Published 2023-09-25
Learning To Live With Depression

was diagnosed with depression officially in 2011, 3 years after my MS diagnosis. I believe this is a side effect of my Multiple Sclerosis, not of not being able to cope but a chemical imbalance and shift in mood of the brain. I don't recall having very low moods, however I do remember at a younger age (possibly 10 or 11) where I knew that sometimes things just didn't feel quite right for me.

It was difficult to put this video out there, not many people know I can get episodes of depression, I don't really talk that much about it and I just get on and deal with it. That said, it's a huge part of my MS and what my MS is today. So I'm not going to shy away from it and I am going to share it. It's quite interesting posting it when you're coming out of a depressive episode as you watch it back after editing and think 'what is wrong with you!' but I'm comfortable enough with myself to understand when it happens. Not why it happens, but I just understand it more.

Depression is not a choice, you don't wake up to feel upset or sad. You don't want to feel as though you want to disappear and shut yourself of from the world for weeks on end or even months, but that is what the reality can be.

It can be a very isolating feeling especially when people around you don't understand. But when you do have support of friends and family it really is the best thing for your mental health.

Initially I was given antidepressants, I took these for a very short period until I realised how numb they were making me feel. I thought to myself what is worse here, the way I'm feeling on these pills or my actual depression?! I made the decision to battle it without medication and to this day that is still what I do.

Having the dogs around me have been my source of help, they are my solace and they help my mental health massively. I take walks in nature and I practice mindfulness where possible (not consciously into mindfulness, but when I am in nature I like to take in everything that is around me so that I can take my focus off how i'm feeling for a short period of time.

To anyone out there who has depression, please don't suffer alone. Get help and support from anyone that you can because there will always be people who want to help.

0:00 introduction to depression
0:30 Depression can be part of MS
1:34 Diagnosed with Depression
1:55 Drug Free Depression
2:08 start of video

#depression #multiplesclerosis #mentalhealth #mentalhealth

All Comments (15)
  • @Salvatore-1980
    Hello Beautiful... Yep.. it's me again!😂 You definitely nailed the depression feeling in this video. I've also dealt with depression and these feelings for decades. My mind would get stuck on one negative thought or feeling and not let it go, or I would my mind would get suck on many negative thoughts and feelings to the extreme all at once. It's very hard to keep a clear head in all that fog. As you said you can't just sweep depression under the rug. Recently, medication has helped me tremendously. While medication is not for everyone, there is always someone (or a dog) to listen or help. We just got to be brave enough to ask. Not every day is sunshine, and pretty flowers and cloudy skies and rain never last forever. While I don't know your whole life and all your struggles, from what I can put together, you are a brilliant woman with a beautiful heart and soul.🙏❤ Keep well, Laura!😘
  • @jennyo9120
    Happy to have found your YouTube channel. Wishing you and all MS patients strength.
  • @EvenSoItIsWell
    Thank you for highlighting this. Depression is very common in MS and newer research is showing that it is a distinct symptom of MS. We are not depressed because we have MS, it is a symptom of MS.
  • Depression is one of the most common symptoms of MS and can occur at any point in the course of the disease. It does not indicate weakness of character and should not be considered something shameful that needs to be hidden. It deserves the same careful assessment and treatment as any other symptom of MS. It's not the easiest thing to talk about because of the stigma that lies behind it, but I believe depression needs a voice and so here's mine. Note - The beautiful blanket in the background is handmade by Lisa and she is at @lisajmf68 to take any requests 🧡
  • Hello Laura. Going through depression without medications is a step that requires respect. Depression is more than exhausting, it's a life-sentence that flips your life upside down and changing who you are. Thanks tons for the informative video 👊
  • @andrews3347
    Really well done. You've made the topic very clear.
  • Very thought provoking because I think we all try to hide it from people for fear of them not understanding. Lovely video Thankyou Laura it’s made me not feel so alone with my depression and reminds me others suffer the same.
  • @CharlesStevenage
    Hey Laura, I’m putting up with MS and I don’t struggle with depression because I don’t have depression infact it’s the opposite! The only reason is because I am an actual Christian! In this modern era more but all times people have had depression and many do have depression who don’t have MS. It’s a tough subject for most but I thought I would let you know seeing I am in the MS club!
  • @morganmbartram
    You mention in your video "instead of me talking to you and boring you" - you don't do this, Laura. I've just found you and you're easy to listen to.
  • @Returned2Forever
    I'll be darned...that movie was slightly creative. New camera views? Who'd a thunk. I don't get depressed even with the ms even though some of the symptoms are daunting. I'm never going to give up! Grey hair at this point huh? I had never noticed it that an Adams Family halloween thing? Just messing with ya a bit of luck. It was good seeing you out & about happy. Say hello to Ada for me. Bye.
  • @andrewcozens8052
    A very brave thing to post! Self-awareness, coupled with a positive and pragmatic approach, will give you the best chance of continuing your positive fight when it strikes. 🫶👏🤙