Stress, Portrait of a Killer - Full Documentary (2008)


コメント (21)
  • In case anyone’s wondering yes... professors everywhere are still assigning this video
  • Psych students are stressed because they have to watch this video for class.
  • 95% of the comments: who's here bc their psychology professor made them watch it? 4% of the comments: quoting the documentary/amazed by the amount of stress we carry 1% of the comments: it's bizarre how that whole family has the same haircut!!
  • For all the college students, if you click on the three dots on the bottom of the video and click “open transcript”, you can get a written version of the video. It has time stamps so you can scroll down to find the answers to whatever questions you need. This saved me from watching all 55 minutes of the video. Hope this helps!
  • I watched this video and started stressing out about the negative effects stress has on your body, then I realized the paradox that I was getting myself into.
  • "You're running for your life, this is no time to ovulate" 
  • My psych professor assigned this video and I was expecting like a 20 min video max and oh boy was I in for a treat
  • Love how my teacher has us watch this but then gives us 5 assignments in a week... so are you trying to kill us?
  • "the problem in our society is that we don't value stress reduction. we in fact value the opposite: we admire the person who not only multitasks and does two things at once, but does five things at once. we kinda admire that person, 'how do they manage that?', you know. well that's an incredibly stressful way to live. we have to change our values and value people who understand a balanced and serene life." so much truth to this
  • This person is amazed at how many views their video got over the years... College students everywhere stressed they have to watch this and then write about it later
  • i love that the professor talks about how society admires those who overwork themselves. New generations are not lazy we just dont want the stress that overworked Gen X and millenials have. It does not make us lazy that we dont want to overwork ourselves and we hate seeing older generations glorifying and romantisizing something that is obviously so dangerous.
  • Worksheet on Stress Video - I hope someone finds this and makes use of it :) 1. According to the video, where in our bodies do we gain weight when we are stressed? How is this fat different from the other fat in the body? We gain fat in the abdomen and it is special because it produces different hormones altering the effect it has on your health even further. 2. In Robert Sapolsky’s research on monkeys, there was a tragedy which occurred that changed the group’s dynamic forever. What happened to the group and who was affected? The baboon troop got infected with tuberculosis after eating bad meat, however the dominant males were the ones mainly affected. This meant the females and timid males were the only ones left, changing the group to be much more passive and far less hostile. 3. What did the video say about social dominance and those who are lower on the hierarchy? How are each affected? People that are lower on the social pyramid suffer higher stress levels from things like lack of control. This can cause bodies to be much less efficient and it can even lower immune systems leading to shorter lives. 4. Name three specific ways that stress affects our bodies/brain according to the video One way stress affects our bodies is by forcing us to only power the essentials like our senses. This can cause other functions like the reproductive system or the immune system to shut down. The immune system shutting down increases risk of disease and even death. The system that controls our metabolism also slows causing us to gain stress weight. This stress fat also provides hormones that have a worse effect than normal fat. Our brains are affected because stress can lead us to different types of memory loss, poor blood flow, and flat out stupidity. These can make it even harder to get out of unnecessary long-term stress. 5. According to the video, what causes ulcers? Primarily a type of bacteria. However most of us have this bacteria so it's the stress that lowers our immune system’s walls allowing the bacteria to take over.
  • Sapolsky's most impactful finding and philosophical statement comes at 48:00... "We belong to multiple hierarchies. And you may have the worst job in your corporation—and no autonomy and control and predictability—but you're the captain of the company softball team that year, and you better bet you are going to have all sorts of psychological means to decide it's just a job—9 to 5—that's not what the world is about. What the world is about is softball; 'I'm the head of my team, people look up to me.' And you come out of that deciding you are on top of the hierarchy that matters to you."
  • @Samaurrii
    I was directed to watch this video by my professor in my psychology class.
  • @abcrane
    hard work never stresses me out. but the manipulation and deceit of others is very stressful. so my "job related stress" is more about who I work with than the work itself. sigh.
  • I was asked to watch this by my teacher for an assignment. This documentary ended up educating me quite a bit about myself. I honestly feel motivated to improve my standings with my own stress.
  • So ironic, students stress to remember names, locations, phenomenons etc and that stress is the very reason we can't remember...
  • Work stress is the reason I left management. Life is too short to live like that and there is so much more to life than money.