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AmericanAnimal for YHWH

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About AmericanAnimal for YHWH

Created to help gather information of media that impacts all humans who are Christian and those who are not. Ultimately drawing the ones that aren't to my Father God. The savvy need facts and proof. The simple need other things like videos to convince them that don't know everything about everything. You were drawn here, so go all the way and get the answer you were looking for right now. Ultimately I hope this page gives glory to the Father as you grow in knowledge. Remember that "His people were destroyed from lack of knowledge.
"It's Christians that just say I'm more interested in the crazy people in my neighborhood then to worry about Christians being slaughtered in the world. Usually there is no pause for any of them.
We see you, every one of you persecuted, from the Syrian child running from Isis questioning this cult to the cop that tries to do everything honorably but gets stabbed by his coworkers.
He's sees you, be bold and know you are loved.
God bless you all

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