What Is Sin? The Essence and Root of All Sinning

Published 2023-09-28

All Comments (21)
  • @troysandoval2731
    Thank you Lord God Almighty for this man whom you have put to feed your sheep. He is amazing.
  • @markrichter2053
    At least in Britain we have beautiful old churches where the sense of wonder and deep history can elevate the proceedings, those responsible for music are genuinely gifted and the priest has the good taste and decency to talk for no longer that 10 minutes. People go because they genuinely find pleasure and derive meaning from their worship and the theological indoctrination takes back seat to the mystical experience. It’s thoroughly civilised and humane.
  • Wow! Cutting to the bone and marrow. Lifting to the highest certainty. Healing to the depths others cannot reach.
  • This is indeed what the Bible says. Pastor John is the innoculating syringe in the hand of the Great Physician's Spirit. I thankfully praise the Lord for faithful teachers! Thank you Lord Jesus! Thank you Dr John Piper and everyone at DGM!
  • Outstanding sermon!!! Very eye opening and heart waking up...o, how desperately we all need Jesus Christ as our shield 🛡️
  • @nereida116
    Lord Christ Jesus, bless you copiously Pastor John Piper! I praise Our Heavenly Father, Our Messiah, and The Holy Paraclet for your life and bountiful ministry. Amen
  • To me it is loving things that can't love you back in other words the the things of this world the Bible so vehemently says we should reject. From what I have seen Satan is fashioning a new golden calf every second for us to put on the throne that should only belong to Jesus the only one who will love us back with an unimaginable grace beyond the full comprehension of man.
  • @phieble
    The essence and root of all sin is the objection and intolerance of creatures toward the right and authority of God to sovereignly do whatever he pleases, in that he can and does decide to withhold from us satisfying pleasure in himself and yet also demands that we not seek supreme, satisfying pleasure in anything else. In other words, as creatures made in the image of God with an indomitable desire for pleasure at all times, we cannot live without the pursuit of pleasure so if we are not enjoying God our Creator supremely for satisfaction, which is something he must grant and we cannot take or demand from him, then we are bound to seek it elsewhere yet we cannot ever fully grasp it elsewhere so we are always dependent on God while also being subject to his righteous ordinance to not do what we are bound to do if he withholds himself, namely seek satisfaction elsewhere. This makes all of us consciously or unconsciously angry, indifferent, and untrusting of God in our core because we want full control of our pleasure at all times and we don't cope well with being subject to God's will which very often includes depriving us of satisfaction, and we also don't want to be restrained under law from seeking satisfaction in any other pleasure that may be available to us, both of which are reasons why Lucifer sought to dethrone God and take the means and object of his satisfaction into his own hands when he was not fully experiencing pleasure all the time. Lucifer sinned because he was not fully satisfied in God and thus wanted to be God in order to seize control of his own satisfaction and not have to deal with repercussions for any desires and pursuits he may have. God condemned Lucifer for his sin (intolerance of God's sovereign prerogative and his plans to regulate pleasure by his own will rather than by the preference and wiring of creatures) and when banished, Lucifer became Satan and deceived Eve and Adam that they could take their satisfaction into their own hands knowing that they couldn't because he couldn't, and when Adam took the bait Satan became the spiritual master of all mankind, thus dominating our will and decisions with the rebellious attitude and preference that he has so that we cannot worship God because we like him are so angry and dissatisfied with God's nature and the way he runs the world and our lives, many times subjecting us to deprivation and pain in the name of his "good purposes," which we deny can be truly good because they don't align with ours. God will not and cannot yield to our preferences and demands in his nature, character, and the manner in which he rules, but he can give us new hearts that bow to his nature, preferences, and demands, and he does this miraculously and independently in our new birth when the Holy Spirit gives us a grand foretaste of the satisfaction that we long for in Jesus Christ when we hear the Gospel, if we are the elect, then last we are enabled to and will repent and place our faith in him so that we can begin enjoying him as we were made to. Everyone's problem with God that gave rise to sin is that we don't like how God applies his sovereignty when it includes displeasure being experienced and punishment upon us for how we respond to his depriving us of pleasure, and the only remedy is for God to give us sufficient foretastes of the complete satisfaction we long for which we then respond to in faith and worship up until the time when our nature is fully changed and made sinless and God's glorious presence and blessings can be fully enjoyed.
  • @life.re-defined
    Paul is saying exactly that in Galatians. That NO ONE can be justified by law.... It is only the grace of GOD and ONLY the grace of GOD that provides salvation. Judaism's talk of grace is there -because GOD'S SYSTEM WAS ALWAYS BASED ON FAITH AS THE WAY GRACE IS OBTAINED BUT IN JESUS' DAY, the practicing Jews - esp those in high positions had become lost and were relying on themselves for justification. Period.
  • @user-yb7yz7kj9v
    Any chance a link could be added for the book he references?
  • @allenm721
    I'll agree that all good deeds are 'as filthy rags', but we are created in God's image and I think even unregenerate people have a capacity to do good works due to the remnant of God's image that was stamped upon them. But I guess I'm not a 'total depravity' person. Like how would we ever come to desire God if our depravity were truly total?
  • Sin according to the bible is trangression of the Law. If there is no law then there is no sin. And if no sin then you need no grace. If you love me keep my commandments. God requires obedience. We will be judged by the Law Read James 2:10. Every Government has laws and God has laws. Without laws then there will be chaos. The whole duty of man is to fear God and keep his commandments
  • @kike2strong
    This is a blessing an eye opening. Thank you Jesus Christ.