15 Signs Your Cat Considers You Its Mother

Publicado 2023-03-04
Imprinting is common in mammals. It is a critical period where an animal picks one person or animal and forms a strong and enduring bond with that figure. Cats have been known to imprint on humans, showing an obvious preference for one person over others.
Your cat may imprint on you when they see you as a source of safety, shelter, food, and companionship. While some people consider cats aloof, many cats have a favorite person in the house who they’ve grown especially fond of.
But, how do you know if your cat has imprinted on you? In this video, we will talk about 15 ways your cat is saying you are their favorite person.

Your cat follows you around
Following you around the house is one of the most common signals that your cat has imprinted on you. If your cat follows you to the bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen, then you and your cat have developed a deep attachment. It shows how much your pet loves to be around you. Your cat is looking to you for love and company, and for cues as to what will happen next.
You’re their sleep buddy
Cats are very concerned about their safety and won’t sleep where they aren’t sure about their surroundings. If your cat has imprinted on you, they may take their spot next to you and snuggle up close. If your cat sleeps with you, it’s a sign of trust, love, and security; all signs that your cat has imprinted on you.
They have conversations with you
Vocalizing is another common sign that your cat is attached to you.
If your cat utters specific vocalizations, like trilling, purring, chirping, and tiny high-pitched meows when you are around, it demonstrates how strong your bond is.
They groom you
When it comes to signs of imprinting, grooming is one of the biggest, especially if you’re the one who gets the honor more than others.
Grooming behaviors such as licking a human's hair or face signals that your cat considers you a close companion. They lick you to keep you clean and show you they care about your well-being.
Grooming is also a way of social bonding.
When your cat licks your ears, hair, hands, or feet, they leave behind their distinct scent that lets other cats know that you belong to their social group. In other words, your cat considers you part of their family and their favorite one at that.
They Bite you
It is common for cats to bite to show affection. But only with gentle and more controlled nibbles. It is different from a fearful or defensive bite that's meant to cause harm.
These love bites may feel weird, but it is a sign your cat loves you and enjoys your company.
They want to make you smell like them
Cats have scent glands located around their face and body that they use to mark their territory.
When a cat rubs against you or walks between your legs, they are actually marking you with their scent.
This is so that they can communicate to others that you belong to their social group and you are theirs. This is a type of territorial behavior that indicates affection and a bonded relationship.
They Keep Making Biscuits on You
Cats begin kneading just after birth.
When they do that to you, it is a way of expressing pleasure and happiness. It is a sign of a deep attachment and bonded relationship.
They Show You Their Belly All the Time
Lying on their back and exposing their belly puts cats in a very vulnerable position. It makes them open to attack from predators and makes it harder to defend themselves.
If your feline friend constantly shows you their belly, they’re telling you that they trust you completely.
Eye To Eye
The slow blink is another sign of feline affection that is often missed by humans. If you notice your cat stares at you and they slowly close and open their eyes, they are trying to tell you that they trust you and care about you. Cats only exhibit this behavior around people and felines they are bonded with.
Purring in your presence
More often than not, cats purr when they are happy and content. If your cat purrs when you pet them, it means they feel very comfortable around you, and that they are happy you are there.
They don’t seem friendly with other people
It's normal for cats to have better chemistry or closer bonds with some people rather than with others. Cats are notorious for playing favorites, and some felines are just cooler than others, never warming up to anyone. If you notice your cat often turns to you for pets and interactions but consistently ignores others, this is a clear sign that you are their favorite.
You Are Their Favorite Playmate
While many cats love playing, they won’t play with you if they haven’t accepted you as part of their family.
If your cat chooses to play with you, then congratulations. They’ve imprinted on you.
You receive the most gifts from your cat
So if your feline hunter brings you a “gift,” like a dead mouse, think of it as a sign of affection and love. After all, they’re sharing their hard-won prize with you and only you!

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @soggytomales893
    I had a stray imprint on me. One day she brought her babies to me, then left for a couple days, she came back and once she saw her babies were safe she became way more affectionate. She's an amazing cat, I have to keep her outside but she walks me to school. And waits for me near my apartments mailboxes when I get home.
  • @davidserlin8097
    I don’t have a cat anymore, but I watched this video with a lump in my throat thinking about all the different ways that Sadie imprinted on me. That was 30 years ago. I don’t think I’ll ever find another pet with whom I can share such a deep and affectionate bond. I really loved that little cat. ❤
  • I already knew every one of these signs would apply to my cats but hearing this still made me feel good
  • @koalar8tion
    I lost my kitty Blue a couple of months ago. I had him for 20 years and loved him like a son. He died in my arms. This video brought me to tears because he did all of these things. It makes me so happy to know that he loved me just as much as I loved him.
  • @lucycz515
    1. Your cat follows you around 2. You’re their sleep buddy 3. They have conversations with you 4. They groom you 5. They bite you 6. They want to make you smell like them 7. They Keep Making Biscuits on You 8. They Show You Their Belly All the Time 9. They do the "slow blink" at you 10. They purr in your presence 11. They don’t seem friendly with other people 12. They memorized your routine 13. They sit on your lap 14. You Are Their Favorite Playmate 15. You receive the most gifts from your cat
  • @BlackCat-911
    The amount of conversations I've had with my cat is unbelievable. I ask him how his days gone and he responds with different meows as if he's actually responding. It's so adorable
  • @kellegraff6626
    My parents had a cat for 13 years that had been traumatized as a kitten and hid under the bed and covers most of the day. I came from California to Arkansas to visit my family and I walked in the house to lie down on the floor to see her under the bed and talk to her. Within five minutes she let me hold her, went into the bathroom with me and purred constantly. Both my parents passed away after this trip. I moved Arkansas and immediately had Kitty cat in my home with me. I'm 68 years old and had never had a pet in my life. She imprinted on me within the first couple of days in our new home. I love her, she brings me great joy, and is extremely entertaining. I actually may spoil her but that's okay because she deserves it!
  • @Jmarier
    I am definitely my cat’s mother. I never had an animal that love me so much. I feel so special. 😊
  • There’s no more hilarious than having a late night conversation then suddenly my cat walks into the room to signal it’s time for bed 😂
  • @MalaikaESC
    My cat used to do almost all of these, Rest In Peace, Pepper. 😿
  • My cat, Andy, did all of these with me. He would have been 16 on 31st of this month. He had terminal cancer and was beginning to feel pain and had labored breathing. We put him to sleep. It was awful. House feels so empty without him. It feels like a very close friend and family has died. He was so wonderful and the most loving individual in my life besides my late mother.
  • I have my kitty for 5 days now. She does almost everything from this video (purring, walking with me, sitting on my lap, biting me, showing her stomach). I am proud of myself!
  • My bond with my cat is very special. I never understood why people don't think cats can bond with humans. I saved her life when she was a kitten and took the time to properly bond with her and she literally never forgot a moment of it. She loves the sound of my voice (calling her name across the room or just looking at her makes her all excited and happy, she'll start kneading and trilling at me with her tail straight up) and the one time my best friend (who shes known her entire life since I got her at like 4-5 months old) had to take care of her for a week she shut down completely and refused to eat or move from a single spot in the house or make even the slightest noise...until, you guessed it, the moment I walked back into the house and called her name. She's my baby. She greets me every time she wakes up from a nap or enters a room, she follows me around the house, loves to sleep under the covers with me and knead my stomach, will even go into REM sleep while I'm holding her, and she doesn't like anyone else but me or trust anyone else but me. I am very humbled by her love and she saved my life in return when I needed her by being there for me and giving me a reason to wake up in the morning when I thought I had none. She knows whenever I am sick, or when my chronic pain flares, and she loafs on that area specifically when it does and purrs loudly to try and soothe me. She hovers when I'm sick and checks on me often. My life will not be the same when she passes, but I will enjoy every single moment I get with her until the end.
  • @sweetcake007
    Im glad my cat knows my routine, she woke me up when I overslept! Thanks to her I didn’t miss going to work. 😂
  • All my cats have been feral. Taken off the streets of Philadelphia and they all think I’m Mom. I’m VERY blessed. 🙏🏼♥️☮️🕊
  • @ligtblade7102
    My cat will literally meow and make me follow her to the couch just so she can cuddle and it's freaking adorable 😭
  • @ViviSoren
    My cat is my shadow. She is EVERYWHERE I am. You never have to wonder where she is, cause she is always within feet of me. She sleeps with me everytime, even when I nap. I can’t get rid of her! And it I DARE try to ignore her, she will meow pitifully until I give her all the love again. Cats are so precious 🥰
  • @larryzeldin7561
    My cat knows I’m going to sleep when I turn off the lamp by the bedside and turn to my side,as soon as I do that she realizes I’m going to sleep and she comes running to cuddle and if I don’t open my arms to let her lay down to spoon with me then she starts tapping on my arms to hug her. I went through a divorce a few years ago and it was lonely sleeping alone but once she started sleeping with me I no longer get depressed or sad at bedtime or in the morning when I wake up
  • @feeberizer
    My dear, departed Baxie had to be bottle fed when I got her. What a special time. Fast forward eight years to me coming home from a 10 day trip. As I opened the door I say, "Mommy's home! Mommy's home!" Baxie jumped into my arms and yelled "MOM!!!" just as plain as day. Oh, how I miss my baby girl! 😻
  • My baby girl, Stormy, imprinted on my the moment she was born, she was with me through everything and I held her as she went to the rainbow bridge, I even sang her favorite sang to make her journey safer. I still cry even though it's been about two years now, she was a beautiful 16 year old tuxedo with green green eyes.