Is the Calvinist-Arminian Debate Really Important?

Published 2020-05-04

All Comments (21)
  • For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to Him be glory for ever Amen.
  • @m.d.d4250
    I grew up in a pentecostal/evangelical church. In my 30's I started reading the bible for myself, I was struck by how different Jesus was from what I was taught, and I saw the sovereignty of God and became a calvinist in my living room, reading my bible.
  • @curtisquick1582
    I do believe that the umbrella of God's Grace is larger than the umbrella of correct doctrine. Of course, there are limits, but if one trusts in Jesus to save them from the just punishment due to their own sin, they will be saved ... even if they are not Calvinists.
  • @HearGodsWord
    No doubt this video will result in arguments and accusations in the comments section sadly. We should celebrate what unites us rather than looking to have arguments with our brothers and sisters. Christianity is much bigger than Calvin or Aminius (and Luther as well). Peace, love and hop to you all.
  • @ipodrogify
    We are saved by Grace alone =Sola Gratia Through Faith alone= Soli Fide In Christ Alone=Solus Christus Revealed in Scripture Alone=Sola Scriptura To the glory of God Alone= Soli Deo Gloria
  • @Dah_J
    It’s actually not that hard of a question. It’s simultaneously free will and predestination.
  • @burtonsnow845
    “I am of Paul, I am of Apollos... [I am of Calvin]” It really is missing the point. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus. Obey his Word, written and spoken. Develop intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Walk in purity and love in charity. Be zealous towards good works. His grace will guide us into all truth. How foolish and divisive to spend so much time splitting doctrinal hairs, forming camps on either side. How wise it would be to simply confess that we don’t know it all but that we have entrusted our lives to the One who does, not because He has answered every burning question, but because His presence has satisfied the deepest longing of our souls and has redeemed our lives from the kingdom of darkness. People seem to forget that we know the Lord experientially, that He’s not just the product of correct doctrine. Don’t mean to be condemning but these debates have caused so much division among us, drives me crazy. Knowledge puffs up, love edifies!
  • @dndsablan3455
    The bottom-line is, that you can be a Calvinist or an Arminianist and still be saved (Romans 10:9-13). Thank You Only Jesus!
  • “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16: 33) NIV. Amen.
  • @curtisquick1582
    It's so funny. I came to an understanding of the gospel that ended up being the same as the five points of Calvinism, but without Calvin. It just seemed to be what the Bible was teaching. The when I came across Calvinism I thought that it was just an exposition on how one gets saved that I was surprised anyone would have argued differently. It just seemed so necessary and obvious to me that I could not understand why anyone would disagree with it. Later, I learned that others did not feel this way. I am still surprised at that to this day.
  • @kerriwilson7732
    Gotta love the comments about 'just read your Bible, & enough with the debates'. If you actually do read the Bible, you discover important concepts can legitimately be seen from multiple viewpoints.
  • @AM-ni3sz
    C S Lewis is free with God. This issue has been resolved and explain by God's wisdom. The simplicity of answer to this is imbarrassing. I don't know why people cannot accept that we do not and cannot understand everything. This is faith. I hope this helps. Love one another.
  • @jag6138
    I'm pretty much a hard line Arminianist, however Calvinists are brothers who don't preach a different gospel so it's not a doctrinal debate to spill blood over. I myself have been guilty of getting overly caught up in this debate
  • Amazing video! Its like a God sent gift because ive literally been discussing this topic with one of my close friend ! Glory to God for pastor John.. so much wisdom to give !
  • @grahck4391
    Personally, I think both Calvinism and Arminianism are wrong as a whole, but the truth is in between the two extremes. The whole debate between them serves absolutely no purpose but to cause more division in the Church. Christ commanded us to follow his teachings, pass them on to others, and make disciples of all nations, not argue about who is right.
  • @amosbaite6674
    George Whitfield said, “We are all born Arminians. It is grace that turns us into Calvinists.”
  • Amen! Thanks for that clear summary. God alone deserves all the glory!
  • Thanks very much John wonderfully explained. 1 Corinthians 1 verse 29 - 31 ; 29 That no flesh should glory in His presence. 30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God - and righteousness and sanctification and redemption - 31 that, as it is written, "He who glories, let him glory in the Lord."