HARDtalk Taro Kono – Minister for Digital Transformation, Japan

Publicado 2024-07-26
Stephen Sackur speaks to Taro Kono, a senior minister in the Japanese government wrestling with massive problems. This erstwhile economic powerhouse has long been stuck with low growth, massive debt and an ageing, declining population. Can Japan reboot itself for the 21st century?

Broadcast on BBC News Channel on 25 July 2024

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Stephen Sackur did his job, excellently as usual, and Taro Kono did his best to present his case as a minister of the government of Japan. I do feel that we need to have hard talk like this in the Japanese media as something of routine. In my opinion, it is the problem of the legacy media rather than the politicians themselves that Japan has come to this sad state of affairs. There is a general lack of critical assessment of the status quo, with Japanese journalists failing to put these hard but fair questions to politicians. Probably the NHK should start a program like HARDtalk.
  • 英語が凄いからって褒めるべき人物じゃない。。やつは英会話講師ではなく、政治家だ。
  • I wish we had a guy like this who can interview straightforwardly and critically.
  • @shakki7552
  • @marioodzuki3753
    Kono says a lot but without a lot of information, typical diplomatic language.
  • @_ghi
    At the very beginning, Mr. Kono said “LDP has been chosen by the government.” =自民党は政府によって選ばれた 国民と言いたかったのだろうけど、言い間違いだと信じたいけど、本音が出てしまったのかもと疑ってしまう、、
  • 何故か戦後からいちいちはなしたがる。核心へはまったく届かない。
  • @tamanew2024
    河野太郎を信じてはいけない。 何を隠しているのか、真意は何か見極めるべき。
  • 1:29 Kono, He looks puckered in a difficult situation, He'd better looking around with a little bit jow-opening like Biden did on the air before.
  • @nahcki1163
    This newscaster's voice is similar to his.
  • 河野太郎は親中派の議員だから日本のためを思って行動しているのかは怪しい
  • @melbo897
    no genuine zingers whatsoever, kona, just resign
  • @mizukia4679
    英語ペラペラさすがです! Taro speaks English very naturally. There’s few persons who can speak English very well in Japanese political world.
  • @bloemliever
    LPD エリートと言われ河野太郎さん😅 デジタル大臣として呼ばれてるのに少子化についてや、多岐に渡り、日本国、政治について英語てやり取りできるのは、かなり素晴らしい。 インタビューアーが横槍で話してくるのに落ち着いて、話がずれない! ネイティブレベルですね😮
  • @ku8278
    筋が通った英語で非常に明快だった。 敏腕キャスター鋭いツッコミをさらっと交わすセンスもやはりサラブレットゆえんか!? 取り上げられてたtaroさんの名言(迷言⁉️)も、なんだか主張が一本気であらためて凄いなあと思っちゃいました😁