😪 Why the 80/20 Rule of Contacting a Man Will Likely Make You LOSE Him

Published 2019-10-24
Quick Summary:
There is one rule given to women in dating that I can no longer remain silent about, and that is the 80/20 rule of contacting men.

The rule says that you should only initiate contact with a man 20% of the time, and you should expect him to initiate contact with you the other 80% of the time.

Many women use this not only with the men that they DATE - but with a man when they are finally in an exclusive relationship of some sort.

There's some women out there - women I've worked with in the past - and women in our facebook group who blindly use this rule. If you have never heard of it, you may hear of it in the future.

I don't blame any woman for wanting to use this rule, because dating is HARD. I understand that in this day and age of ghosting and easy hook-ups, it's tempting to use rules such as this.

But I'm here to suggest to you that this is not a rule for high value women to use.

I have another suggestion regarding initiating contact with men that will actually accomplish the real, most authentic goal for you: to actually make men fall in love with you - naturally.

Full Blog Post of this vid: www.thefemininewoman.com/80-20-rule-of-contacting-…

'3 Reasons Why Women Should Initiate in Online Dating': commitmenttriggers.com/3-reasons-why-women-should-…

Related Video:
Relationship Timeline: Men VS Women
   • Relationship Timeline: Men VS Women  

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Lastly, here's a treat for you: Get my "BECOMING HIS ONE & ONLY" DVD (for free!)
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#contactrule #nocontactrule #8020rule

All Comments (21)
  • @ati4484
    Playing hard to get is one thing. Playing impossible to get is just a waste of my time. If I text you twice and you don't respond, I'm done.
  • @alexforce9
    The only men who will put up with the 80/20 rule are the ones that women dont want to date lol.
  • @conejita71mx
    You're so right about everythi ng you just said. Thank you for confirming something i had just figured out recently based on my own experience...👏
  • @fieryblaze75
    I agree with Renee on this. I was doing the 80/20 rule for a while and lost the connection to my guy. I've found the 50/50 rule to be a better use of time and it helps the connection. As my mom constantly told me growing up, it takes two to tango. If you think about it, during a tango, the man does lead his partner around the dance floor, but if she doesn't move 80% of the time, they're not dancing. He is. To do the dance properly, they both have to move together, each doing half the work. It's the same for relationships. Both people have to put in the work. Let's face it, relationships take work. Sometimes it's physical and sometimes it's emotional, but you both have to work at it. If you don't, it won't even have a chance to blossom into love.
  • @gamingguru2k6
    I find very young women think playing hard to get, is all to common. A normal guy won't put up with that shit. Relationships should go both ways equally.
  • @mariahdandylion
    Love this topic! I have worked hard to give space and not be too communicative but I worry my guy will interpret my little contact as disinterest. I really appreciate your advice and insight on this subject!! <3 thank you!
  • @MugenLord
    Pursuing today just ain't worth it anymore. Due to dating apps and social media, she gets attention from dozens of men who validate her daily. This has inflated women's ego and when approaching a good majority of them, they pretend that they are doing you a favor for talking to you. I learned one thing from dating and getting to know women in this chaotic dating and relationship world. If she doesn't show the same amount of effort you put into getting to know her then don't waste your time. I noticed when I don't call her, text her, or chase her, her interest in me intensifies. But the moment I show the slightest of interest in her, and call her first, or even text her. That interest she previously had in me fades away. Don't waste your time fellas, just focus on investing in yourself.
  • Now you said that I am thinking this: Whatever that comes from fear is not good at all, and the 80/20 rule has much of fear. Fear to be rejected, fear to make mistakes, fear he lost interest because women chase him, bla, bla. When the approach comes from love it is real, from the heart, so... what can be wrong? You are right is better 50/50
  • @dg5175
    I've met guys who showed a ton of interest & excitement after the first date. Said they couldn't wait to see me again. A few days goes by after we last spoke (and he last contacted) I figure its ok to reach out and say hi. Wrong. Loses interest so quick. I learned after a first date let the guy contact you again. Reaching out just seems to be a big mistake. I've also gone on dates where the guy seemed interested, kissed me, said he wanted to see me again then never contacted me again. I moved on. If he was interested he would've reached out. The very least they were interested but there was someone else they were interested in more.
  • @rubenjr4908
    My god, all these opinions and "in my experience" excuses in the comment section. For us men we are taught one simple thing. "If YOU knew the answers, YOU wouldn't be here." Let go of your ego girls. Let go of your reactive defenses. Give her advice a chance before going off about how your situation or experience is the exception and everyone should listen to you. She's offering you FREE gold in the form of advice, and all you do is poke holes in her argument. Jesus.
  • If you're a white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes and you're tall, then you're the most desirable male there is and women flock to you. If you are tall (6 feet) in general, you are desirable. Otherwise you're absolutely nothing unless a woman needs a provider, and that is when she's ready to settle down and needs resources for her and her children. 80% of women date the top 20% of men. The rest are nothing until then. I'm glad I understand that now, and will protect my resources when I have them in three years and will turn women down when I get to that point. I am confident, am my own person, and have a lot of drive, but women turn me down because I'm 5'10" and am not a white male. Yet it shows what they go for, and there is data backing my 80|20 claim.
  • @jkphilosophy
    The more the person works or cares more in a relationship the more the person loses power in that relationship
  • FYI to women whose 80/20 for marriage, is driven by financial desire, in a husband. Listen up. Times have changed, and we're fully aware of the marriage loopholes, now. Given the power of family courts today even with a prenuptial, why would a financially set man risk losing it all, to you? With children, you automatically inherit an insurance policy, through VICIOUS family courts. It's sad, but there's no guarantee you won't turnstile out of the marriage, with child support and alimony. In some states, a good, honest, committed and loving man regardless, will still be compelled to pay you child support, until your children finish college as in possibly, a Doctorate. So if you're truly marrying him for love, surrender on paper your entitlement to exercise rights(separation agreements drafted during good times, have been considered, by the courts), in family court, annually. Otherwise, prepare yourselves for a long dating history, without the possibility, of children.
  • We definitely need to give me something to want to date for everything seems to be in are benefit over men just being honest I have a couple of brothers so I now.
  • @Cake...
    In SE Asia the 80/20 rule works fine where women approach 80 percent of the time...
  • @MartaHobzova
    Hi Renee, I don't agree with half of things in this video- I agree that rules are rigid and you should not do anything from place of playing games - but you can actually let him lead by letting him contact you more and also I think you can be attuned to yourself AND a man (and processing your feelings everyday) I don't think clever masculine man minds to initiate when woman is real and expressive with him - it depends from which place you do it (of course he will spot game-playing and trying to lure him into some commitment by this...) I think you can be attuned to a man, 100%real with him and led him lead most of the time If it feels good to you (and doing this from your feelings, not following rigid rule blindly)
  • @RedArrowSouth
    Id suggest the mens rich cute matrix for follow up and confimation on taking things too seriously... cheers...