8 Reasons Why Rotational Dating is A Low Value Strategy (& Man Funnels Too)

Published 2020-01-24
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Over the last 10 years, rotational dating theory or circular dating has become the stock standard advice given to women dating men.
It goes a little like this….“Date more men!” “Build your man funnel!” “get more men in your rotation!” they say.

Just to be clear: I’m not here to tell you what to do. However there are 8 reasons why this is a low value strategy. This video shows you what these 8 reasons are.    • 8 Reasons Why Rotational Dating is A ...  

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Other videos to watch- Number 1 Trait of Dating Profiles that Men Fall IN Love With
   • Number 1 Trait of Dating Profiles tha...  

#rotationaldating #manfunnel #datingforwomen

All Comments (21)
  • ❤️ Hi there! Thanks for watching! If you would like to further your understanding about what it means to be "high value", I have something special for you. It's a new report on the '7 Common Signs A Woman Is Low Value in the Eyes of Men'. You can get access to that report right here: shenwademedia.com/optin/7-common-signs-woman-value (No, low value doesn't mean you're "low value", we have all done low value things before. It just helps to get an edge over other women in the dating pool when you "know" the EXACT signs that a woman is perceived as low value in the eyes of men! Go download the guide. You won't regret it.)
  • @wagamama8
    Yeah...but dating is just about finding who is the best man for you. It's more dangerous to put all your energy and attachment into 1 man before he has shown he is the right one
  • @Natashea
    Please tell me why I should attach myself to man who isn’t my husband? This is how you get stuck as a girlfriend, FOREVER… the best relationship is when a man loves you more than you love him
  • @divinecyn
    I used to think that rotational dating was wrong but it makes sense now. Idk how this came up on my timeline but I watched it and I’ll say to each their own. At some point, women can’t afford to emotionally invest in one man ONLY while dating and waiting on commitment. This is why rotational dating is helpful to help in choosing a mate. I guess if you’re in your early 20’s this video is okay. But for women in their 30’s and on… it can be harmful messaging. Whether we want to face it or not, women have a biological clock that we can’t play with. If we spend all of our time on one man (let’s say it’s years) waiting on commitment..the woman is just wasting time. We’re not going to sit and pretend all men only date one woman, it’s known that men rotational date too to find the best option. That being said, there are also men who are only one woman men…so it’s preference but I wouldn’t say that rotational dating is bad overall.
  • @sofiaoropesa
    rotational dating doesnt mean sleeping around. dating doesnt mean sex. dating doesnt mean you are in a relationship already. maybe i just want activity partners.
    The way I understand it is, it's meant to make sure that you increase your chances of finding the person you are more compatible with. Once you find this person, you can be exclusive with them. It's not this serious. You have the divine right as a woman to look for options, instead of settling for one. You have the divine right to take your time. This is just another strategy to take us back to archaic ways of thinking, and making us passive beings as women. Rotational dating is fun. If done with an enlightened self.
  • @bratzsnoopy
    I think many people in the dating advice world are taking this too literally. It’s about intent. If you’re getting to know multiple people and enjoying the vetting process, go for it. However, if you force yourself to date multiple people because you have an insecure attachment style, it’s better to address this honestly in therapy instead of adopting coping mechanisms. One is an empowered strategy. The other is trying to mask the very real insecurities you feel.
  • @nathalie5238
    For people who attach too quickly and feel deep too soon, and finally get hurt, rotational dating is more calming. Being vulnerable is indeed important, though hurtfull. I was focussed on 1 guy, attached, vulnerable... to figure he was dating 3 others, not being attached to me, not being vulnerable to me. Gosh Renee I feel devastated now 😭
  • If you date someone and know they’re not what you’re looking for, let them go so you won’t string them along. Intentional dating is better. Know what you want first….
  • @thiery1417
    Women always sacrifice more that that they get in return in a relationship with men, so it's always wise and best that she picks AND chooses the best man from the 'job' and not settle for any old man because she is not quantum dating and has no other options. Telling women to limit their dating options to one man only is absolute foolishness! I will not give nor take that advise myself. That's utterly nuts to say the very least.
  • @renico123
    imo dating is not having a relationship. Its just dating: talking with the other man/woman to gather data to see wether the two people could potentially be a good match in future. Its just talking, drinking coffee and doing activities, no kissing no intimacy, etc. In this stage there is no exclusivity. Imagine that you cannot even talk to somebody unless you promise hime/her exclusivity. That would be madness. In this stage ppl are completely free to do whatever they want. Only later, if you get along more and more with one specific person and it evolves towards relationship things change, but that should be communictated between the two. To prevent different expectations that cause hurt.
  • @meganweks682
    Having a Manfunnel AND being emotionally attuned & vulnerable is where the magic is! They are not mutually exclusive. Early commitment causes nothing but heart break. Also you’re wrong a Manfunnel increases the quality of men not decreases them. If you are utilizing dating as a practice to increase your own skills, vulnerability, boundaries, and magic.
  • @Alex_0341
    I’m glad women are not buying that rotation dating is bad, In fact spread the word out.
  • @Texasgirl10
    Circular dating is the best!! I’m having the most fun I’ve ever had!
  • @42Maat
    Wow this is such a great perspective. I was introduced to Rotational dating 3 years ago but those prospects did not stay past 3 dates. Thank goodness, I have self control and sex was not in the equation but I did find myself feeling exhausted going on dates and after dates and just eat and have shallow conversations. Plus, having to lie about where I was the day before etc also depletes energy. I’ve been seeing a gentleman I really like for the last month and only going out with him 2 - 3 times a week, rather than just seeing him one (to date others) has made us both feel as if we are connecting on a deeper level. I have the courage to face pain if I have to, but I am taking my chances seeing ONLY him and explore a possible future with him. I appreciate how gentleman, masculine he is and how good he makes me feel. I would like him to ask for exclusivity soon. No sex between us yet but we both know it’s going to be fireworks
  • @oloolederp
    This is a really great video and I literally felt all of this happening when I started talking to too many guys at once.
  • Resonates so deeply. I was never able to rotate or create a funnel despite the trend. So refreshing to have an actual expert giving us true value. Thank you Renee 💙
  • @80sprincess52
    1. Let's be real, the reason most men can't rotational date is because 'most men want most women, but most women don't want most men'. Men can afford to date one person at a time because their biological clock allows them to father children well into their 70s. Women don't have that advantage and can't gamble with a man using up 2-3 years of her time all while psychology her cortisol is building forcing her to stick around in the hopes that he makes her a wife and the mother of his children. 2. Dating isn't about love and romance, biologically dating is about women picking a mate who she will procreate with in order to help create a legacy for the both of them. Too many men and women get it wrong when they have a clash in this ideal especially when the woman wants kids and the man doesn't. Yet because of the effects of cortisol, the woman has psychologically picked the man to be her mate and is told to stick to one man at a time despite the fact that most men will use up 2+ of a woman's biological peak years with no intent of having a family with her. 3. If rotational dating doesn't work, the current way of dating is just as much of a disaster as we still have women getting the short straw. A woman is congratulated for cohabitating with a man who isn't her husband and giving him sexual access in the hopes that he sees her as a wife material. However if a woman even dared to ask a man to prove to her with actions that he is a good provider she is instantly labelled a gold digger and leech. With rotational dating the woman doesn't have to give a man free samples and years of her time and she can allow men to pursue her, which is their biological nature.
  • @Thtisha22234
    No. You are single until married. Based on my and other people’s experiences around me, rotational dating works. Women are at a disadvantage when it comes to romantic relationships. Men and women biologically are not the same. Men understand the rules of dating. I’ve waisted so much of my time focusing on one guy at a time. While the man are out there rotational dating. Dating is for the purpose of gathering data. Since I elevated myself I now revive what I am in the quality of men that are pursing me. Men now are actually courting me verses just dating me for “fun.” Since changing my mindset the quality of men have elevated to very prestigious men on the “high value market”. The key here ladies is to value yourself and hold off on sex. Let the man do what he is naturally designed to do, pursue you. Putting all your eggs in one basket leads to wasted time and lots of regrets.
  • I love the music in this video. It made me feel even deeper for what is being talked about