Ephesians 1 De-Calvinized

Published 2020-06-03
Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, gives a brief 10 minute overview of Ephesians 1 from a Traditional/Provisionist perspective as in contrast with the typical Calvinistic reading.

The first chapter of Ephesians is a hotly contested passage regarding the doctrine of salvation. The first verse reveals that Paul’s audience is “the faithful in Christ Jesus.” In fact, the “in Christ” theme introduced in the apostle’s opening sentence continues through this entire section of the text. He repeats this phrase, in various forms, ten times in just thirteen verses.

I would like to pose a question for objective consideration. Let’s drop any preconceived ideas we have about this text and attempt to answer the question as honestly as we can.

How does one come to be “in Him?”

Does this passage state that he chose us individually to be effectually placed in him, or does it simply state, “he chose us in him?” Does it teach that Christ redeems us individually so that we might be irresistibly put in him or does it only teach, “In him we have redemption?” Does it say that God has chosen individuals to be in him, or does it say, “in him we were also chosen?”

Has God chosen individuals to be placed in Him?
Or, has God chosen individuals who are in Him?
Put another way…

Has God predetermined the individuals to be in the group?
Or, has God chosen a group of individuals for a predetermined end?
Some focus so much attention on the first 12 verses that they fail to see the last two verses where Paul gives an answer to this vital question; “How does one come to be in Him?”

13 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation.

First question: When were they included in Christ?

Was it before the foundation of the earth? What answer does the text give?

“…when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation.”

Let’s continue to read:

When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

Second question: When were they marked in Him?

Was it before the world began and without any regard to their response to the gospel? What does the text say?

“When you believed, you were marked in him…”

The text seems to clearly indicate that God has predetermined that the “the faithful in Christ Jesus” (vs. 1) will become “holy and blameless” (sanctification – vs. 4) and they will be “adopted” (glorification – vs. 5). (Note: Romans 8:23 clearly indicates that Paul sees “adoption” as a future hope for all who come to faith.)

How do we know that we, believers in Christ, will be sanctified and glorified? Because God has marked us IN HIM and given us His Spirit as a guarantee of what he has purposed for all who believe.

This passage is not about God predetermining which individuals will be in Christ. It is about God predetermining what will become of those who are in Christ through belief in His truth.

For a more in-depth look at Ephesians 1 please consider these other videos:    • Walking Through Ephesians 1-2  

Ephesians 1 contrasted with a Calvinistic reading from JD Greear:    • Critique of Calvinistic Pastor, JD Gr...  

An article on Eph. 1: soteriology101.com/2015/03/14/ephesians-1-he-chose…

To support this ministry: www.soteriology101.com/support

All Comments (21)
  • Ok I’ve been Calvinist for 3 years but for some reason your explanation makes more sense.
  • @timg1770
    I get it! I was never a Calvinist but now I think I have a deeper understanding of Eph 1. It's about how God wants to lavish His love on those who believe in Him. Once we have believed, He has already predestined us for these wonderful things - to be forgiven, made blameless, become adopted sons and daughters and sealed with the Holy Spirit. Eph 1 is not emphasizing predestination. It''s emphasizing just how much God loves those who believe in Him in that He has already predestined these gifts (or acts) of love toward those who become believers. Thank you, Leighton!
  • It's amazing how people can twist the scriptures so they say what they want it to. You explained this so clearly and ended so much confusion for me. Thank you!
  • @j.luminous7238
    I love the condensed video and this explanation was the best I've heard. I had to stop and start praising God with how secure I am and the hope I have for the future knowing that He has predestined so much good for those who believe. Thankyou
  • @codysmith7788
    I’ve been so frustrated recently by Calvinists who claim their view must be correct because scripture uses word like “predestination” and “election”. But, they never actually consider the whole text. As Dr. Ben Witherton said, “ (A) text without context is just a pretext for what we want it to mean, and thus the New Testament text must be read in its historical, rhetorical, literary, social, and religious contexts”.
  • @warinheri3878
    Excellent analysis of Ephesians 1:1-14. It communicates a clear biblical understanding of this passage and dissipates the calvinistic fog surrounding it.
  • @mualim
    Please do more of these short and to the point video series! This one is very clear and concise. Thank you!
  • @2001BornAgain
    I’ve watched a number of your videos but this one by far is the best one I’ve seen. Very clear, contextual, and illustrative explanations should help many believers (and Lord willing unbelievers) understand the idea behind predestination, and understand very clearly what Paul was really saying in that first chapter. Good stuff, brother! God bless!
  • @platinum1781
    Before I ever saw this video I prayed before reading Ephesians 1… I prayed that the Holy Spirit would teach me, and within the first 2 minutes of this video it’s EXACTLY what I learned reading Ephesians 1… without any commentary or help from anybody else, the first verse jumped out at me like so clearly… to the faithful in Christ Jesus, the “us” being referred to is the faithful in Christ Jesus. It’s actually so simply displayed in front of you if you don’t have calvinist lenses on.
  • @zekdom
    4:50 - “The DESTINATION of those IN HIM is set beforehand. That is predestination.”
  • @Xhej22
    Kevin Thompson at Beyond The Fundamentals does a amazing job explaining this in detail. Thank you Leighton !
  • @johndoe-ln4oi
    Leighton, thank you for these more condensed videos! They are much easier to make time to watch.
  • @treybarnes5549
    I always say if you put the emphasis on “Him “and less emphasis on “us“, you’ll very quickly leave the subculture of Calvinism.
  • So glad to hear this explanation as I have always believed this to be true. After all Gods plan as we read (Genesis to Revelation) has been about redemption not condemning people to hell. Thank you so much for rightly dividing the word of truth.
  • I absolutely loved your video I thought that you explained the scripture in great detail I'm a pastor myself And we'll be using your analogy Thank you so much
  • Ten minutes well spent. Dr Flowers has given us the key to a proper understanding of Ephesians 1. Thank you for a scriptural explanation of predestination.
  • @TrevorAndersen
    Starting a Bible study on Ephesians with my small group tonight and I’m showing this because I want to avoid having to spend hours on predestination. Thank you, Leighton!
  • @derrickcarson
    What an excellent explination. I have always known the Calvanist Doctrine was off but it was difficult to explain. This was perfect.
  • @Melusi_Nyathi
    The problem is we want to add our opinions and explain things that need no explanation so they fit our biases or so that they make sense. The Word is Spiritual and the moment you want to analyse it with your mind so it makes sense to you, you will loose it. That is why many Churches today are full of theories but lack the Power of the Gospel for they have explained the potency of the Gospel away in order to make sense of it. The Gospel was not made to make sense or appeal to the senses, it is Spiritual and only the spiritual can understand it, it needs to be revealed to you by God, not analysed. Just because this video makes sense doesn't mean its true, when you believe something because it makes sense to you and is logical, you have moved away from the Spirit realm to the sense realm. The Gospel Jesus preached never appealed to the senses or made sense, the message of the cross was and is foolishness to many but is life to the spiritual. A lot of times the Bible just means what it says no need for explanations, dont try to make it fit your opinion, rather seek God till you conform to the scripture and deeper mystries are revealed to you concerning whatever scripture. God is Sovereign, He left nothing to chance.