Is Calvinism Biblical? The Answer may Surprise you! (With Greg Laurie)

Publicado 2018-11-30
Is Calvinism Biblical or Not? Have you ever been distressed over Predestination and if God has chosen you to be saved? In this video, Greg Laurie discusses if people are predestined to hell or heaven, and tells us how to be certain we are in fact chosen by God to be saved and be counted into the ranks of the elect!

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  • @greglaurie
    We hope you have been blessed by this video. Please take a moment to subscribe and share it with a friend! For more encouragement and daily devotions visit
  • @eddiebrown6035
    I dont think he is representing Calvinism accurately. I too had a hard time, but I cant deny scripture, which teaches that God had decreed what so ever comes to pass, and men make their own choices. Men will choose what they want, and all of us were born sinners, loving the things of the world. No one was seeking God, not one. So... This means it is up to God to save us.. so he can do two things: Send Jesus to die for all, and hope someone comes to him(which we wont, because we are sinners and love our sin) Paul clearly states that in Roman's 3. No one Righteous, no one who seeks God,. Or He send his son to die for a people he has known before time began, and when I say known, i mean intimately known them. At the end of the day we have to ask, why does God save us at all? He is not obligated to do so, but because of his great Love for us, God who is rich in mercy makes us alive with Christ even when we were dead in our sins. Praise be to God!!😁👏👏
  • @Croiseeman
    John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
  • Predestination is so misunderstood. We must read the whole Bible so that we can get the context. We must not use a few Scriptures to make a doctrinal idea. No, we must study and let God show us the correct meaning of the Scriptures
  • @Reformed1
    “who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” ‭‭John‬ ‭1:13‬ ‭NASB‬‬
  • The scriptures say people are ‘predestined’. I don’t get why this is such a hang up for people, just because you have a perception of choice does not mean God, who is all knowing and knows the future (because He transcends time and can exist in the past, future and the present simultaneously ) , wouldn’t know the outcome of your spirit or soul by judgement day. You are temporal. He is Eternal. He is all knowing. You don’t know everything, except maybe enough to have faith. Even if you and I are predestined, I didn’t know that when I was once an atheist, nor do I know the fate of anybody else for eternity; it’s too big for me to grasp, and so I believe and have faith, and you should too. You need faith to do the impossible (but possible only in Christ Jesus) of bridging the gap between the finite in the infinite, and you should choose to believe and have faith.
  • @miraclesforus2
    Deepest gratitude for setting this straight! *****WHOMEVER is reading this please pray for my only son's SALVATION. His name is DANIEL. He survived unimaginable trauma and is in a DIRE state. Please pray The Lord set him free and deliver him from strongholds, addictions and forms of bondage. Sending a 💝💝💝💝full of love to ALL. May the live of God, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit be with you all.
  • @mustang8206
    Calvinists can't seem to understand that being non-Calvinist doesn't mean we are denying sinful human nature. It means we believe in a God who loves us enough that he lets us choose whether we want to love Him back or not
  • @ChildofGodforevr
    I believe in God, I believe in the trinity and the word of God, so honestly I trust in God and I believe there are some things, many things that are only known to God, and I am happy to let it be.. I have enough with working on my own growth and fighting off Satan.
  • @Gericho49
    Who are we created in the image of, God or the devil? Who is TOTALLY depraved, God or the devil? Calvin had 56 dissenters executed in Geneva because they rejected his heresies. What more needs to be said?
  • @JDubbs740
    "It is no novelty, then, that I am preaching; no new doctrine. I love to proclaim these strong old doctrines, that are called by nickname Calvinism, but which are surely and verily the revealed truth of God as it is in Christ Jesus." —Charles Spurgeon
  • @edmcfall3519
    I’m a Calvinist but I treat everyone like they are elect. God knows everything, I do not. My job is to be faithful and to preach the gospel in season and out of season
  • @davemitchell116
    When I was a Calvinist, I used to say, "God has already decreed and made certain all that is and all that will happen. But there are choices man makes." I was so stupid I didn't realize how I was contradicting myself and making no sense. Thank God he delivered me from such claptrap thinking.
  • God knew who would and who will reject the gospel...that’s not the same as predetermined. God uses all for His glory nonetheless.
  • @zyx7478
    Thank you Brother Laurie Thank you in Jesus Holy Name.
  • @stevenwalden2313
    A man centered Gospel will always replace the sovereignty of God with what seems fair to man.
  • @paulvail2850
    What a beautiful presentation of several "seemingly" contrary scriptures. I love it. P.V. retired Wesleyan Arminian pastor.
  • @beelzzebub
    I know he didn't fully answer the question - but I still love his answer! I have been struggling a lot with calvinism lately - I just can't accept it, specifically the predestination to Heaven/Hell. Greg gave some great points why predestination to Heaven/Hell just doesn't work! Really helpful thanks!
  • @kevinbarton1661
    Proverbs 3:5&6 Acts 1:8 Psalms 130 . Rocks Every word of God is for loving us to Himself. He asked kids to come talk to him and befriend Him . Jesus never complicated HIS Love . He wants us to draw from Him . To get refreshed. I am thankful for Greg Laurie . I am thankful that he denounces Calvinism . Jesus said - get up and walk to the man by the pool. .- And don’t be defeated by the Pharisees and The peddlers of the gospel . Jesus did overthrow the peddlers . Jesus said - be wise as serpents & harmless as Doves .