الحمص ألذ من اللحم عندما يحضر بهذة الطريقة السهلة! Chickpeas are better than meat in this easy way

Published 2023-11-21
Chickpeas are better than meat when cooked in this easy way!

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One medium-sized onion (200 grams), chopped
Vegetable oil
One tbsp garlic, minced
One tbsp ginger, minced
Hot peppers (optional)
One tbsp cumin
One tbsp coriander
One tbsp paprika
One tbsp chili powder
One tsp turmeric
One fourth of a cup water
Three puréed tomatoes (350 grams)
Salt, to taste
Black pepper, to taste
Two cups boiled or canned chickpeas
One fourth of a cup yogurt (60 grams)
One cup water (used to boil chickpeas or regular water)
One fourth of a cup fresh coriander, chopped
Two tbsp butter (30 grams)
Half a tsp paprika or chili powder


In a wok or pot, sauté chopped onion in vegetable oil until translucent.

Stir in minced garlic, ginger, hot peppers (if using), cumin, coriander, paprika, chili powder, and turmeric.

Add one fourth of a cup water, puréed tomatoes, salt, and black pepper. Let it simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

In a blender, blend boiled or canned chickpeas, yogurt, and water until smooth. Add the mixture to the sauce.

Add boiled or canned whole chickpeas to the pot. Cover and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes.

Stir in chopped fresh coriander.

In a separate pan, melt butter over medium heat. Add paprika or chili powder. Mix everything together and pour it on top of the chickpeas.

Stir well, ensuring the flavors are combined. Serve the creamy chickpea curry over rice or with naan bread.


حبة بصل متوسطة الحجم (200 جرام)، مفرومة
زيت نباتي
ملعقة كبيرة ثوم، مفروم
ملعقة كبيرة زنجبيل، مفروم
فلفل حار (اختياري)
ملعقة كبيرة كمون
ملعقة كبيرة كزبرة
ملعقة كبيرة بابريكا
ملعقة كبيرة من مسحوق الفلفل الحار
ملعقة صغيرة كركم
ربع كوب ماء
ثلاث حبات طماطم مهروسة (350 جرام)
ملح للتذوق
فلفل أسود، حسب الرغبة
كوبان من الحمص المسلوق أو المعلب
ربع كوب زبادي (60 جرام)
كوب ماء (يستخدم لسلق الحمص أو الماء العادي)
ربع كوب من الكزبرة الطازجة، المفرومة
ملعقتين كبيرتين زبدة (30 جرام)
نصف ملعقة صغيرة بابريكا أو مسحوق الفلفل الحار


في مقلاة أو قدر، يُقلى البصل المفروم في الزيت النباتي حتى يصبح شفافًا.

يُضاف الثوم المفروم والزنجبيل والفلفل الحار (في حالة استخدامه) والكمون والكزبرة والبابريكا ومسحوق الفلفل الحار والكركم.

أضيفي ربع كوب من الماء، والطماطم المهروسة، والملح، والفلفل الأسود. نتركها على نار هادئة لمدة 5 دقائق.

في الخلاط، اخلطي الحمص المسلوق أو المعلب والزبادي والماء حتى يصبح ناعمًا. أضف الخليط إلى الصلصة.

أضف الحمص الكامل المسلوق أو المعلب إلى الوعاء. يغطى ويطهى على نار متوسطة لمدة 10 دقائق.

ضيف كزبرة طازجة مفرومة.

في مقلاة منفصلة، تذوب الزبدة على نار متوسطة. أضيفي البابريكا ومسحوق الفلفل الحار. امزجي كل شيء معًا واسكبيه فوق الحمص.

يقلب جيدًا لضمان دمج النكهات. يُقدم كاري الحمص الكريمي فوق الأرز أو مع خبز النان

#delicious #tasty #yummy #vegetarian #chickpeas

All Comments (21)
  • @DonnaF.
    People who do cooking videos really need to take heed of what you do, or rather what you don’t do. Get on with the recipe. No talking. No prepping. No BS. Just cook and present. If we miss something, we can rewind and watch again. Love how you present your new recipes. Thank you! ❤
  • @kijihigh6826
    A wonderful video without the talking. So many cooks do too much talking rather than getting straight to the point of cooking. Thank you for this. So peaceful and looks delicious!
  • @anaobi1461
    I'm Nigerian. I have been trying foreign foods.I tried this today and it was delicious thank you for this.
  • @cogsnbanjo
    I made this and it was absolutely delicious. I used fresh red chilles instead of green and added spinach into the stew. I served it on a bed of roasted sweet potato. I will definitely be making it again. Many thanks.
  • Wonderful recipe, and video. No person ranting and raving, just the sound of preparing, sizzling, stiring and plating up. PERFECT!!!
  • @rbrown6476
    How amazing! This is a cooking video about just the cooking and I loved it. It’s so peaceful and helpful to anyone with neurological problems because our brains can’t cope - fighting with music and talking and watching/learning! It’s a joy, and so easy to take in all that’s happening. Love this so much ❤
  • @ImranAbdulAwwal
    My favourite cooking YouTube channel!! Finally someone who gets on with it. No annoying music, long speeches, prepping… I just love what you do. May Allah put lots of barakah into it. آمين
  • @TatianaRacheva
    I like that there’s no music. Interesting idea to make the chili butter at the end.
  • @PSUK
    Now definitely on my list. I’ve never thought of using purée chickpeas to thicken a sauce!
  • @bramblebop1904
    Btw., this video clearly belongs under the "unintentional ASMR" rubric. It is peaceful and calming...it is so good that there are no extraneous sounds, like music or talking.
  • @sh03la
    تسلم الأيادي شكلها فنان ماشاء الله😍😍 تحمست اسويها
  • Just tried this receipe and it was soooo DELICIOUS!!! Super easy to do, I recommend to everyone!
  • @wmpetroff2307
    I can just smell the delicious aroma of the dish....
  • @Cynaturaleza
    Obrigada. Achei o vídeo que estava procurando .perfeito ❤
  • I skipped a bunch of steps and it was still delicious. Can only imagine how good this version was.
  • @Berus7777
    This is so peaceful. I just came home from a funeral and saw this. It just really, really hit the spot... the sound of that grease hitting the skillet... the gentle ASMR of the spatula tossing the egg... The funeral was harrowing, and yet... as I said... this REALLY HIT THE SPOT with its lack of narration and its honest, authentic, to the point... peaceful cooking... after a funeral... peacefully cooking... yeah...
  • @user-nr2nh1rl6p
    قمه النظافه وبدون ازعاج كل الاحترام
  • @Aldyb1994
    شكرا جزاك الله خيرا تعلمتك منك
  • @ralphbaier7793
    بالهنا والشفا الله تبارك أيدك وأسعد قلبك الطيب