reject me. Over the years I have developed this superficial/facade femininity, where i appear very feminine in the way I carry myself, talk, dress (kind of like Marilyn Monroe), letting the guy do the manly things etc. - and it work!! It works to pull men in. But part of being feminine is vulnerability and letting someone deep inside your insecurities and secrets - and thats the part I lack. On the inside I am deeply feminine, but I have this shell or wall. I have developed extreme pickiness. But I think its a coverup and excuse to keep people out. I dont want you to think i’m always putting up this airy fairy girly act. Actually I have this dual personality where I have these crazy burs of emotions - I can get into screaming matches, I take things very personally, I am very sensitive, I get really jealous, I can interpret people’s words very wrong. This is with friends and also partners. Thanks for the video. Love you and Davids relationship dynamic and how you are on the same page when it comes to these type of things. Xxx
  • @wistfulwaif8813
    I have a question. You mentioned being playful allowing you to be more of yourself. But what if you're a more serious person by nature? Some people, by nature, prefer more to talk and think about things on a more shallow level, and some prefer to delve more deeply. And some people, by nature, take things more seriously and are more sensitive. Even when I think back to when I was a kid, while I was more playful then than I was later on, yet in regards to jokes, I wasn't ever really the one to make jokes or the banter. Whether as a kid in the company of my elders or in the company of my peers, wherever humor was concerned, I was more reactive - meaning I tend to laugh at jokes more than I tend to make jokes, and people teased me more than I teased other people. In all my life, I think I've only teased three people toward whom I was romantically interested. I've never teased any of the guys I've been interested in. So my question would be that, being who I am, would banter still be "me"? Also, in regards to banter in general: For a couple of years, I actually had bantered with male friends/acquaintances just for fun, even when I had no romantic interest in them. That was when I was younger and didn't know much about anything in regards to guys and romance, and didn't realize banter is a form of flirtation. I think some of these guys got the wrong idea (understandably) and thought I was interested in them. Now I realize and I don't think it's a good idea to banter unless I am very certain I am interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with that guy. So in regards to your recommendation on using banter in online dating, I have some reservations and misgivings. You don't know the first thing about that guy (you've never even met in person) and you're going to banter (read: flirt) with him?? Now that I'm older, more aware, and thinking more responsibly, I don't think that would be responsible (toward myself and toward the guy); nor would it be considerate (toward the guy). The same if the guy were the one doing the banter. In fact, I find guys often flirt without any real intention at all, and that's very misleading for many women (and hence very irresponsible and inconsiderate). Not only does it lead to misunderstanding, but also to hurt feelings. I remember when a guy I had been interested in had done that to me (he was not interested, and I later found out he had a gf). I felt played, like he was just toying with me to make himself feel better. And I later realized that many, if not most, men do these little "innocuous" flirtations with women without any real intent. Whether it's the man doing it, or the woman, this kind of behavior just leads to an erosion of trust between the sexes, based on my personal experience, because it encourages people to see dating as just some kind of game, rather than encourage respect, understanding, and consideration for the dating partner as an equal (a fellow human who should be treated with respect, understanding, and consideration) as well as a potential friend - that is, someone with whom to build a relationship based on honesty, openness, integrity, and trust. Those are my misgivings about using banter and flirtation without some prior measure of commitment and exclusivity in the relationship, and yes, I realize commitment and exclusivity require attraction and connection before they are given. Which is why I think that dating relationships -- even online dating relationships -- should start out as pure friendships (without benefits, ofc ^.~). If I am misinterpreting what you mean by using banter, please correct me. And I would be very happy to hear (or read in this case) your take on all of this. As always, thank you, Renee, for all of your insights.
  • @sonne2351
    People that want to take things out of context always will! they find ways you can't even conjure up, not even sure its worth defending or explaining anything to them.
  • @vhayashi7369
    I think you're taking it too literally...😒😑