5 "Older Guy" Qualities Younger Women Chase in a Man | Use THESE Instead of Money to Attract Her

Published 2020-01-26

All Comments (21)
  • @BenGreggSweden
    I’m 59 now, but 9 years ago I started dating my current wife who was 23 years younger than me. At the time, I was on the verge of bankruptcy, and am actually grateful about that as it was clear that her attraction and love for me had nothing to do with my money! Yet now, 9 years later, I’m having the best time of my life! She stuck around, we got married, and now have two adorable little girls together. It can be done!
  • @erickjones8701
    Im 48 my wife is 24 we have a great marriage and she is so full of wisdom.
  • Although the post is several years old, I only just came across it and I can fully confirm what was said here. I am 67 years old and I became a real estate agent after I retired and the success makes me happy. With increased self-esteem and in good physical and psychological shape, I flirted with a 36-year-old woman and in several conversations I found she was very much on the same wavelength as me. I touched her, as if by chance, hugged her, shared my knowledge and experiences about certain things in life and I felt how she showed me more and more affection. Today we know that we belong together. When she is 70 years old, I will have reached 100 years and will not be thinking about the end and I am sure that it will be a great celebration.
  • @mrgee1959
    I’m 65 and my girlfriend is 42. Watching this video was like a checklist of the qualities that I have.
  • @Mauitaoist
    As an older guy that's been pretty successful with women. I got to tell you this guy knows exactly what he's talking about.
  • @davidp2888
    I'm 55. In the last 3 years I've dated two much younger (early 20's) women. One relationship lasted for 9 months, the other lasted for 2 years and I was the first older man they'd been with. Both pursued me and initiated the relationship, neither of them were concerned with money. Just for fun I asked one of them why they pursued me so aggressively and she said "You have your shit together. You make plans, you take action." Will I have other relationships like these? I don't know and don't care. I'm living my life and enjoying myself.
  • @Sams911
    52 and she's 21.... I don't see it lasting long, but I'm having a blast while it does.
  • @keithad6485
    A guy I served with in the army is 72 and retired been divorced for some years. Last year, he said to me (2022), 'I have a girlfriend'. I congratulated him. He replied, 'she is 23'. They are now engaged to be married next year. I have met her, and she adores him! He is like a steady rock for her, she knows where she stands with him. She has tested him, and he was clear that he would leave her if she behaved in certain ways. She was shocked as she thought cos of her youth, this alone would keep him no matter what she did. She never wore dresses, this has changed under his guiding hand. There is a down side, she doesn't cook and doesn't do much to keep the house clean. This he has to organise. Prefers to play computer games. He said to her that he does not want kids with her cos he has already had a heart attack and does not want to take the risk of dying and leaving her to bring up kids on her own. She seems to have accepted this.
  • @jennabell7992
    I LITERALLY stood up and clapped after he made his last point "claim". This guy really knows what he is talking about. Guys, take notes.
  • single at 64 my advice (added to this good advice) is: "smile" show everyone" you are happy in your own skin...
  • I am 55 years old and I have always had certainty, clame, silent power and integrity for my whole life and it seems easier to do these things now that I am older. These things were instilled in alot of guys my age growing up. Integrity is also doing the right thing even if nobody is looking. Like a week ago I found a wallet with $400 to $500. in it and i got it back to the owner instead of taking the money and throw away the wallet. I had about $3. In my pocket and could have used the money but I did the right thing and I also slept good that night knowing that I did the right thing. Most people young and old have said they would never have given the money back which blows my mind....
  • @shaunkong62
    1) Certainty 2) Non Reactive 3)Quiet Power 4)Integrity 5)Claim
  • @drgilbertourroz
    1. Certainty 2. Non reactive 3. Quiet power 4. Integrity 5. Claim
  • @davcleric4974
    Your absolutely right women don’t like money. But I know they do. I once did two dating profiles one had my real income and the other had me on £100,000 a year. I got one message a week on the real one and 27 messages a day on the fake. But yes women don’t go for money.
  • @Selenagzselena
    I think it’s sad, that most people will think I date older men, because I think they’re more mature , but that’s not the case, I’m just attracted to them. I’m happy with that and I only fall in love with them. I was born this way. If people will not accept my much older man,they can mind their own business, it’s not their life and they don’t know how hard it is to always wear a mask and when you can’t be yourself.
  • @davemiller6147
    this guy gives excellent advice.... im 48. my wife is 15yrs younger than me and absolutely beautiful. younger guys are always flirting and trying to get to her, but she just ignores it (and so do i). i have her because im the guy described in this video. she knows who her man is and she knows - that i know - who MY woman is. i dated lots of women in their 20's before i chose the woman i wanted for my wife. they were fun to date, but werent ready to be wives. young men are usually focused on what women want. as an older guy, that changes to what WE want. keep that in mind
  • I am 47 and I date a 21 year old college student. I have discovered that the fountain of youth is to stay connected with younger people. They are active, still enjoy sex several times a day, and still have new experiences all the time. CONFIDENCE IS KEY TO GET THEM TO CHASE YOU.
  • @MrDellasc
    As someone who’s been called a “Silver Fox and quite fetching” by younger women, I’m 57, my advice is be your self, show confidence, have an attitude that you don’t give a feck, don’t bullshite or try to impress a woman by being something you’re not. I’ve been married 29 years, and still get hit on by the ladies (I’m a flirt, but would never cheat on my wife). FYI, my wife thinks my friends and I are immature ass’s…..😁