UK Elections: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses the UK elections, who’s running, why people are so upset with the Tories, and the happiest surgeon in all of Lithuania.

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コメント (21)
  • As hard John can be on America and its problems, it's nothing compared to the wrath he has for the people that ruined his country of birth and hurt the people who could least withstand being hurt.
  • The woman that threw the milkshake gave an interview: she didn’t plan it, she just happened to be in the area, heard from the crowd that Farage was coming, and spontaneously went and bought a milkshake just to throw it at him. She’s a hero 😅
  • Justice, Healthcare and Education should never be privatized.
  • Was searching for Tractors 🚜 and ended up watching this show for 5 years 😂 don’t tell my dad
  • You're telling me leaving a union based on free trade between countries would make it harder to trade with those countries? Color me shocked
  • Besides all the shit Nigel Farage has gotten recently, I also think we need to take a moment to appreciate the time a guy called into a show he was on and said "something happened to him" that made the caller support Nigel's political views.. He perfectly baited Nigel into asking him what had happened and he replied he was kicked in the head by a horse.
  • “He looks like he’s a fan of the damp” is the rarest insult I’ve ever seen 😂
  • "Actually no press here" says Johnson - to the press. - That's how Johnson works. - And the public is taking it...
  • That person having to sell their cutlery for medication is outrageous, you could sense the genuine anger in John's voice. People keep saying the UK healthcare system shouldn't turn into America's, but it seems it already has.
  • So basically the Conservative Party made the UK into the USA when it comes to health care. I would riot
  • Could not leave the screen.. guy is unbelievable. Since I am Romanian/therefore European, I was saddened by both Brexit and the state of affairs of UK. There still are a lot of my conationals there...
  • John Oliver always does this. He takes a small detail, makes fun of it, then unexpectedly mentions it again, then occasionally comes back to it with gradual evolutions and, surprise, ends the episode with a massive material joke about it. He has done this for years and, yet, he still manages to surprise me, I never see it coming, despite in theory I should.
  • @SBsam
    Dude literally said 'badhoevedorp', a dutch village with less than 15k residents. Purely for his alliteration joke. MY MAN!
  • "Sunak The Wet: A man who literally doesn't have the sense to come in from the rain." Way to stick the landing, John. Perfect way to end the show and end the cruel Tory regime.
  • Its outrageous for person having to sell their cutlery and tv for medication while the UK government spent $200 million on Queen Elizabeth II funeral.
  • I hope John Oliver never retires! One of the best shows out there, and I just love that bit of British-ness that he can't shake even if he wanted to. He's always on point, and manages to sprinkle even the most dire topics with a bit of fun. ❤
  • 100 Billion a year for no more free travel and trade in the EU. Great call Britain.
  • I am a Brit living in America. Watching John Oliver telling the Tories to get stuffed on the 4th of July in a rain storm is the most patriotic I've ever felt. Joking aside, it's really scary for me watching this episode. I think it's a fairly big sign of how bad it is that when he was talking about the situation the laughter completely died off. It really has been that bad. But worse, austerity and brexit kinda broke something in the UK. We had a society that looked after our own, no matter how down they were there was help for them. The Tories took that away, while blaming the people who needed the help the most as benefit scammers.
  • You definitely have my sub. This content is next level. For me Unimantic was the turning point. Please keep doing what you do and keep being you, love it
  • I mean, at least Stalmer hasn't picked a fight with David Tenant.