What Is Calvinism?

Publicado 2017-10-30

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @WordAboveAll
    I was predestinated before the foundation of the world not to be a Calvinist and I use my free will to reject Arminianism
  • @romeohamosa4109
    No one understands God’s 100%, He is endless, infinite, unconditionally graceful but sovereign over everything in Christ, thru Christ, because of Christ~ so Christ is not an option to believe! Thank you JP
  • @BigMo966
    We MUST read ALL of Romans, NOT just Romans 6 and 7 which, when read by themselves, can make a christian think they will always be controlled by the flesh. The answer is found next door in Romans chapter 8. Romans 8:12-13 tells us we are no longer under obligation to the flesh once we are saved. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:31, "I die daily." It's a choice everybody.
  • @Fishtank33
    Thanks for the free books on your website!
  • The gospel was made plain and simple so that even the simplest person could understand it... Christ came to redeem us and to show us our need for him. He pointed out the evil in our heart compared to His goodness and His holiness. He died to take our punishment upon himself. But death could not have victory over him, rather he overcame death. And because He has overcome death we too have been given that victory. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, YOU WILL BE SAVED!! It doesn’t mean that the next day you’ll wake up a brainwashed person “programmed” to do only good things. But what it means is that a work has started in your heart. You are being restored into the image that God originally intended for you. Stop scaring people and giving them anxiety about their salvation by telling them they might not being one of God’s elect... He said “behold I stand at the door and Knock,” he isn’t knocking at the door of some, but he is knocking on all our hearts, we can either ignore it or open it. God will hold us accountable for our CHOICES!! Love is a CHOICE, it’s soooo plain, and it’s sooo simple to understand! Christ already won the victory, we can either accept his victory or reject! And in the end he will hold us accountable for our choices. I simply don’t see how God could hold you or me accountable for something we didn’t have the ability to choose... I like John Piper but this is one video that I have to disagree with 🤔
  • All the Good things comes from God , wisdom , knowledge , love , mercy , faithfulness , forgiveness , patience all good in us is from God nothing ours. All bad things is from us hate , lust , lieing, curruption, jealousy, envy , desires of body etc.. Nothing good in us we are useless. Praise the God for Giving us all of this, but not all have it. So praise Him for giving your goodness in you coz its not your own but God's. We are His chosen sheeps, lets go astray no more and glorify His name in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who gave His life on the cross in behalf of us so that we the lost sheeps of the God will become righteous and He became sinner in behalf of us. The innocent Holy being came on earth to die for our sins as God's Lamb so that we will live eternity in His and our Father presence forever and ever in His Holy promise land. Amen
  • @gagelynch7097
    I’m a Christian. But if God forces me to love Him and gives no free will. I do not want to serve Him. And yes, that is my free will talking. The free will He loved me enough to give. The free will in which I choose to love Him with as well.
  • @rjcontra
    Calvinism meaning......Some lives matter. Jesus according to John Calvin Jesus meaning......All lives matter. Jesus according to Jesus
  • @Muy_chingon
    I'm personally not a calvinist because I feel like God died for the sins of the whole world. God loved me while I was yet a sinner and we are to love others that hate us just like God did when we were yet evil.
  • @ashokma2jable
    Could you please explain what is dispensationalism?
  • @theoldpaths644
    Are you teaching Christians about authentic Calvinism or New Calvinism?
  • @robertcain3426
    I dissagree only with the last part of John's statement hete about the freewill. Election and freewill do not contradict oneanother, they are the same from different perspectives. When Pharoah's heart was hardened by God he was not like a robot with no freewill. So, he could not say to God, it wasn't my fault because you predestined my response. The clay does not instruct the potter. This is the awe inspiring majesty of God and the mystery of his ways which are much higher than the ways of man.
  • @dalestovall9751
    The one thing I will say is, God does not create anyone and send them to Hell. We seem to think as humans that no one deserves Hell. That is where we are mistaken, we all deserve Hell. We have forgotten that none are good, we were completely without hope without the grace of God. The unfair thing isn’t the fact that one gets into Heaven and one doesn’t, the true unfair thing is that any get into Heaven because all are undeserving. Why God would “choose” someone whatever that may be, God can do whatever He pleases and He is still good! Rather we have complete free will in our salvation or rather we are chosen, God is still good and is the only reason salvation is possible
  • @annr3800
    Question, So at one point The teachings of Calvanism didn't exist?? It all started with John Calvin? What was taught before about free will and Salvation ??
  • @sunflowery3829
    Why would God choose someone else and not me ? That needs to be explained ?
  • @dmeek20
    There sure are lots of people in this comment section calling the theological beliefs of their Brethren wicked. Let's not be so quick to throw around weighty words. And on the flip side, let's not inject our American, western, individualistic culture into soteriology. There are extremely valid arguments for reformed theology and against the arminian stance. Keep perspective and major in the majors... Christ! Sadly, my brothers in the reformed camp do the same to y'all, but guys, we agree that whosoever believes will not perish. These debates and discussions should seek to edify the body and glorify Christ. You say our theology is wicked, but it could truly be boiled down to simply this: we believe it is all of Christ. If we claim Christ then we should continuously pray for discernment. We should pray for our brothers. We should beg Christ to teach us new things from Scripture each day. And we should remain humble in dealing with those brothers on the other side.