Greta Thunberg - Inspiring Others to Take a Stand Against Climate Change | The Daily Show

Sixteen-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg explains why she traveled to America in a zero emissions boat and lays out the direct impact climate change has on the planet.

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Trevor Noah and The World's Fakest News Team tackle the biggest stories in news, politics and pop culture.

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コメント (21)
  • When adults act like children, and children act like adults, you know change is coming.
  • President Vladimir Putin : “No one has explained to Greta that the modern world is complex and different , people in Africa or in many Asian countries want to live at the same wealth level as in Sweden.” “Go and explain to developing countries why they should continue living in poverty and not be like Sweden."
  • Jadav Payeng...Forest Man of India 🇮🇳🇮🇳....he is real hero to protect environment doing it silently without noice without going in big forums....while some people busy in making name fame by just talking about environment
  • @val.s2866
    I hate how America makes this crisis a political topic. I don't care if you are a conservative or a liberal, this is an actual issue we should be all aware of.
  • “Over here it’s like something you believe in or don’t believe in, where I’m from it’s like ... a fact” that’s pretty much the rest of the world besides the US , love the way she said that though
  • @soma7891
    I would like to see Elon Musk and her having a discussion.
  • i cant believe how people are laughing at some of the statements. This shows how little people take it should be dead silent while she is stating all those horrific facts. wake up humanity.We are running out of time
  • I love how Trevor talks to her like the intelligent person she is, instead of talking down to her like most adults would talk down to children
  • FINALLY a host that actually lets Greta talk a little about what’s happening with the climate. Most other interviewers have mostly focused on her as a person. Great job, both Trevor and Greta!
  • @vothaison
    In order to enjoy the show, first you have to imagine there is absolutely no poor people in this world.
  • He seems the most genuine with her tbh. Like he actually cares
  • When comedy channel is more informative than the news channel..
  • @gp1102
    She was trying to be so polite in describing the horrors of NYC😂😂
  • a few other facts: in about 300 years, there will be no more trees on earth the highest carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere (416 per million) was recorded in May 2020 almost 12% of greenhouse gasses are from deforestation an area bigger than Haiti is lost to deforestation and over farming every year
  • @kbhadania
    Love how Trevor always allow guests to complete what they want to say and never interrupt. This girl is inspiring.
  • @livb6945
    Trevor is a propely good interviewer. He listens, gives time, asks intelligent questions.
  • @Kk-yi6hk
    Save the earth with empty stomach of millions.
  • "That is an accurate description of New York; it is undescribable and it smells." DYING LAUGHING Also thank you Greta.