Cat food cats go crazy for... and how to make it!

Published 2020-08-10
Homemade Cat Food with Chicken that turned our Finicky Felines into Ravenous Land Sharks... We still use some dry cat food, but it is the same stuff that our cats stuck their noses up at and picked at for the last couple of years. I think you'll find this homemade food is much cheaper than even basic dry kibble!

Below is an ingredient list and supply list:

(I've included Amazon affiliate links to some of them, especially the ingredients and equipment I ordered from Amazon myself! And, full disclosure, I would get a small commission if you were to purchase a product through any of the links.)

To ensure you have what you need on hand, here is the basic ingredients:
Bone-in chicken quarters (legs, thighs, etc. You need dark meat. Bone-in is less expensive and more nutritious when you cook it down. The drawback: picking the bones out of the cooled cooked chicken.) 10 pounds
White Rice - for this cat food recipe I used 2.5 cups. Some people use oatmeal, and this is optional, but my cats LOVE white rice.
Pumpkin - I used roasted pumpkin (homegrown), but canned pumpkin puree will also work. DO NOT use pumpkin pie filling - cats shouldn't eat sugar. With 14 lbs of turkey, I use about 6-8 cups. This is really good for cat digestion and urinary tracts.
Ground Flax Seed - for this cat food recipe I used 2 cups. This is for protein, fiber, and healthy fats that cats need, and it thickens the food right up - it looks a bit soupy at first. Make sure it is finely ground. Brown or golden flax seed meal will work. Whole flaxseed: Ground flaxseed:

Here is a list of some of the equipment I use in this video along with links to them on Amazon:

16 qt stock pot:
24 qt stock pot:
Mesh Strainer:

Do not use salted or seasoned anything in your cat's food - too much salt really damages their kidneys, and common human seasonings like garlic and onion actually destroy their red blood cells. Yikes! It's a short ingredient list. We filmed this real time, but sped up the part where my daughter and I pull the chicken - that is by far the most labor intensive part... but don't try and skip it with boneless meat. Our feline friends need the high fat dark meat, and their bodies get additional nutrition from the other goodies that are extracted from the bones during the extended cooking process.
Let me know how it goes! Our 9 kitties give it 2 paws up with a Meow for extra points!

All Comments (21)
  • @sallyballs8473
    I have to throw my two cents in. I just clicked on this video and then started looking through through the comments and I have to say WOW. I have seen less emotional outbursts on political and social issue videos. This is cat food. Every point some of you are going in on this woman for, she addresses and she gives you HER reasons why she makes HER cat food the way she does. If you don't like "cooked" food MOVE ON. I thank you ,How To Really Cook Lady, for this helpful informative video. I have a finicky cat and I know that in the end my making her just chicken is better thank 98% of the processed crap we get at store (human food as well!!). So, as I learn more about nutrition for both of us, we will grow healthier together! meow
  • @gammayin3245
    This is really a better idea than feeding commercial cat food!! I started cooking for my overweight 12 y.o. cat when he licked all the fur off one of his legs. Found out that food allergies was a probable cause. So I quit feeding him kibble and found a recipe online. The short story is that he 1) lost weight, 2) his fur became lush and soft, 3) he quit licking his leg and that fur grew back, and 3) he started playing like a kitten again! He lived to 18+!! I miss ol' Figaro.
  • @catw5294
    Just have to say. Love a kindred spirit who lets their cats walk on their counters.
  • @melhugh3134
    I have a small rescue with 34 cats for ages 1yr to 16yrs. old. I have been trying to find an alternative to the canned food because it was getting ridiculously expensive and I knew it was junk anyway and have been looking to create my own to give them better quality and to try to lower my cost. Since I am here 24/7 and am absolutely committed to them, the time is is no big deal. I have just been having a hard time finding a recipe that I could do that didn't require alot of added stuff to buy that I couldn't get at the grocery store. Thank you so much! I actually have about 30lbs of chicken (I'll cook about 20 on 1st batch), 5lb. turkey and about 1/2lb of chicken hearts. The white rice (I only have brown) will be delivered today and everything else I have. I'm really excited to see if I'm Top Cat again at supper time...YAY!
  • About 15 years ago I had skunks, possums, a boatload of stray hungry cats ( as the humane society was on the other side of the lake from my house). There were groundhogs, raccoons, you name it every species of animal that dwelled in the woods surrounding my house came out every evening searching for food. What I came up with was primitive, but I managed to keep them all well fed and the satisfaction I helped them survive the cold harsh Winters. I knew nothing about nutrition, all I knew I was doing my best with what I had to work with. I'd boil the chicken till it fell of the bone. Then remove the chicken and debone it. As I was doing that I'd throw in some plain white rice to the broth. When the rice was soft, tender and plump, I'd return the deboned chicken back to the broth and rice. It those animals alive. That was my goal and I achieved it. The possum was the cutest. He'd know what time I came home from work and be waiting for me under the dumpster
  • The cat's presence says it all! God bless you for sharing your recipe and for taking care of the ferals.
  • @prissmc7216
    I took my cats off kibble and feed them this. They love it! No more throwing up and their hair is so much softer. They have more energy too. Thank you so much!
  • @xy11xy
    This is great. In Jamaica we fed our cats on mince meats from the butcher that came from underneath the electric meat saw. It was a mixture of meats and fish and sold in bags for a few dollars for pet food. We took it home and cooked it in a big pot and sometimes added bread, cornmeal, rice or table scraps. The cats were really muscled and very strong with almost no fat on their bodies to the point where I never knew what a primordial pouch was till I came to N. America. Thanks for posting.
  • I moved to a county that has a MASSIVE feral/stray cat problem. I have always been a cat person...the first batch of kittens became my cats because I could not watch them eat rotten tomatoes from the compost. I must say....animals are pretty industrious. Fast forward 3 years....I now feel responsible for this project since I made that choice with that first round. I have nevet felt such heartbreak OR joy. Life is rough for cats out here: coyotes, diseases, etc ***I am NOT looking to be criticized or judged for my ability to care for these souls....I can barely feed myself so I take it personally when I cannot feed the colony. They eat better than I do. I started looking into ways to better feed them as I don't have the money to simply buy catfood. I needed to stretch it thank you for this amazing video. I already do some of this, but my latest kick has been to incorporate the ground up chicken bones. For those interested....I have 12 cats currently with 2 Mamas about to pop with kittens. I am stuck in the loop of needing to find a way to afford spay/neuter for them as I am really feeling the stress of this cycle of creation. meow
  • @natureboy6410
    A couple little helpful tips that will make your project a lot easier. Use a large electric pressure cooker and run it through two Max cycles and let it depressurize naturally. No matter how you cook it, add a half a cup of apple cider vinegar at the beginning. This not only leeches all of the calcium and Morrow from the bones, it makes the bone very soft as well, if cooked the proper amount of time. Now all you need is a heavy duty stick blender or food processor to include the bone in the food. This works, I know I've tried. I even dry the bone sometimes and make my own bone meal for the garden. It crumbles real easy even when it's dried.🤗🤗🤗
  • Greetings, being a disabled senior, I've struggled with taking care of my 2 moggy-mese's. I hit up all the local foodbanks for meat. I always boil the chicken 1st for about 10 minutes, then move it into another boiling pot of water. I do this because commercial chicken stinks & is disgusting. Foodbanks rarely get organ meats, but when they do, they're happy to give it to me. So that's how I supplement my cherished fur babies❤
  • @JewLsTruly
    I can tell u cook by how ur kitchen is set up! 6 burners 2 ovens! Love ur kitchen U got a chefs dream set up
  • @petithibou1891
    I started to feed my 12 yo cat homemade meals 4 years ago and he is never sick his hair is so luxurious and he loves it ❤️
  • If you can cook the bones down until they’re soft, you can run them through a bone grinder and make a very nice bone meal which can be added back into the food. It has calcium and the excellent nutrients that are in the bone marrow. And then you don’t waste any thing or risk having your cats choke on bones or have a perforation in the intestine.
  • @mont5584
    Your kitchen looks like a industrial kitchen. You've given me motivation because even without adding taurine, fish oil, barley and grass supplements, etc. this is still far better than the top of the line highly expensive cat food! And I applaud you and your helper! ❤❤
  • @annetracy77
    my understanding is that Taurine is absolutely essential for cats...
  • I would definitely try this! Currently spending $100 a month in between dry and canned food to feed 3 stray cats. Thank you for the great video!😸
  • @obxconsumer9281
    ...and the main ingredient is LOVE - so happy to see what you are doing for your cats!
  • @chobers5659
    ❤i love the ginger cat head bobbing around your pot
  • @cheryl739
    Love how Kelly keeps looking for bones! Way to go girl! Keeping those kitties safe through due diligence. Very thorough and consciensious. 👍💕