The Books Banned From the Bible: What Are the Gnostic Gospels?

Published 2024-05-12
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Elaine Pagels is an American historian of religion. She is the Harrington Spear Paine Professor of Religion at Princeton University. Pagels has conducted extensive research into early Christianity and Gnosticism.


Read "The Gnostic Gospels":


00:00 What is a Gnostic Gospel?
04:51 How the Gnostic Gospels Were Discovered
10:36 Secret Knowledge & Teachings
18:01 Do the Gnostic Gospels Contradict the New Testament?
23:01 Was Jesus Sent to Save Us From an Evil God?
28:27 Was Paul the Only True Apostle?
31:16 Nuances in Marcion & Valentinus’ Writings
37:44 Concept of God the Mother
41:20 Is Jesus the Serpent in Genesis?
47:02 Spiritual Revelation Over Authority
50:37 Worshipping Bishops as Though They Were Gods
54:42 What People Should Keep in Mind About the Gnostic Gospels
57:20 Controversial Final Passages in Thomas
1:07:33 Elaine’s Book


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Alex O'Connor
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All Comments (21)
  • @0ucantstopme034
    What I found pretty cool in this interview was that after nearly 50 yrs. of studying this, Dr. Pagels was excited and animated when discussing things...
  • @ionasmith1998
    I wonder how these older people feel about being approached by Alex who is so much younger to talk about their work. They must be so so happy to share their thoughts and feelings in a way they wouldn’t usually.
  • @modernism100
    I so admire Elaine Pagels. A renowened scholar, translator and author, she is willing to sit down with Alex for hours and explore, revisit, explain, and converse. She is centered in her experience and scholarship (and spirituality) yet also has such an open, friendly receptivity. What a great dialogue as was the prior one with the great Justin Sledge. Thank you!
  • @kevinmccabe9188
    What an incredible conversation. That woman is so learned and fascinating. Great post!
  • @mymom1462
    Glad to see you get actual Gnostics on here. This is a reminder to all: The Early Gnostics did not call themselves 'Gnostics' they considered themselves Christians and simply disagreed with the orthodoxy. According to the Apocrypha of John, the main Tragedy in the Gnostic Creation myth was Sophia (a child of the Original God) birthing the Demiurge (aka Yaldabaoth) without the consent of the original God. This was the tragedy instead of eating from the apple. I reccomend ESOTERICA as an introduction to the whole concepts its pretty interesting. 😊
  • I found this discussion extremely fascinating; it resonated with some of my own thoughts about religions and Bible texts. I have listened to it ten times, and each time I go back, I discover another gem. One takeaway: I feel the first trinity is a mother, father, and son, not a father, son, and a spirit.
  • I met Elaine Pagel in 1995 , she is wonderful. I use to mistake her for two other women in the community college who looked so much like her but their intellect wasn’t even close to our good lady Mrs. Elain PAGEL . .. . . What a Real Treat to listen to her here today . She captivated me back in the 1990’s and now here. Thank you 🙏 for this video .
  • @alexdenton6586
    Can you have Jesus on your podcast next time ? I think it would answer a lot of questions
  • @Zachary_Setzer
    Having earned my degree in Religious Studies from UNC under Bart Ehrman, among others, it's very odd to hear a scholar dodge questions and say, "I'd prefer not to comment on that," and, "I dont like that [source] very much" every time anything contrary to her poisition is raised. Great interview Alex.
  • @exsubsailor547
    When you read or listen to the many testimonials of the people who have experienced NDE's this all makes sense. Our orgin is the light, we are all one. Everything is from and part of the light! I thurally enjoyed this video.
  • @pedmole5
    Great interview, very interesting topic and speaker. (P.S: commentors be grateful for the podcast guest) I notice some people complain about her not wishing to speak on certain topics. Bear in mind, her enthusiasm for the topic might not stem from the same place as yours, and that different angle for her curiosity is likely to be why she's dived so deep into these texts.
  • @Rathe6
    I struggle with the lack of time spent on why the original church fathers felt the way they did about these texts. She makes it all feel very arbitrary. It seems apt to subject these texts to some textual criticism and dig in to why they were discarded.
  • @blossom357
    The thumbnail got me hyped for a split second, did Alex get an interview with THE Jesus Christ? lol
  • @chadwood1975
    Mr. O'Connor and Mrs. Dr. Pagels, job well done. Enjoyed your conversation on many levels. It was intellectual, spiritually and emotionally fulfilling.
  • @christophermull
    Thank you for this interview. I've been fascinated with Gnosticism for a couple years now. I was raised Catholic and when I got older, I began to have many questions. The teaching of Christianity never really added up but when I began to study Gnosticism it began to all come together. These teachings tied up a lot of loose ends. It makes it all more believable. Although I don't know if I'll ever have complete faith.
  • @Fernando-ek8jp
    Imagine a teacher saying: "I'm going to explicitly try and teach a group of students so they don't understand, then select a smaller group to teach them properly" That is different from: "They aren't at the level that would be able to understand, so I have to dumb it down for them to get the basics. You're more advanced so I can go more in depth"
  • @Thedeepseanomad
    She comes across as a believer who gets out of her comfort zone when demiurg and weird named realms come up.
  • @mercy2351
    Dr. Pagels is such an excellent scholar! Wonderful discussion!
  • @AKAMustang
    Aww it's heart warming to see her eyes light up when you asked a sensible interesting question.