Kevin James on Cheat Days and Losing 60lbs After Fasting for 41 Days

Published 2024-03-08

All Comments (21)
  • @jopo7996
    Regardless of what shape Kevin is in, he's one of the most athletic fat guys alive.
  • @TheCarnivoreCure
    Carnivore literally saved my life, 14 months ago I was 715 lbs. I was stuck in a recliner for over 2 years and I had congestive heart failure. I was on oxygen 24-7 and I was suicidally depressed and had crippling anxiety. I have tried everything to lose weight and keep it off and nothing worked. I was 600lbs when I was 14 years old. I was helplessly addicted to soda and carbs. I'm down to 478lbs now and off all medications. Off the oxygen and completely have my mobility back. I can drive again. The best part is I have zero food addiction anymore! I am completely free for the first time in my life and I'm completely free from depression and anxiety! It is truly a mericle!
  • @wolfpackmba
    Yes, started my journey 14 months ago. No fast food, no fried food, no grains/carbs, average 1800 Cals/day and walking 15k steps and calisthenics. Down 90 lbs and to 15% bf at 51 years old
  • @flickertail3116
    I started intermittent fasting in April 2023...I am down to 265lbs in march 2024 from 424lbs in April.....and feel so amazing....80lbs togo
  • @TreyParker318
    "You can't outwork a bad diet" facts I needed to hear that.
  • @bdallen58
    The chemistry between Joe and Kevin is so smooth. Joe is a great interviewer and Kevin is just laid back and friendly.
  • @mico1664
    Its so refreshing to hear a truly comfortable and easy going conversation and Kevin James is basically affected by the same voices in his head that we do. I like this because its so relatable
  • I have lost 217 lbs keto to carnivore and intermittent fasting. I'm still on my journey, but now I've had both knees replaced now. I'm getting there. Life changing.
  • @james-im1sj
    I don't know about you guys but I miss those days when king of queens was on ..shows today suck .. bring back the normal times.
  • @marvinshenk
    King of Queens is one of the best sitcoms ever. Kevin James and Leah Remini were comedy gold.
  • @SeanStewart88
    Best interview Rogan has had in a year or so. Chilled, funny, normal and easy going. No ranting and raving no repeating stories it just seemed like a good conversation. I liked King of queens and Kevin James in general but he seems like a good dude.
  • Good segment. I quit sodas on Jan 15. No fast food since December. Eating less food and higher quality food. Walking (brisk) 3 to 3.5 miles per day. Down 13 lbs. Snoring and heartburn gone. Sleeping better….need less sleep now. Mind is sharper. The benefits of a good diet and exercise is very real.
  • @JonOnFilm
    King of Queens. If you haven’t watched the show, it’ll take you back to good early 2000’s
  • @rabmc
    King of Queens! I still watch it regularly, it’s my comfort go to.
  • @Drvirga
    His struggle is why I became a health psychologist. It’s more than diet and exercise; sometimes maintaining the healthy lifestyle requires some inward focus. I love Kevin and I hope he is able to reach his goals. Also, shoutout to these comments! I love seeing people taking care of themselves and just feeling better 🫶
  • @iceman7157
    I've done this. It works. I lost 116lbs in 7 months. When I started eating I lost another 17lbs.
  • @x1prodigy0x
    This clip specifically has given me the motivation to diet and work out again, lets goooooooo
  • @jaygeedomena514
    The entire interview is so good. I love Kevin James’ honesty
  • @ivangotyokes
    Love two middle aged men talking about health while smoking cigars in a room full of smoke.