How to Forgive People

Published 2021-08-23
Friends, today we continue our discussion of a recent article by Tim Keller, the popular Protestant pastor, titled “The Fading of Forgiveness: Tracing the Disappearance of the Thing We Need Most.”

We previously explored why forgiveness has faded in our culture. Today, we focus on the path forward, how we can practice and encourage more forgiveness.

A listener asks, what is, for me, the most annoying passage in the Bible?


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All Comments (21)
  • @bika4942
    I think Bishop barron is one of the best Bishops I have ever found with deepest biblical knowledge. There is no doubt that Christianity and missionaries played a crucial role in many countries. I guess half of the worlds population have been uplifted in socially, culturally, economically by the missionaries.
  • "There is no peace without justice. There is no justice without forgiveness." - Saint Pope JP2
  • This clip addressed two perhaps of my most fundamental issues with navigating my perception of the faith and navigating life day to day. I'm inept at forgiveness, and appreciate the value of understanding 'Forgiveness' on a fundamentally Christian level. Additionally - as a Catholic convert, raised in emotionally driven and contrare to reason Charismatic and Protestant Christianity, I was asked my entire childhood "Do you feel His Presence?" and "Do you believe in Jesus?" My intellectual answer would be "Yes, but I have questions of reason to the second one." And on the first question I would be moot, because I didn't actually feel emotionally what i was being asked all of the time. This clip answers why i don't feel emotionally charged all of the time what I thought was the delimiting element of being a genuine believer in Christ, and due to the trauma that I and a countless multitude of us suffered as children being raised in an imperfect world (original sin, anyone? Who is to blame (Forgiveness..?)) - Due to that sense of injustice, I have been practically lost while not trying to be on the issue of forgiveness - And due to Brandon's and Bishop Barons articulation, am able to bracket the role of practicing Christianity (Y'all need to write Books on discerning the perception of emotions and navigating day to day decisions and life). Praise the Lord, my Homies!
  • @spleenery
    I learned something recently from the book The Power of Silence (pg 218) that taught me everything I need to know about forgiveness. My apologies if this is mentioned in the video. The quote is as follows: Dysmas de Lassus: I would simply like to recall a story. One issue of the magazine Cahiers sur l'Oraison [Notebooks on Prayer] reports that before leaving for the gas chamber, a Jew wrote on a slip of paper: "Lord, remember also the men of ill will, but do not remember then their cruelties. Remember the fruits that we have borne because of what they did. And grant, Lord, that the fruits that we have borne may one day be their redemption."
  • @sakuracnd
    Think of what forgiveness cost Jesus. It will never cost me that much. Take the first step. Don’t wait for feelings. ❤ Thanks Bishop Barron
  • @HanNguyen-vg1fq
    It is not easy to forgive someone try to kill you! But with God ‘s grace (with the fifteen years of prayer for forgive this person ). I have done that and I feel God ‘s tremendous love and mercy for me and also for the person that offense me. Thank you Jesus! And Bishop Barron!
  • @Stratman389
    I like that. Regardless who caused the harm - it ends here with me and it ends here with forgiveness.
  • I had struggled to reconcile with the Church as an entity in my efforts to return to Catholicism. Ultimately I had an epiphany and realized I needed to forgive the Church its sins if I want forgiveness for my sins. Matthew 6:14.
  • A deep study of the Catechism revealed a sense of culpability in myself and others. As I became more self-aware of my own, I see it in others who are not self-aware. This culpability can only be judged by God, as some suffer from circumstances beyond their control or self-awareness. Knowing this allows passion to grow for others for their shortcomings, as I ask for forgiveness for my own. Talking about these things brings common knowledge, unity & forgiveness, we hope. God Bless, Your Excellency.
  • I became Catholic 4 years ago, after 6 decades of life. I found out in RCIA that the concepts I had about Catholicism were so far away from what is the truth. You said that people are taking what they know of Christianity from headlines & caricatures. I believe that is what's happening. When I think of how I used to live, I feel sorry for anyone who will not open their minds to the truth.
  • Dear Bishop Barron: Your Grace, What splendour there is in the eloquence which adorns your manifestation of what IS SO IMPORTANT in Being CHRISTIAN... "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO"...imagine!!...from the agony of (on??)The Cross!!!
  • @rail_bender5205
    She is Protestant and Joyce Meyers a televangelist's ministry on forgiveness is compelling. I'm Orthodox and I love her for her preaching on forgiveness.
  • “Where you stumble, that is where you dig for treasure.” That helped to clarify so much of my personal frustration with myself and my continued failures and weaknesses that accompany me into the confessional frequently.
  • This was especially important to me. Letting go when it was so painful. My husband's family blamed me for my beloved's death. It was absolutely malevolent. It has been very difficult to forgive. I pray about it a lot...especially for my inability to let it completely go.
  • Thank you Bishop Baron for elaborating on this topic. Forgiveness is a habit not a feeling. If God in your most wretched state forgave your transgressions who are you but a mere mortal not to forgive. ✝️
  • @terryasmus3925
    Thank you Bishop Barron for another thought provoking lesson. Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
  • I recall, perhaps Father Dubay from Catholic Univ. of America, said the largest obstacle to spiritual growth and human flourishing is unforgiveness. This topic is much needed. Throughout Latin America I am persuaded that the demons and assaults on many of the countries comes from lack of forgiveness and inability to move forward in God's grace.
  • @marypinakat8594
    "Forgiveness is the fragrance that the Violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." - MARK TWAIN