How to Diagnose Multiple Sclerosis [In 5 steps]

In this video I explain how to diagnose Multiple Sclerosis, in 5 steps. Want to understand how MS Neurologists confirm a diagnosis? Then start watching this video right now!

How to Diagnose Multiple Sclerosis [In 5 steps]

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NOTE: Make sure to talk to your provider before ANY treatment decision. We hope to educate, empower and energize those impacted by Multiple Sclerosis. This channel consists of a collection of formal lectures and informal video clips about MS to help education others. These videos do not provide medical advice and are for informational/educational purposes only. The videos are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in any of our videos. They are just to help educate you about the condition guys!

コメント (21)
  • @Del_101
    Thank you for the clear precise information on MS ex’s!!! 👍🏽
  • You truly have a gift when it comes to relaying MS information in layman’s terms. Empowering, educational, entertaining, enlightening! With MS generals like you leading the charge, MS doesn’t stand a chance. Rockin’ the MS world one informative video at a time! #WeHaveMS
  • @BJM1134
    I wish I could find a Dr like you because let me tell you, I'm exhausted. I had a very tough pregnancy at 25 and that's when it started. Diagnosed with carpal tunnel in both wrists (that would come and go interchangeably), drop foot in my left leg that vanished after a few weeks, interstitial cystitis, failed nerve conductor tests, electric shock type pains down my neck. I didnt know any better.. some of these issues were dealt with by my ob/gyn, some my old pcp, some ER... for the most part they would prescribe pain meds, none of these issues were linked, I was always told either it'll go away, maybe physical therapy, maybe chiropractor. And then forget it, once I'd been prescribed so many pain meds no one took me seriously even when I said I didn't want any pain meds. I was even told "you're too young to be in pain"... so I kind of gave up and now I'm 41 and my right thigh is completely numb and just functioning is a struggle. I dont have records and I don't know where to start and I don't have the energy for another doctor to not take me seriously. When just having the energy to get through work is a monumental task the idea of that is so exhausting. I guess I've just had the misfortune of not finding the right doctor but i wish I knew how you find that.
  • I've been trying to get diagnosed for years now, my doctor suspects MS and I did the research and 100% agree with her. I'm getting my eyes checked and I'm getting an MRI this year after years of absolutely nothing coming up on the other tests having nothing to do with my nerves. It's so frustrating but insurance requires certain things that have nothing to do with anything. Watching this helped a lot. 😊
  • I had all the first three, but still needed to get an LP to confirm my MS diagnosis. Sadly, I've been left with a chronic CSF leak, now over 1.5 years, despite numerous interventions. It has absolutely taken away my life, I am bedridden 95% of the time. I haven't even been able to process my MS diagnosis, due to how debilitating the leak has been. A part of me wishes I had never sought out a diagnosis, because at least then I would have still retained some function. I am so glad to hear that you are being conservative with your use of lumbar punctures.
  • This is the best explanation of diagnosing MS I have ever heard. The doctors and PA's my wife had just went through the motions and never fully explained the diagnosis in such simple terms. They also used lumber punctures too often instead of using the MRI. When it appeared obvious that the three primary conditions existed, that they used the MRI as confirmation of the MS diagnosis. Also, on onset of the illness, she did not have an MS doctor until several years into her illness. My wife had a preliminary diagnoses in June 1996. She passed away 16 June 2018 with one of the two forms of PMS. A horrible death as she lost most of her memory.
  • I really love listening to to you at the min I have all the signs off MS but my doc said oh no your mri was clear 😡😡wish you were my doctor . ❤️x
  • @oceansea5
    Wow .. this is just excellent . Thank you ! I've had an MRI and have two lesions that the neuro said were indicative of MS . When I saw my neurologist and when he asked me to tell him about my symptoms .. i only told him what I was feeling now.. Throughout the last 20 years I have had situations and bad symptoms like one VERY scary episode(s) of Vertigo that lasted about three weeks off and on .. it was AWFUL ! and at the same time my lower back was so bad I started seeing a chiro for a year ... I put that down to my job etc... I work on the ocean for the last 25 years .. in the big time ocean! .. I was a gymnast and I had terrible nutrition before the age of 5 ... long story ! ) So I never thought to tell him about that. I only told him what just happened. Will this have effected the way he would have done my exam and my possible diagnosis ? Going for VEP in five days,.. had blood tests - rocked those ! , having thoracic spine mri in next month and then he said if he wasn't able to do a diag. after that then he would do a lumbar puncture. Not sure if I should tell him about my prior symptoms. Oh sheesh I type alot ! sorry
  • @ldjt6184
    I was diagnosed with a single brain MRI because there were so many lesions and the pattern and location of them "was consistent with multiple sclerosis". That's all it took for me. My MRI was ordered by a general practitioner at a walk-in clinic that I went to for frontal thigh numbness. I had mentioned a few other different symptoms that occurred in the past, and together with the MRI a diagnosis was made.
  • @dalenemarie
    Thanks for your informative videos. My doctor ruled out MS, and hasn’t done all the tests! He hasn’t done the MRI of my brain or thoracic spine. He did a MRI without contrast of my cervical and lumbar spine, and said no lesions. He seems to want nothing to do with MS.
  • @GiaNescio
    5 years, 4 doctors, rule out everything else then an MRI after hospitalization. It's hard to diagnose. It's rare and neurologists are as close as we are getting to wizards on earth. Very thankful when I finally got an explanation.
  • I’m only now finding this video and I wish I took the time to find it before. I am in such denial about my diagnosis and by watching the totality of the these videos I am understanding the surety my diagnosis. The 5 is understandable and I’m now just going to believe my neurologist and start DMT’s Thank you
  • 7:43 PST. I've suffered with "spells" much of my life... now they've grown more frequent and intense. I've suspected MS. My doctor seems to be on the right path. Thank you.
  • Wow your video production value is getting very good. Love how concise you are.
  • I'm a Cancer survivor, 48 yr old male in relatively good health. Nonsmoker and non-drinker. Tests show I do in fact have a genetic predisposition to MS. I definitely have a serious Carpel Tunnel situation on both hands. I have really bad numbness in my hands. Especially my right hand, with inflammation in my middle and ring fingers particularly bad. The tips of my fingers feel like they're getting hard. Sleeping is extremely difficult. Going for tests soon. I'm very concerned. This video was helpful.