Whosoever Shall Be Saved

Be Very Wary When Dealing with Apocryphal or Pseudo Prographics or Gnostic Gospel and Other Stuff That Would Presume to Supplement or Even Overrule the Cannon of the Holy Bible. Such Writings Lend Themselves to Confusion, Ecumenism, and the Religion of the Anti-Christ. Rather, Take Heart in the Elemental Truth That If We Accept What God Says About You as a Sinner and Call upon His Name You Shall Be Saved.

コメント (21)
  • @proverbs9103
    I am an over the road truck driver,on the road most of the time,I can't tell you how many 10hr shifts this preaching have helped me thru lor bless y'all
  • @songbird7900
    Hallelujah 🙌 Praise The LORD JESUS CHRIST My Lord And Saviour
  • @calcobb442
    All shall know Him from the least to the greatest.
  • Pastor, I want you to know that I love your heart for the Lord, and I love your heart for His Word. I’m so grateful for pastors like you who preach the word and stick to the word and are not pressured by the culture. Cultural pressures have always been there. We can see that clearly in the scripture. I became a believer just before I turned 40 as I was raised in an apostate church. I had never heard the gospel of Grace, or at least I never understood it. But since that time when God opened my heart and opened my eyes to the truth, my heart has burned for The Lord Jesus, His word and his truth, and a strong desire never to be deceived again. I just wanted to say thank you for your faithfulness! May the Lord of glory, the king of the universe, bless your faithfulness. Amen!
  • Love you Pastor Lawson, thank you for bringing God’s Word to me (us)! I love it when you get so into the Word that your voice raises and timbers rattle! Thank you for not watering down the Truth, for being consistent and ALWAYS ALWAYS preaching from the Bible and not some religious doctrine/dogma. If not in this life, certainly in the next - can’t wait to meet you…
  • @Mmmmm173
    I was praying for my stepdad for 17 years and he died yesterday. His daughter was whispering to him that he needs to accept our sweet Jesus Christ into his heart for forgiveness of his sins. He was in comma but he sheared his tear from his eye and he died. I believe his with my sweet Jesus Christ! He was destined for hell fire 🔥, but God took him in 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. Hallelujah and glory to You my Holy God
  • Praise the Lord Jesus Christ! Wow! What a sermon by Pastor Lawson. Amen & Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus Christ! In Jesus name. Amen & Maranatha! May the Lord keep you Pastor Lawson until His glorious return. In Jesus name. Amen.
  • @SG-rv4gr
    Thank you brother pastor Lawson ❤️🙏 from London ❤️ 🌍
  • Thank You so much for the CC...Now I can follow!!! :) Your message was well given and very instructive to the body of Christ. I appreciate your research that is very evident every time you preach. To stand on the word of God is no small thing today as it has always been. However the shifting tides of a mans soul and spirit should be guided and disciplined by Scripture. For the truth of anything is in Christ Jesus yesterday, today and tomorrow. :)
  • Perfect. An incredibly important sermon. Lawson at the top of his profession. Glory to God and amen!
  • Pastor Lawson THANK YOU‼️ My little Mom has been in the hospital all week and because it's her and I, I spent 5 nights & 6 days in the hospital. Until I just listened to your sermon, I was so turned around I had convinced myself I needed to learn Greek & Hebrew. Yes, ALL the things about the bloodlines & ALL the stuff. Im not repeating because I'm NO BETTER 4 it. You know Pastor, I ran home to feed the dogs & I grabbed my Bible. No big deal. Thought it would be a great time to read more,especially at one sitting. I don't think that fella popped up on my feed until I carried my Bible into that hospital. I want you to know that after that I don't think I opened my until today❓️ I just realized that. Boy he's slick ain't he. I don't think I been outta that Book this long since I been saved. Also for what its worth when folks talk more about the Book of Enoch than the Bible, MARK & AVOID‼️ That wasn't the case with this fella but I think that Book walks a fine line. I did hear 1 consistent statement almost verbatim from trusted Pastor's yesterday in sermons I listened to while I cleaned. 💥THIS IS IMPORTANT💥 As we approach the Rapture of the Church, Spiritual Warfare & DECEPTION is going to continue to get worse. Find what keeps you from Jesus & get it OUT of your life. That statement ALMOST those EXACT words from many Pastor's like Pastor Lawson. This phone, although I only listen to sermons, & most recently some horrific teaching, its not the same as being in the word. I love you Family. I pray for you and your families daily 🙏. I love you Pastor Lawson 🙏 Thank you.
  • I belonged to a congregation. They were supposed friends that all never looked back to help a brother while down. Not with money but just to let me know I was t alone. Yeshua always lmk he was there. I will proclaim it till the end of time... I see you... You carried me and never failed me. I was at fault. Ty Temple. Lawson's Love is the love. The type that never fails.
  • 👑🕊TO GOD BE THE GLORY🕊👑💖🙏🏼✝
  • There's only one Savior, that'd Jesus Christ Almighty send forth for our sins
  • JESUS is always the star of the show here.....so I come back time after time and will long as I can !!!