The Main Difference Between Calvinists and Non Calvinists with RC Sproul

Published 2019-01-22
Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, plays a clip from the late Dr. RC Sproul about what he sees as the major point of contention between Calvinists and Non-Calvinists.

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All Comments (21)
  • When I speak of “confession” I’m speaking of Biblical confession in faith as mentioned at the beginning of the video. I don’t mean that Calvinists think unregenerate can’t simply acknowledge the fact that they sin and are in bondage. I mean they can’t repent/confess in genuine faith until they have been regenerated on Calvinism.
  • There were two groups of people, a Free Will group and a Predestination Group. A man was told he had to choose. He went to the Predestination group and when asked why he was there he said, “I came on my own free will.” They said, “You are in the wrong group, you need to go to the other group.” When he went to the Free Will group and was asked why he was there he said, “I was sent here.” 😂
  • @MrMuse777
    Thank Dr. Flowers for your work and courage of sharing your knowledge with everyone.
  • So Calvinism in a nutshell is "God makes all the decisions, we are just robots"?
  • @dawnfoster436
    I have believed this for years but thought I was alone growing up in Calvinism such a relief to know I'm not crazy!
  • @tommykaira8775
    Yeah, don’t assume just because I’m not a Calvinist I must be Arminian
  • @triggerfish6619
    So Adam and Eve were doomed to eat from the tree of good and evil? If God controls every action, thought and deed of man then God created evil thus wars against Himself. That makes no sense. What is love without free will....nothing! Jesus did all the work on the cross.. all we do is accept and acknowledge's not a work.
  • Praise God for you, Leighton!!! A year ago this month we left the bondages of Reformed theology and the doctrines of grace, after being under its teachings for 30+ years!! Calvinism is a slick, unbiblical theology. It is through your teaching, Dr. David Allen, Dr. Ken Wilson, Kevin Thompson and many other fine scholars, that we were able, by God’s Grace, to transition away from PCS and Reformed Baptist teachings. God is really blessing Soteriology101!! I, personally enjoy your messages that are under and hour👌🏻😁 In Christ, Bill and Sallie
  • @fredc61
    Knowledge puffs up, love builds up. Calvinists major on knowledge.
  • @ryanjennens1481
    Ezekiel 18:27 Again, when a wicked man turns away from the wickedness which he committed, and does what is lawful and right, he preserves himself alive. 28 Because he considers and turns away from all the transgressions which he committed, he shall surely live; he shall not die.
  • @deantodd8103
    What you're saying around the middle of this video is that Calvinists commit the fallacy of False Dilemma.
  • @glurp1
    I'm sure most Calvinists are as well-meaning as anyone else, and there are Calvinists I have tremendous respect for as people and believers. I also know they have no intention of dishonoring God. But practically every time I hear this worldview, my blood boils because of the horrible implications about what God's character would be.
  • Romans 8:7-8 English Standard Version (ESV) 7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. 8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
  • @poohbear4702
    Unintentionally, I was drinking some RC cola while watching this!
  • Dr Leighton Flowers is doing a great job contending with Calvinism heresy. I agree with his perspective 100%.
  • Non-calvinists (Christians)- faith in Jesus calvinists-faith in the before foundation of world Election lottery
  • @raymatthews4319
    Do Calvinists believe that it is wrong for an evangelist or pastor to give an invitation for the lost to accept Jesus to save them? I can't understand most of what they say, not because I haven't been enlightened by God but because they are fond of convoluting everything they say concerning the word of God. They love to label those who disagree with them on the tulip doctrine as fools. But they refuse to tell you how they are sure that they themselves have been born again.