Carnivore Diet - What If You Have a Cheat Day?

Published 2023-01-31
What if you have a cheat day (or two) on the carnivore diet or the keto diet. As someone who has done carnivore for the last seven months, and has done, Atkins, low-carb, and keto over the years, I'd like to share my experience with cheat days... and it's not all bad news.

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and nothing in my videos should be taken as medical advice. Everything I talk is my opinion and my experience only. You should never begin a weight loss program without consulting your own doctor fir

All Comments (21)
  • The problem is with me a cheat day turns into a cheat couple days, then a cheat week, then a cheat month…and pretty soon I have lost all the gains I made.
  • My birthday is coming up and I am going to allow myself a serving of birthday cake. This (life) is a marathon, not a sprint. I won't allow it to knock me off track. No guilt.
  • I take a cheat day a couple of days a month. Helps to keep morale up. I actually plan it ahead. "I'm really looking forward to having a breakfast with pancakes next week", for example. But as long as I have it very clear that next day it's back to diet.
  • synchronicity. I decided to reset my day count today because I slipped for 3 days in a row. for me it’s not about the lbs put on, it’s the body aches. I went carnivore to aid in arthritis pain and it really works but you also really feel those cheat days.
  • It doesn’t even phase me. I do 50-100 air squats depending on the planned treat I had. I just plan it and get over it. It’s not like you drop dead as soon as it touches our lips. I’m stronger than ever in my resolve to get healthy so I don’t think of it as a derailment or the end of the world. You just do a couple of OMADS 2-3 days and you are all good.
  • Carnivore is great for me because if I ever go out to dinner and go off the diet, it’s sooooo easy for me to get back into it the following day. Since on carnivore, I have no cravings whatsoever. I used to be a carb FEIND!!!
  • @singing4fun
    Hey! Big fan (and subscribed!!). I've lost 50lbs on Carnivore. I cheated for 3 whole days over Xmas and.... reluctantly got on the scale on Dec 27th and was stunned to see that my weight hadn't changed. Within a week, I was right back on the trajectory. I would suggest that everybody's metabolism is different, so a cheat day (or a few of them) might look very different for others, but I 100% endorse what you are say based on my own recent experience.
  • @niceblkbro82
    You are absolutely right. There is nothing wrong with having a cheat day every now and then. As long as you're eating the way you are supposed to be eating for the most part, it won't harm you to have 1. I have 1 every now and then and it does not negatively affect me at all. Thanks for the video and please do keep them coming.
  • I had a “cheat day” last summer. A friend brought me a piece of caramel apple pie cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. I hadn’t had sugar in almost a year. I ate a few bites of it, and had the worst stomach cramps for two days! 😂 Cured me from ever wanting to eat cheesecake again. So it sucked, but remembering the pain from the sugar has helped me never want to eat that kind of stuff again! 😂
  • @seanveach950
    Never set a goal of no cheating when I decided to go carnivore. I let the improving health guide me. In the beginning, I did eat some obviously bad foods here and there, but as I go longer, I just do not crave anything other than the meat. If I eat something that causes an issue, that issue simply reminds me that there are consequences and we have to decide if they are worth it. I still have 'weight' that needs to go, but I am not doing this specifically for weight. The overall health trajectory is far more important to me. The occasional transgressions are not likely to change the trend, as long as it doesn't become a habit again. The weight will either eventually come off, or I will reach a point where the motivation kicks in to really go after losing it when it is that important. Striving for perfection is fine, but stressing because you never get there really won't help.
  • I allow myself to have a few drinks once a month. I have to say, as someone who would have 2-3 drinks a night before going carnivore, I don’t have any desire to drink since being on carnivore so I may not even have drinks once a month.
  • Absolutely true! This has been my experience as well. I let go one day and it’s not so bad but the old habits can return quickly and pretty soon I’m off. Not mentally beating myself up over one day has been so incredibly helpful to sticking to it. Thank you so much for sharing this! You’re awesome!
  • The inevitable cheat day or cheat meal seems to be more psychologically damaging than physically..a menial sin at best, but.for a drug addiction or for an alcoholic it can be catastrophic... with food you can shake it off and move on with your diet...the reward system ingrained in us (I've been so good I deserve a slice of cake) is tough to break but not impossible. Great video as usual...thanks for doing them!
  • @sanautin
    In my experience, when dealing with a food addiction, it is never "ok" to have a cheat day. If there are no consequences for falling off the wagon, you'll keep doing it.
  • The worst thing is to feel guilty! Enjoy your treats, just don't make them a habit. I have "cheat" days every now and then, and I don't see any long term negative effect with them. On the contrary, our ancestors probably weren't on carnivore for more than a year in a row, having their cheat days with the fruits of autumn. In the long run I have improved my health so much, it would be actually quite boring if there was only improvement all the time... 😅
  • @jax9349
    So this pops up after I ate an Easter egg I bought for a kid😮. It wasn't even that nice but ..... I had to eat the evidence! I was feeling so guilty, but my phone knew and sent out for a helpful message! 😊 Thank you very much.
  • @kiwikim5163
    Returning home today after 8 days out of the country. I did not cheat, except for mayonnaise two days and salted butter. Many in my group are sick or just not feeling well today. I feel great!
  • @melissad.2908
    You’re my favorite carnivore content creator- thank you for sharing this! I’ve been wondering about what happens when you become fat adapted and then go off carnivore for a meal to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries- those kinds of things! ❤