Team Marble Race : Crazy Elimination (by Algodoo)

Publicado 2023-02-11

Todos los comentarios (21)
    Stages: Stage 1: normal elimination (40 spots) finish as soon as possible before the spots runs out,otherwise you are eliminated. stage 2: elimination + insta-elimination (20 spots) same as the 1st stage but touching the insta-elimination eliminates you instantly. stage 3: lucky wheel elimination touch the wheel that corresponds to the teams finish colour will spawn 1 elimination orb. When touched, eliminates 1 marble of that colour immediately. stage 4: decisive first 20 (final) touch the wheel that matches a colour will +1 that colour’s marble. touching ☠️ kills a marble. First colour to have 20 marbles finished wins! (only 1 winner)
  • Wow, This elimination video sure was crazy. I love it. Pls make more And also Congrats to Red for winning 🥇 1. Team Survival - Winner: Green 2. Crazy Elimination - Winner: Red
  • @MarbleRaces
    Love the new transitions. They look so professional. Keep up the great work!
  • Hey crazy marble race I got an idea for a race Junk race : Stage 1: garbage truck🚛 Stage 2: rotten foods🥩🥦🌮🍕🍖 Stage 3: electric trash 🔌🔦📺 Stage 4: sewage pipes Final stage : trash compactor
  • @zelly4914
    Phew that elimination wheel is crazy
  • @EvoworldLion
    I was shocked in level 3. so much colours were eliminated. But that is it what crazy marble race making crazy marble race :)
  • @YummyFun645
    Thats funny cause Orange Team has been eliminated on the first stage already.
  • @lisadooley3872
    Red won so that must mean that my Chiefs will be victorious tomorrow