Published 2022-01-03
Batman V Superman is a historic movie. An event that sees worlds collide as the unstoppable force meets the immovable object.
Ben Affleck 's Batman meeting Henry Cavill 's Superman
For the first time ever in live action DC 's biggest names meet face to face and go head to head ...
The hype was real and the movie was a real letdown.
This is why I didn't like Batman V Superman : Dawn Of Justice.

#TheBatman #Batman #Superman #BatmanVSuperman


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All Comments (21)
  • @bootsthecat6718
    When it comes to Batman using guns because he "lost his way" I think Batman Beyond showed perfectly that when Batman reached the physical point that he had to use a gun to win a fight, he quit being Batman and never went back to it.
  • My favorite part of the movie was in the beginning when Bruce was just trying to save people as Superman and Zod were fighting
  • I honestly can't believe that it's already been 6 freaking years since Batman v. Superman came out in theaters. I mean, I know this saying is used a lot, but good mother of Lord, time flies fast.
  • I was literally about to compare this film's Lex Luthor to Batman Forever's Riddler when Vee said it. It's not the actor doing a bad job of portraying a character, it's the writers writing a character that is fundamentally different from the source material. Jesse Eisenberg and Jim Carrey portrayed the role they were given well, but the role was sh*t and flat out wrong in the first place. It's like blaming a cook for bad food when they're given nothing but spoiled ingredients to work with.
  • @thegayghost872
    The biggest problem with this movie is that it's trying too hard to be "dark" and "serious" and "adult", to the point where everyone just becomes the Punisher in a different costume
  • To me, Ben Affleck as Batman salvaged some of this movie for me. I liked his portrayal (his initial issues with Superman not with standing).I definitely liked his action sequences, the Warehouse scene being one of them in particular.
  • @StarsDie88
    They didn't earn the idea of Batman losing his way.
  • @aristosachaion_
    The other problem with this movie that I've rarely seen people talk about that's far more egregious is the general public's perception of these characters. This movie, for a lot of people, was likely their first real exposure to Batman as a character, and with Batman's character being as flawed and un-Batman as it was, it's going to lead to those people having misconceptions about the character further down the line. One reason the Marvel movies worked so well is that, despite the stories they come up with being mostly their own and having only a loose basis on the source material, the characters themselves are accurate to the ones we see on the page. They have ALL the qualities that people loved them in the comics for, just dropped into a unique story that fits a movie screen. THAT'S how you adapt these characters. DC is more complex because of all the continuity retcons and the innumerable individual stories, but Batman and Superman have been around since before WW2 kicked off, and despite the different versions of them that exist, there is a wider consensus about who they are in the main continuity and how they're supposed to be and act. Snyder's movies are almost frankenstein in nature with how they mesh different plots with different versions of the characters that don't necessarily fit the chosen story, and naturally the result was a fucking mess.
  • @AzA609
    The worse part of this movie is like you said how they "killed death". They basically showed us that Superman is unkillable. It is impossible to tease his death now. He can no longer be in that dangerous life or death situation anymore.
  • @andm9766
    It’s crazy how characters like vision dying holds more weight than Superman. Death of Superman is iconic and should’ve been an insane movie. I couldn’t believe they did it this soon. I feel like DCs problem is like well you already know Superman is important and a good guy. we don’t have to make 5 movies with him. Be sad
  • @aa-jf5gu
    Batfleck doesn’t even make any sense. If he broke his no kill rule after robin died, then why wouldn’t he kill joker and Harley. They literally killed robin
  • Why this film wasn’t just a live action version of their worlds finest meeting in the animated universe I’ll never know... Just with regards to the Martha moment the aspect of it I always had the biggest issue is that Superman said “Martha” instead of “mother”, it’s still not a well executed moment regardless but that at least would have made it slightly more coherent
  • @DeaditeSlayer01
    My biggest problems that were not covered here were two things. 1 Wonder Womans first movie appearance was in a movie without her name on it. One of the big three's first appearance, and she wasn't credited. Disrespectful. 2 How did Lex Know the superhero symbols for the other Justice League members? Or did they look at the symbols and thought, "Sure he may be a homicidal maniac, but the man can design."
  • @koltonknox9836
    "whoever decided to kill Superman in this movie should not be allowed to make decisions anymore" well after Tenet, even more people seem to agree LMAO
  • @Jose-se9pu
    6 years later, we still dont understand the magnitude of the damage this movie caused to the DC brand in movies.
  • @Christ_club
    I feel like Batman v Superman should have been a Worlds Finest movie.
  • @Nightman221k
    The Snyderverse fans who obsessively defend the murderous Batman are so bizarre to me. It’s just impossible for me to see that as Batman and it’s sad cause Ben Affleck is a decent casting choice.
  • @TheRealZarp
    The movie was shot here in Michigan and they put out a casting call for extras so I was able to actually be in this. I was one of the paparazzi guys who photographed Bruce Wayne when he stepped out of the sports car when going to the Lex Luthor party. I have to say that it was amazing being on set and I think in that particular scene, the lex party, there was suppose to be a big shootout or fight scene because a lot of "lexcorp security" extras were being used and those guys mentioned that they were being used in a fight from what I recall. I was a bit disappointed when I initially saw it, but I think there are things that were left on the cutting room floor. Maybe it could've been better.
  • @memesgeek4797
    I understand people liking this movie for various of reasons. Calling it a masterpiece however is just wrong. Simply wrong. It's not about subjective opinion. It's about being wrong.
  • @Xehanort10
    The worst thing about Snyder's DC films is the fanbase. Edgelords who think a non self aware version of Michael Bay is some brilliant filmmaking genius with some of the crazier ones unironically calling Snyder a god. They think a film having a dark tone automatically equals good even if it doesn't fit the story of the characters, they're conspiracy theorists who think Disney had Snyder's daughter assassinated and made it look like a suicide and according to them not liking his films is somehow laughing at his daughter's death. Their hilarious insistence that Snyder's shallow films are "deep works of art" and saying anyone who doesn't like them supposedly doesn't understand them is pathetic.