Wrestler Billy Gunn Angry Interview | GO Pro Wrestling

Published 2017-04-30
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Billy Gunn gives an awkward interview with GO Pro Wrestling when being asked questions he did not like! Watch the FULL Video Here!


On Ripping ZZ during Tough Enough:

It is not that I did not like ZZ. I love ZZ. He is an awesome kid he is just lazy and I hate lazy. The only one that is allowed to be lazy is me. I think it was just a miscommunication. At that day and at that point in time he took me to my limit which is why I lost my cool. But when he is just sitting in the Tough Enough house and watching TV, then that's not putting forth an effort (to train).

On Being Fired by WWE In His Last Stint:

It's a secret that everybody on the planet earth knows except for you. You just wanted to ask the question that I've never answered and I'm not going to answer it now.

Road Dog's WWE job behind the scenes on Smackdown:

On his failed singles run in 1999:

Everybody always asks, "well don't you wish you a world champion?" Hey, if it happened, it would've been great. I don't have any complaints about my career. All I could do is when I look back, people can say I did his job and pretty good. I am not saying I was the best but I was just good at what I did and I did my job and I could not be happy with whether it came with championships or not.

Memories of Chyna:

I don't give a rats ass what anybody else thinks. Don't care. She was one of my best friends in the business other than Brian (Road Dog). Chyna had her thing that she did and that does not make her any less of a person than what she was. She was super awesome.

On Bart Gunn winning Brawl for All and Getting Set Up:

I told everyone he was going to win it but nobody believed me. Then you got set up for the Butterbean fight. To go in and find a real fighter what's going to happen, right?! Bart is not a real fighter, he's just a real tough son of a b****.

On The Rock's Hollywood success:

The guy had it all. Did I know he would become this (A List Movie Star)? No but he had 'it.' When you look at people, there's something about him whether you around him or see him and just go holy cow man that guy has everything and he has made the most of it.

On if he would return to WWE and his current relationship (or lack thereof) with Triple H today:

Sure I would. I love coaching. I had a great relationship with almost everybody in the (WWE) Performance Center. (And In regards to Triple H) Define relationship? No, no, no. I text him and his secretary texts me back. But that's all good. He's a busy guy.

All Comments (21)
  • @jonmeans2637
    I thought that you handled yourself well, intense people take a moment to wind down . He was being condescending towards you at first, but you handled yourself well. I can understand some of the wrestlers apprehension at times, because there are some out there ,who put themselves on the level of being in the wrestling business, and an equal to the wrestlers. you are not like that at all, and I feel you ask questions from A fans perspective, which is appreciated, and not from A smark standpoint . good for you
  • Billy Gunn looks like Will Ferrell's older brother whose in great shape.
  • @thebigbear4696
    When Billy flipped that switch, it became obvious he was sort of “training” the interviewer. Nice job by the interviewer hanging in there until Billy started to cooperate.
  • @Number1WuFan
    OOHHH YOU DIDN'T KNOWWW?!!! Billy has always been like this throughout his career. His personality at times is intense yet genuine. He loves to fuck with people at times when he wants yet he can also be a gentlemen.
  • @bkohler89
    Billy Gunn is making this interview SOOOO fuckin awkward and uncomfortable, he didn't have to treat it like that. THe guy's just doing his job
  • @chrisz31974
    He’s just super sarcastic, you held yourself together real well
  • @tipicofutbal
    Billy Gunn is turning 59 this year and still looking like a monster
  • Good interview. You stood your ground without being overwhelmed. Billy looked like he was having fun and I think you would've earned respect from him, even if it's a tiny bit for not melting down. Good job
  • @oldschoolm8
    C'mon, it's a work. Billy's wanting to bring back old school wrestling and how emotional and believable it was back in the day. I hate to over analyse it though, just suspend your disbelief and enjoy it. It's Wrestling, it doesn't need to make sense!
  • Billy gunn was one of the most underrated wrestlers of his era.
  • @DancinChuck
    You did a great job in the interview, I thought Billy Gunn was testing you , and you handled it well.
  • @HeelByNature
    Conrad Thompson put me on to your channel. Great work!
  • @KentKaliber
    Hi Andrew - just wanted to say I really enjoy your interviews and interview style. Billy seems REALLY intense in the beginning, but he actually DOES seem happy with you by the ending! Great job sticking through till the end and I think you "got over" with him by the smile on his face at the end.
  • “Something to Wrestle” really built this up to be something it’s not. He’s clearly just having fun and screwing with him.
  • @beau9956
    I met Billy about 3 and a half months ago, spoke to him for an extended period of time, signed stuff, took photos and was nothing less than a gentlemen.