Romans 9 Twisted Scripture Greg Boyd

Published 2016-04-01
An honest look at Romans 9 and who the chosen people of God are (those who are in Christ the Israel of God).

All Comments (16)
  • I wish I could put 2 million likes to this one. This is, hands down, the best explanation for Romans 9 !! This truly is " good news " for any believer and searcher. Glenn
  • @matttttt63
    Grateful for this man's ministry today. He makes the "good news" actually sound like good news.
  • @falconguy4768
    Wow now you brought home the point so well thank you Pastor
  • @vernonpurdy8607
    First time I’ve heard this scripture interpreted like this. It seams absolutely correct in comparison to Jesus.
  • @Richard_Rz
    Excellent tteaching! I'm heartened to see Calvinism exposed for its evil ways. It is incredibly dangerous abd appeals to narcissists, they LOVE it.
  • @Over-for-now
    Thank God He chose me even as a small child. As a dead person l would end in hell because our free choice takes us to a cult and satanic deception
  • @classicjukebox
    People. Read these first verses in Malachi....Does this look like a God that loves everyone equally? This is the God of the Bible.... Malachi 1 King James Version (KJV) 1 The burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi. 2 I have loved you, saith the Lord. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob, 3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. 4 Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the Lord of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the Lord hath indignation for ever.
  • @jrmitchell12
    Here are a few flaws that I see in this video. 1. At the beginning of Romans 9, Paul is grieved that he is saved and other Jews are not "I am not lying, my conscience confirms it through the Holy Spirit— I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people". He then tries to reconcile how is it possible that he is saved when the Jews were the ones that were supposed to receive the promise. That is the flow of the argument. That is the reason it is about salvation, because that is specifically what Paul is wrestling with at the beginning of the chapter. 2. Verse 30 is not a "summary of the chapter", it is just another objection that one might have to his argument. He even makes the same "What then shall we say?" in verse 14. If I took your view of this, I could just say that THAT with its answer should have been the end of the chapter. 3. What does it mean to be "true Israel" if not saved? Sure, he is saying it doesn't have to do with ethnic physical blood background, but what else other than being in Christ and saved would it mean to be part of a "true Israel"? 4. "He doesn't appeal to what God arbitrarily does". Who on the positive side of the deterministic debate is arguing that God arbitrarily does this? No one. 5. "Any interpretation on Romans 9 that undermines free will has got to be wrong, because Paul's own summary of his argument emphasizes free will". This might have been a good point if you only read to 30-32, but what about verse 33, the very next verse? 'As it is written: "See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame."' Who laid the rock? Who is causing people to stumble? Just because they choose in their own will to choose something doesn't mean that they have complete free will in the sense that it is outside of his divine will. 6. "Here obviously Paul doesn't see hardening as a permanent thing... it's done out of love for the purposes of redemption" Where in the world are you getting this from Romans 9? "Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden." So he is contrasting people he is mercying with people he is hardening. That seem to imply that people He is hardening are not being given mercy. If this were truly about hardening for the purposes of redemption then why in the world would he even go through the entire objection and answer in 19-21? If it was obviously about redemption and not giving mercy then why even say "One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?”" This question doesn't even make sense to ask if it is about redeeming people! 7. Regarding Jeremiah 18, can someone make a point using a similar example but be making a different point? Read 20-24 a few times in a row. Does that sound to you like he has a spoiled clay and is making the best use with what he has? "make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use" He is literally making it out of the same lump, there is no difference in the lump, it has to do with what he wills that part of the lump to be. Also, if it were about God being flexible and working with what he has, how in the world is that an answer to the rhetorical question he is asking in the first place. This is supposed to be in answer to the question "Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?" Who can resist his will? Why does he blame us? Was the answer "well you had the free will and you chose what you were going to do, so I just did the best with what I had". Emphatically NO! 8. "God is saying he has mercy on whomever he wants and hardens whomever he wants...what he is saying is God will have mercy on whomever he wants and the ones he wants to have mercy on are those who will simply have faith... and the ones that god will harden are the ones that won't have faith." How does this make any sense at all given what it actually says. It says God will mercy and God will harden. God is doing SOMETHING right? Otherwise, it wouldn't use those words. It seems that you are just taking your understanding of what you believe and shoving it into the text when it seems to just say plain language on what it means.
  • @billyr9162
    "God has no choice but to go in that direction" he said. So this guy believes in determinism too. Man is the determiner. God is forced to do what man forces him to do. That makes God a puppet of man. Man has free choice. God doesn't. That was his conclusion. That was his message.
  • @billyr9162
    If God looks like the cross and is all loving then then the verses that say God sends people to hell can't be right. If I have to interpret every verse and light of God looks like the cross then there's no way God sending anyone to hell. All those verses must say something different. The devil must have created hell and it must be the devil sending them there against God's will because God wills that all men be saved.
  • @billyr9162
    The devil said the same thing this guy said to Eve. It doesn't really mean what it seems to say. You have to look at it this way or that way and then you'll know what it really means.
  • @billyr9162
    So who is the vessel of wrath FITTED for destruction? He started with that verse but never answered it. If God looks like the cross why would anybody be fitted for destruction destruction even if they wanted to and they had free will? If God were truly loving everybody would receive grace whether they wanted it or not. Doesn't every parent save their child even though they disobey?
  • Now I see just how evil, biased, rude, entitled, narcissistic and commandeering, humans really are, out of all of Yahweh's creations. There are myriads of angels, animals, insects, internal and external bacterial organisms, that He created, out of the nothing, and all for His pleasure.... To display His absolute power.... As an extension of His goodness, He made us, man. And we've managed since then, to manifest the worst transgressions imaginable.... This alone should humble and embarrass us : Yet with smiles on our faces, careful soft words, and doctrinal disguises : in sinful, narcissistic fashion, we critique His selective mercy ; unthankfully overlooking the fact, that out of all His creatures, we were the only ones He was even willing to brutally kill His son for.... "Way to go Arminians".. "Way to go.".. While reformed believers accept the selective mercy of Yahweh on humble knee, Arminians display the attitude of ungrateful, humanist bastards... "Who art thou O man?" Do you not understand the great chasm between you and Yahweh?... How dare you? Right now, there are millions of angels, in full chorus, surrounding the throne of THE GREAT GOD, YAHWEH YESHUA ELOHIM, singing His praises, in sincerity, with all their might.... " HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, IS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, WHO DOES WHATSOEVER HE WILLS IN THE ARMIES OF HEAVEN, AND AMONG THE INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH : AND NONE CAN STAY HIS HAND OR SAY UNTO HIM, WHAT DOEST THOU.".... They understand fully well that He shows no mercy to their angelic brothers, for their sins in rebelling against Him ; even though He grants mercy to some humans, for theirs... and they praise Him and uplift Him.. They praise His sovereign power, His love, His holiness..... and are not rude and entitled as a group to demand that mercy must be shown to all ; and that their angelic brothers should be pardoned as well.... "So who art thou O man?".. Really?... In your dark, wicked heart, you desire so much control over your creator, that you do the work of your father Lucifer, the ingrate?... You judge Yahweh for being selective in mercy, toward your sinful brethren? .. and you refuse to worship Him, as He is, righteous and sovereign..... So you invent a humanist doctrine, that is based on experiencing a comfort level that you feel is safe to approve THE ALMIGHTY... You arduously and deliberately scrutinize and manipulate the clear texts and contexts of scripture, to appease your need for control, over what Yahweh should and shouldn't do, regarding His mercy towards all ; giving Him no freedom?... Your entire Arminian doctrine is a clever disguise for what the wicked heart really desires ; to usurp the sovereignty of Yahweh... There is a special place in hell for those with this entitled, blasphemous attitude... especially when we have the example of the angels, before us, who humble themselves before His power.... And also Yeshua, our savior ; who laid down his life, ACCEPTING Yahweh's sovereign decision to glorify Himself, and brutally sacrifice Him, for many.... Yahweh's throne has no room around it, for those who won't worship Him with gratitude and glorify His sovereignty... "O evil man." Yahweh mercies whom He wills...
  • @classicjukebox
    In the first 2 seconds and see by this man and his cheap worn out t shirt with a logo on it shirt that he dares to stand before God's people to preach in--that alone shows me how much reverance for God he has. The way this guy is dressed, he is ready to clean my backyard---not preach the sacred Scriptures. ....then he opens his mouth...Romans 9 is not about meticulous determinism. It is about election, and reprobation. And this so called pastor rejects the plain teaching of Scripture on these doctrines...therefore...he is a heretic and false teacher. wow..the professing evangelical church has been overrun by Arminian/Wesleyan heretics with their false Christ and false gospel....that could deceive..if it were possible, the very elect, as Christ warned. Rejecting election, predestination, depravity, effectual calling, and the nature of saving faith as being a gift of grace given by God to His elect, is a rejection of the entire gospel.