2022 ASBMR Webinar: Intelligent Exercise for Osteoporosis Patients: What Doctors Need to Know

Physicians who treat osteoporosis are frequently asked by their patients for advice as to exercise programs – how to use exercise to impact bone density, how to prevent falls and fractures, or just how to get moving again. Patients complain that doctors don’t address exercise, and don’t know the basics. The webinar today will try to bridge this gap.

Dr Janet Rubin, a practicing endocrinologist who studies how physical force affects the skeleton, will take the doctor’s perspective in a discussion with Margaret Martin, a Canadian physiotherapist with 30 years of experience in treating and counseling patients with osteoporosis. Margaret is the author of Exercise for Better Bones, a top 3 book on Amazon in Rheumatology and Osteoporosis. She has over 40,000 email subscribers to MelioGuide.com, her website dedicated to aging well with osteoporosis.

This webinar should motivate physicians to have intelligent conversations with their patients regarding exercise and bone health. It will cover strength/resistance, cardiometabolic, as well as balance and agility training.

As a result of this webinar, attendees will be able to
· Appreciate exercise as a prescription for osteoporosis
· Identify the key components of an osteoporosis exercise program
· Identify the contraindicated exercises and activities

コメント (11)
  • @robyn3349
    I have Martin's book and have found it clear and helpful.
  • Thank you so much for the precious information!
  • I took Prolia 3 injections I stopped June 13, 2022 due to all of the bad side effects and law suits. I am using my stand up vibration machine 20 minutes per day which they say equals 40 minutes vibration machine I hope this is safe.
  • @t.k.6060
    It is so confusing.. is flexion good or bad?