What is the Earth building!?

The Earth is afraid of the Sun's insanity... BUT he has an idea: to create a NEW SUN!!! Yeah... is that gonna work?

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コメント (21)
  • I like how each episode is a continuous story from previous ones.
  • I love how this one and the previous one focus on Earth, Mars, and Venus’s sibling like relationship. Earth is the anxious one Venus is the rude/very honest one And Mars is the kind and sympathetic sibling
  • Fun fact: You'd need around 80 Jupiters to make a Red Dwarf, but they're solar wind is more aggressive, and solar storms are much more common compared to our sun
  • @DoXum1
    The description says: "The Earth is afraid of the Sun's insanity... BUT he has an idea: to create a NEW SUN!!! Yeah... is that gonna work?" so earth is probably trying to make a new sun
  • I would love to see the planets discuss something like a Dyson Sphere, only to get anxious about Earth's humans getting that far and stripmining them for materials. 🤣
  • I would like to see more of these types of storyline’s, ones that span 2 videos. That concept actually works well for SolarBalls
  • I love these so much! SolarBalls should have millions of subs!
  • “I think I don’t tell you enough HOW STUPID YOU ARE” This had me in tears 😂
  • Before the stream started we knew it's a new sun because the description said so Edit: Don't say I stole this comment when I comment it I refreshed and I saw another person comment it first