What happens if you Don't Eat for 44 Days? (Fasting Science)

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Fasting can be very beneficial, but excessively long fasts can be dangerous. Check with a professional before you think of fasting for long periods of time.

HOW TO FAST T-Shirt : whativelearned.myshopify.com/

00:00 - The 44 day and 382 day fasts
00:51 - What happens when you fast?
1:50 - Why there is a needle stuck in my tricep
2:43 - Where is the sugar coming from?
3:27 - Ketones grow the brain
4:36 - So how do you feel on a week of fasting?
5:56 - Hunger disappears?
7:00 - Benefits from longer fasts?
8:00 - How to lose tons of muscle
9:55 - DON’T overdo fasting.
11:07 - What happened to the guy who fasted for a year?
11:50 - How to lose weight and not be hungry
13:56 - We should be careful with fasting, but not scared
14:40 - Electrolytes.

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コメント (21)
  • Go to drinklmnt.com/WhatIveLearned to get a sampler pack of LMNT with any purchase! Note: If you're new to fasting, take it slow. I'm not your doctor, so I can't guess what's appropriate for you, but I wouldn't start out with a 7 day fast if you've never fasted before.
  • By far the hardest part of fasting is the boredom. If you've never done a multiday fast, you have no idea the enormous amount of your daily time is spent thinking about, preparing, or eating food. Depending on your lifestyle, it can be really hard to fill all that extra free time. If you want a fast to be easy, start it when you are very busy.
  • Well there you are, young man. First time I see the man behind the voice. I appreciate your videos immensely
  • @Trick-1225
    I did it for 15 days and I lost 20kg, the only thing you must remember is to always drink water and avoid eating anything. It's very hard in the first 3 days but in day 4th to 15th you just feel like you're floating and have very high energy in your body, also your skin becomes much more clearer, and your mind becomes more active and receptive.
  • @klai655
    I have PCOS and I did a fast a few years ago and by my 5th day fasting, I was down 12lbs and had regulated my menstrual cycles. I went from only having one maybe 3 times a year to every month like I'm supposed to. It definitely works. I'm starting again tomorrow. Pray for me because I need this. I feel like a prisoner in my own body.
  • I fasted for 41 days, not out of choice. Adventure traveler got stuck in the desert for 41 days. Last three days no water. My hunger stopped after 12 days, 22nd day I’d have killed for food. Day 32-33 hunger returned. Best part was going to the bathroom stopped for a month. Lost 55lbs. While it was a positive experience health wise but I wouldn’t recommend it🙏🏻 Ps. The marines rescued me, Semper Fi
  • Two years ago in February of 2020, I was a massive 420lbs(6'3") about to turn 40 and I decided enough was enough. I started a six-day fast and then jumped into intermittent fasting on the carnivore diet. I recorded my weight each day along with my waist measurement and food intake when I ate. Nine months later I had lost just over one hundred pounds and thirteen inches off my stomach. It didn't seem hard and I was happy and proud. At the end of one of my fasts, the scale even read 299.9! I was stoked. It's May of 2022 here I sit at 405lbs. I don't know exactly where I gave up, maybe after I saw I was below 300lbs and convinced myself the job was done. Anyway little by little I started into my old habits and by the holidays I was full-blown eating fast food a lot. I was not tracking any of my stats, they just started to climb back up. A year to take it off and one more to yoyo right back to where I started. FML, I guess it's a common story. Now I'm back in the mindset of enough is enough. I want to lose the weight, I know I can because I already did. I would like to be healthy and play with my kid without having to have a sit-down after just a few minutes. I've tried to psych myself up to start again but it's always: one last cheat meal or I'll start on Monday. Excuse after excuse. I'm trying to get that motivation I had two years ago. Videos like this get me closer and closer. Thank you for content like this. If you've read this to the end, thank you for reading my ramblings. Be well and have a great day!
  • Today is my last day of OMAD. I have been doing this for 30days. I will now proceed to water fasting for 14 days
  • @Jerdius
    I fasted for 45 days and it changed my life. I will always recommend a prolonged fast to anyone struggling with weight
  • @Jazza
    Impressive production value, and a timely release as I'm on day two of my fast after a few weeks break from intermittent fasting, thanks for the information and motivation boost!
  • I've been on a continuous fast for awhile now. I feel great, I'm not hungry...and when I'm done, I'll do another 5 minutes tomorrow.
  • @NB-qy7ku
    7:00 1000 people fasted from 4-21 days and 84% of them health improved 7:13 diabetes went away after 2 weeks of fasting 7:18 4 weeks of fasting cured a woman with diabetes for a year but gained back the weight then came back 7:36 cured arthritis with 45 days of fasting
  • I have been doing intermittent fasting for 4-5 years already. And it has helped me so much. Have been doing OMAD for 2 years. Before fasting I had my sugar levels high as well as my cholesterol. This has helped to get my levels optimal. I definitely recommend it. It’s a great way to keep weight in check without needing to count calories. Once you get used to it you notice how much of our daily lives is focused on eating and it’s not even that needed
  • I've fasted for 9 days and I can tell you hunger completely stops after day 2. By day 3 it's relatively easy. The hard part is getting through those first two days. I've also discovered that doing cardio on those first two days burns through that liver glucose faster so you can get into ketosis faster. After that, simply walking was enough of a workout for me. I stopped because of the nausea, but I think if I had supplemented electrolytes, I could've stopped the nausea without breaking my fast. I think I'm going to try it again soon. Best sleep I ever had.
  • @TinRapper
    I’m actually doing a week long fast, currently in day 3. So surprise to see such a well timing video 😁👌 Update: I made it to 5 days, my friend made it to 7. We’ve done this twice. I rate 8/8 mate, would do it again. It cured my post-covid brain fog.
  • 36 hours in fasting here! Energy is low. Not much hunger now, but since all my glucose is gone and I’m running on ketones if I do any physical activities I can definitely feel the fatigue. I think best results came right around 24 hours. I’m still going and will keep updating!💪🏻🤙🏻
  • I love your content!! I just came across your channel and mannn you hit it right on the nail!! Preparation is key 🔑 as staying hydrated and active throughout the fast. Currently on my 72hr fast. I do it once a month depending on how I feel and how active I am and what I eat during the month.
  • I think the main reason that society demonizes fasting is because it’s the exact opposite of what large companies want… fasting is the absence of eating, so of course they’re not going to sell much if people constantly fast. I’m so glad we’re on the right end of the nutrition knowledge spectrum!
  • Could you do a video that focuses on not overdoing it, the drawbacks, risks, and how to avoid them? I ask not because I think you're necessarily leaving things out, but because whenever I try to offer fasting as a solution to my overweight friends/family I'm accused of encouraging anorexia, or responded to with pictures of scary-skinny people and asked: "If fasting is so good, then how does this happen?" I'd just like to be able to give an articulate response. Right now it feels like societally we just don't comprehend how long it took those people to get that way.
  • I have been doing intermittent fasting the last 4 days and did HIIT workouts 3 of those days toward the end of my fast and my workouts have been awesome. I am doing more workouts while fasting and really enjoying the results.