Finding joy as a mother of 1

Published 2024-06-05

All Comments (21)
  • @kayhaveman2325
    You guys must have an amazing mom. She sure did raise some amazing daughters.
  • @laurennesideen
    I don't normally comment on videos, but I just wanted to throw it out there for the other mothers of wakeful babies. I was so sleep deprived with my first that I barely managed basic self-care or housework. I had to move heaven and earth to get him to sleep, and then he would be up 20 minutes later unless I was either lying next to him or walking vigorously with him in the carrier. Demanded full contact and attention when he was awake, so it was nearly impossible to get anything done. This was definitely not a time in my life in which I could get bored or learn new skills. I was in survival mode for at least the first year. I honestly get more done now with two littles and pregnant with number three.
  • @eggwonna
    I just listened to the Simple Farmhouse Life episode where Lisa talked about how she told her little sister to embrace the freedom of being a mom of 1 and also told her teenage daughter to learn all the skills now while she is still so young, so that when she is an adult she will have so many tools in her tool belt. This video is very timely! Haha Those sentiments really resonated with me and I think that’s also why I have been enjoying your content so much. I am a newlywed of 7 months and have been working on becoming a homemaker. I currently work full time but when we have kids the plan is for me to be a SAHM. I grew up in a cluttered home and my mom was often stressed. We didn’t often do big projects and important things were procrastinated. I began adulthood not knowing how to cook very well, with a tendency to get overwhelmed very quickly by the smallest things, because that’s what I was used to growing up (I should also say I love my mom and she did a lot of things very well. But I do feel like I got the tendencies towards overwhelm from her). All that to say, I’m trying to embrace how much free time I really do have right now, without kids, and gradually add to my tool belt (getting better at caring for the home, trying new recipes, starting gardening, decluttering, putting time into my faith, etc). Your content has inspired me to use the time I have now more wisely, and reminds me that I am capable of pushing past overwhelm and learning new skills ❤ thank you
  • What an incredible job sewing those outfits. Such a sweet and thoughtful gift. 😮❤
  • @lynsmith2698
    Great job on the sewing. I’m 66 now and never have been much of a sewer. I used too sew clothes for my grama but she is no longer with us. I did just recently get my mum’s sewing machine after she passed and would like to sew more, thank you for the inspiration. We are NEVER to old to quit learning new skills, 🌷🇨🇦
  • Our hands contribute at à simple and enjoy life...We must to remember it...❤
  • @irmaflores9271
    I love how you do all the things! The little clothes came out so cute. When your daughter gets older, I can only imagine the pretty clothes you will be making for her!!😊
  • @maryabbott9680
    Bless your heart for being so vulnerable and open with us. Totally appreciate your honesty. Many women struggle with this problem of boredom when becoming a stay at home mom. God bless you and sewing is a excellent craft to learn! The outfits are adorable! Good job!
  • @inezswaffield48
    I absolutely love your vlogs. Feel free to make them longer.
  • @makenna578
    Yes, yes, yes!! I’m a SAHM of one little girl, and she’s 3 1/2 months old. I was dealing with some PPD and even more boredom just after week 3 or 4 with her. I had mostly recovered from birth, and I felt like I had nothing to do other than the necessities of caring for my daughter and making sure my husband had something to eat when he came home from work (a gifted freezer meal or otherwise). Three months later, I’ve gotten into sourdough at a very beginner level, started to take cooking seriously, and learned to find joy in the beauty around me by taking walks. You’ve inspired me to try my hand at sewing again (I haven’t sewed since I was a teenager) here in a few months after a move. Thank you for all you do. <3
  • So glad that I found your channel! Even though I’m a grandmother, I remember those precious days of little ones, sewing their clothes, etc. I cherish those memories. It goes by way too fast.☹️ Love your gallery wall! How fun and happy!😊 Thank you for taking the time to encourage us all with your wonderful channel!🙌🏻
  • I love to watch you cut out with weights and a rotary cutter. I learned to sew as a little girl before rotary cutters were invented (or at least widely available), so I'm old school using pins and a good pair of scissors for garment sewing. I use a straight edge ruler and rotary cutter for my quilting projects.
  • @KatherineMcG
    Those little outfits turned out beautifully and what a gorgeous fabric 🥰
  • @lindasmith5190
    You are such an inspiration for newly married or young mothers ❤ Keep up the good work and encouraging videos.
  • @YourBodyYoga
    First off, that was the most adorable gift I’ve ever seen, and any friend of yours is lucky for so many reasons! Second, I’m curious what your baby does while you’re doing all these cool things. Is is always during their nap? My little one (17 months old) will only play by himself for short periods of time. I’d love to know your secret!
  • I agree with one of your other subscribers.. you girls really must have a amazing mom! All 3 of you sisters are amazing ladies, wives, cooks, homemakers.. and more. You ask have such amazing skills at a one of the same things & some different, but all amazing! I know your mom has to be so proud of the young ladies you all have become. The little outfits are just precious, i think you're doing a great job at your sewing! Thanks for another great video😊
  • @jukes243
    That was a sweet labor of love. Thank you for sharing. (New sub here)
  • Thanks so much for your video Andrea and sharing your wisdom. Funnily, at 49 your words resonated with me so much and inspired me as I am on the "other side" of motherhood with my youngest being 23 and me being an empty nester and experiencing that weird boredom that comes from way more time on my hands than I thought I would have. You have encouraged me to not waste it being bored which I logically know but sitting with those feelings and hearing you openly and honestly share your feelings and shift in mindset is refreshing and comforting to hear. I think I will relisten to this video multiple times, as encouragement and as a warm reminder to myself to cherish this special time in my life "for me". For many years as a busy busy Mum I would crave the time and headspace to be able to enjoy hobbies, and other things that just had to wait and think longingly "one day.....". Well, now is that time for me. Thank you so much. You may think that because you are a new Mom you don't yet have the wisdom to talk to older mothers that have lived through way more, but the reality is, if YOU share YOUR truth, it will reach those that can relate even in a tangential way, and YOU will cause a positive ripple. Much love, Cherie, Adelaide, South Australia
  • @luciw8348
    Hi Andrea! I totally relate to feeling the need to have a hobby or skill that occupies your time so you don’t just wish away all of the pockets of your babies sleeping time. Sewing has definitely been that for me as well, but I would say that for me it has been a very practical skill! For buying normal clothes it is definitely cheaper than making. I have been cultivating my sewing craft for over 15 years, and as a young stay at home mom, I have been able to use it to help provide for my family as a wedding alteration specialist. it is definitely a niche, but it always amazes me that people don’t feel confident enough to do even some basic alterations on their own… And all of the knowledge that I have stems from learning to sew and construct garments for myself!While it is not a necessity for everyone, I have saved myself and my sisters thousands of dollars in alterations between their wedding gowns and bridesmaids dresses, because I can do some thing that started a simple as helping my grandma make little Easter dresses for me and my sisters when we were just little girls🥰. I hope this is inspiring, because God has truly used a skill I didn’t even know I was growing in to keep our family afloat during the tough financial season we are in now. It is such a blessing!!!