Greg Boyd - Calvinism Refuted in 10 minutes

Published 2015-10-13

All Comments (21)
  • @johnmark9421
    I am beginning to wonder if Calvinism is the result of the prideful person that is so set on being able to explain the mind of God that he looses his own.
  • When I was in College I had so many Calvinist friends.. they really tried to “convert” me. I was easily swayed to the point to where I almost called myself a Calvinist.. thank you Jesus for bringing me back to the truth
  • @jdude7650
    I am always amazed how tenaciously and mean spirited calvinists fight tooth and nail for a belief system thought up by a mere mortal to attempt to explain the mechanics of justification and state of man which is something only the mind of God can fully understand.
  • Ah yes, I remember my Calvinist days too well. Never happier to leave them behind. Actually, never happier period.
  • “Calvinism makes God worse than the devil.” I couldn’t agree more. The God of Calvinism is logically and biblically self contradictory...
  • @godschild6417
    Calvinists come on this post to argue and try to call this man a heretic and yet at the same time say this man doesn’t have a choice to do what he is doing because God predestined him to preach this way and that it is God’s will to have this man speak this way... Why are you Calvinists complaining of what you claim God has already predestined to happen? And what claim God is making this man do? :/
  • @bobotey6368
    If I throw a life preserver to a drowning man and he refuses it, and bats it away, is it me or him who caused his death? Because God loves everyone, not everyone will love him back.
  • @ItsAndy__
    Mannn Calvinism is extremely evil, I almost believed it myself and it still ircks me to this day whenever I see something Calvinistic. I don't like it one bit, just how I don't agree with Calvinistic reformed theology, I hate it.
  • @zyn87
    You can't explain anything to a calvinist. You can point out how unbiblical their beliefs are, it don't matter. They will continue to argue their illogical BS all day long. It's almost cultish.
  • @ShowCat1
    I actually had a Calvinist, my older brother, to tell me that prayer does not do anything because everything is already predetermined. So then I asked, "so are you saying that we should not pray?" He replied "Oh yes we are still supposed to pray, but prayer and faith do not do anything." I have heard many confusing statements like this made by Calvinist over the years.
  • To be a Calvinist you really have to ignore a huge swath of the Bible and cherry pick verses to justify your beliefs. Free Will is littered in the Bible, read it sometime.
  • Not only to be remembered as a murderer for burning another human being at a stake, Calvin should be considered a heretic as well.
  • God is NOT willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance!!!! 2 Peter 3:9
  • @marie-on5yj
    Yes, God gave us all a choice! I never understood how people could have true confidence and faith in God under Calvinist beliefs.
  • @itlupe
    He touched on what most people, in my HUMBLE opinion, miss. Calvinism, Roman Catholicism, Luthernism, etc were created by man. These cults are men attempting to force their narrative on God's word.
  • @gregnixon1296
    Knowing an outcome isn’t the same thing as causing the outcome. That is my sticking point with Calvinism. Sometimes I feel like I study so that I will know what NOT to believe.
  • Amen! The Lord Jesus died for all and he loves us all. He wants all to come to him to give them abundant life.