I’m making a change.

Published 2023-10-21

All Comments (21)
    Nisha bringing in so much heat how can one simmer down 😎
  • @2c2love2b
    You are so smart to find the gap in this market. I have made several of your recipes and have never been disappointed. I even share your link on my business website as one of my recommended chefs. Keep up the high-quality work!
  • @Kelsey260
    This is brilliant and SO needed, especially for us neurodivergent folks!!! Thank you so much
  • @lauracarr6013
    Happy 4 years! Our family of 6 loves using your videos and recipes for inspiration and fresh ideas, plus a few favorites. I hope this new meal plan is a success and we can all join. It would be fantastic if you had a family option for larger portions and maybe even a children friendly meal area. Looking forward to all you have coming. Thank you for all the inspiration and tasty recipes. ❤
  • @kenthanna
    Wow, looks like a great plan. You think you were awkward on camera when you were just starting, but I believe that was part of your appeal. Your recipes are great and you deserve all your success. You're still my favorite Harvard trained lawyer turned YouTube vegan recipe channel.
  • @gabbymmkay3897
    Been Vegan for four years and your videos helped me make that transition easier. Thank you for your videos and dedication to teaching everyone that more plants and fewer animals is the way to go.
  • @gunjantoora863
    Yess yess yess THISSSSS!!! We neeed THISSS!! You are literally the best I was tired of clubbing recipes together (that had similar ingredients) ,create grocey list around it, thinking how to meal prep them , not waste anytiing and how to store them. This is absolutely the most extensive service/plan i can think off. Thank you!!
  • I so enjoyed your previous “weekly meal prep” plan and recipes. Everything was so tasty!
  • @JeffMuehlbauer
    Happy four year anniversary! Your videos have helped me and my girlfriend so much with our cooking. We are from the same hometown and the small group of vegans in Barstow are super proud of all of your success!
  • @ambry99
    Nisha, you've never steered me wrong in the last few years I've followed you so I am ecstatic to see a meal plan service offered by you!!! 😁
  • @kellyro77
    I'm grateful I grew up with parents making weekly meal menus and then planning their grocery trips around said menus. It set a lasting example for me and it feels strange to me to go to the grocery store without a list, and even stranger to make a list without first knowing what I'm planning to make. This will be a good skill to teach to others, so it's nice you've been able to identify that a lot of people struggle with this and you're wanting to show them how to make their lives just a little easier. And do it while being vegan to boot. Happy anniversary!
  • @wildfern
    AHHHH I am SO excited about this news! I am a huge user of meal planning apps, but having a service available with YOUR recipes is an actual dream come true. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! And congratulations on your new venture!
  • oh my GOODNESS I could not be more excited. your last meal plan guide was SUCH a success - I ate so well thhat week and loved having some of the mental load of figuring out what to cook/when to cook/what to buy taken off my plate. I am SO excited for this. THANK YOU <3
  • @lauriegough5865
    You are my very favourite vegan recipe person! Greetings from Canada!
  • This is fantastic news! Our family of 4 adults has made several recipes from your Instant Pot cookbook and have LOVED every single one of them! Which is saying something because we all have different food needs. My daughter is a vegetarian who eats fish, dairy and eggs. She loves to cook. My son really dislikes the kitchen and will go out if there is nothing readily prepared. My husband also enjoys cooking but has some time management issues that cause him trouble when making anything new. And I've had thirty years of stomach/health issues that (thankfully!) forced me to learn how to cook everything from scratch. We've all agreed that eating less meat is better for us and more sustainable for the planet so for over a year now we've been regularly making your delicious dishes. Thank you so much for being such a valuable resource for our family! Being the one who does most of the budgeting and meal planning, I'm very excited to try this new idea of yours.😊 If you need beta testers, we'd love to volunteer!
  • @MehOnCommenting
    You nailed it! As someone trying to get into cooking more it's the meal planning, grocery shopping, and fear of food waste that I find most daunting/paralyzing. I'm super excited for this! 🎉 I love your videos they've been informative and inspiring!
  • @SolarSymbiosis
    Been V since 2014 and we didn't have folks like you making youtube a healthier and happier place. The weekly meal plan idea is such a fantastic idea that will really make this lifestyle more accessible! Thank you for keeping at this! Even reading just a few of the comments on any of your videos it is plain to see that you are helping people in an important way. Thank you!
  • @stephaniefgeary
    I am so excited for your channel and what it promotes. I am even more excited that you are addressing the main reasons why others may not be able to get started, and thus helping all people to get going on making their own food. It is fantastic to see that you align so well with my values.
  • @jenjibur
    Happy anniversary! I'm so excited about this! Planning & prepping are my biggest struggles. I've really enjoyed your meal prep pdfs because I get the variety I crave with less time & ingredients.