Avatar - The Most Successful Failure Ever

Publicado 2020-05-18
Since Avatar 2 is rumbling ever closer, I wanted to take a cast my critical eye back on the 2009 original that everyone went nuts over, and try to figure out what exactly they saw in it.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @silvussol8966
    I still can’t believe they literally named it “Unobtainium”.
  • @gusdolan6046
    Yeah this episode really confused me. It didn’t really fit in the whole Avatar: the last air bender plot
  • @David_Bernstein
    "I'm a cheerful optimistic soul that tries to see the very best in everything" - you got me rolling with laughter there, mate
  • @Mrhalligan39
    This movie needed about 3 minutes more of Giovanni Ribisi explaining that “Unobtainium” was critical for human expansion and the restoration of Earth. Honestly, raising the stakes from “loot the blue people’s planet for the lulz” to “it’s literally a question of their survival or ours” would have made the movie something other than “Dances with Wolves…IN SPAAAAACE!”
  • You see, the humans made the mistake of relying on an element called "unobtainium". I am powering my robot army with commonite and already control half the continent.
  • Personally liked it. It may be a guilty pleasure because yes, the story is generic. But the worldbuilding, visuals, sound design, etc was awesome. It did a better job teleporting the watcher into the world than making them care about what happens in the story
  • I remember going to the premier of this with my sister and some of her friends. 3D glasses, sketchy seats, because the room was full, but I was still mind-blown with the visuals. I can't remember a single detail of the story, nor even the characters for that matter. Just that it looked amazing. I think that's what made it so big. For a 2009 eye, it was the most spectacular thing ever. Kids these days will never understand.
  • @slippydouglas
    Missed one reason why Avatar was so successful— it was the first time CG humanoid character renderings looked fully photo-real and convincingly human-ish. It was mind-blowing for 2009.
  • @ccayco
    "The ultimate irony with Avatar is that for all the time and money spent to make this movie in 3D, the story and the characters were still stuck in one dimension." -Mr Pinkett
  • That joke about Rodriguez having only roles of a gun shooting Sarah Connor is actually spot on.
  • @wurutana
    At the Avatar premiere in Tokyo, they gave packs of tissues to the guests because they expected us to cry. James Cameron used the word "journey" about 20 times during his intro speech before the film started.
  • @mcw280
    Avatar's plot summed up "A simp choses to doom entire humanity just because he wants to clap some alien ass" XDDD
  • @Joni_Tarvainen
    One thing that I love about Avatar is that Jake's actor actually did everything like an actual independent paraplegic would do. I'm only saying this since I've been over half of my life paralyzed by my own idiocy and the point where he gets into his Avatar body and runs into the sand and wiggles his toes in it is spot on. That's something I'd do immediately. Otherwise the movie is just Pocahontas in space.
  • @SirFlukealot
    The jellyfish saying 'nah, it'll be fine' fucking broke me 🤣
  • @Droid3455
    When I was 8 years old I watched this movie on the big screen, and the visuals, sound design, and epic action scenes left me utterly amazed. It was one of my earliest movie experiences, so those aspects of the film are the only things I vividly remember.
  • @IrishBelmont
    “And that’s the plot for dances with Fern Gully Pocahontas aliens while Saving Private Ryan from 9/11” OMG 😂😂
  • @bool8705
    "That's the plot for Pocahontas aliens while Saving Private Ryan from 9/11." That's something I thought I'd never hear.
  • I appreciated the district 9 call out. I recently watched that movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you like sci-fi alien movies I recommend you watch it.