The Coolest Time-Skip in Pokémon

Published 2022-08-11

All Comments (21)
  • I like to think that reason Bianca has glasses in B2W2 is because her not having them is why she was clumsy in BW.
  • @castform7
    I still do like Iris' BW design a lot more but the big, poofy dress has definitely grown on me. It's so over the top and flashy that I can't help but smile.
  • Ghetsis in B2W2 is so cool, because now that everyone knows he’s evil he no longer has to hide it and can be as unhinged and insane as he wants
  • @Savariable
    I don't think N's design feeling different is from him "looking down instead of up", its the fact that in the original design there was a shadow over his face, while now its bright and a lot more clear.
  • I always found it kinda funny that Zinzolin was the dude who got trapped in cold storage, then became a full fledged ice villain, we really traumatised him in BW 1
  • @WarmLillie
    Elesa is more than a Glow-up she is electrifying
  • @nakinaki7282
    I like how despite its low sales White 2 and Black 2 are some of the best games in the series which improved almost everything White and Black did. (Also if you want to buy it these days it'd be $80 and upwards)
  • I like Iris’ new design a lot, it makes her look like a princess, which is fitting for the youngest champion (at the time)
  • @brightwolfz
    Since we brought up the seven sages, shout outs to the sage that rejected Ghetsis and kept the old Team Plasma alive with the ideals they more publicly were known for. Don't remember the sage's name, but he had a following with grunts that still wore the knight outfit and they were really just chill and were like "treat pokemon better, please." and I think they even ended up helping you take on Neo Plasma in the plot near the end or something or other.
  • Iris and Elesa are my personal favorite redesigns, also Caitlin's
  • Something I do find interesting is that even outside of B2W2's Memory Link feature, you can actually see Iris and Team Plasma's old designs in the new games I think the reason for Iris is simple enough, her BW design could be seen as more of a casual attire, while her new design is saved for when she's actually acting as Champion For Team Plasma, it's a lot more significant, as the Team Plasma members with the old designs are the Team Plasma members who are still faithful to N and are striving to help the Pokemon that were separated from the trainers, in contrast to the new Team Plasma who seek conquest of Unova.
  • Black and White 2's release timing was unfortunate for sure, coming out in late 2012 for the original DS, then X and Y being revealed barely over two months after they released (going off the US release date) definitely hurt them.
  • I actually love Lenoras apron. It felt like she was a working archeologist, restoring fossils etc with her apron on where she can keep her tools and stuff
  • Another thing about Zinzolin's B2W2 design is that it's meant to be very, VERY insulated to show how much he hates the cold. If you remember his appearance in BW, he was stuck at the Cold Storage and that was all he kept yammering about that whole time
  • To add more about Iris' new look, the fabric that loops over behind her head from under her arms is specifically common in imagery of kami or other spiritually powerful beings, called a hagoromo, or "celestial veil".
  • Bianca was also kind of clumsy if I recall so the glasses may also be helping with that. She also used to rush around everywhere so overall her glasses might represent her becoming less clumsy and also taking things more slowly and appreciating things more(which is reflected in the first scene we have with her where she is admiring a beautiful view).
  • @mr.oneshot4144
    Iris being a grown up and Ash still being a kid is still insane
  • @Hamantha
    That Seven Sages joke made me burst out laughing in public. Thanks everyone’s looking at me now. Worth it
  • @lPsychoMax
    It's interesting that the most popular and exciting pokemon games are actually sequels. Pokemon black and white 2 and gold and silver (heartgold and soulsilver for remakes). Going back to the place you remembered and everything is different. Familiar faces have grown up, stories have moved on and the characters you once played are now legends in your new game. And yet game freak seems to avoid this for some reason. Who wouldn't like a pokemon game where you visit older regions to see how they changed. Imagine jhoto with gigantimax battles being featured now or mega evolutions in sinnoh?
  • @ivanzoneBR24
    Pokemon Black 2/White 2 is my favorite pokemon game ever. The amount of love, details and care put into the game still stands not only as a fantastic pokemon game, but one of the best DS games period.