Tesla Optimus Bot Gen 2 Real Speed! Elon Musk Unveiled All Specs, Time-release Shocking Industry

Published 2024-03-21
Tesla Optimus Bot Gen 2 Real Speed! Elon Musk Unveiled All Specs, Time-release Shocking Industry
🤖 Introduction:
In the ever-evolving landscape of robotics, Tesla has emerged as a frontrunner, transcending its identity as solely an automotive company. The Tesla Optimus initiative represents a bold leap into humanoid robotics, with a focus on enhancing mobility, versatility, and functionality. This article delves into the intricate details of Optimus's movement capabilities, exploring why speed isn't the sole determinant of its success.

🔍 Summary:
🚶♂️ Movement Speed Insights: Tesla's Optimus humanoid robot boasts remarkable advancements in movement speed, with recent updates showcasing significant improvements. While speed is a crucial factor, other aspects such as precision, stability, and versatility hold equal importance.
🤝 Balancing Mobility and Utility: The decision to invest in a mobile robot like Optimus involves balancing mobility with utility. While competitors may emphasize speed, Tesla focuses on enhancing accuracy, flexibility, and task-specific functionality.
👁️ Observation Capabilities: Optimus's extensive sensor suite, coupled with Tesla's Full Self-Driving technology, enables proficient observation and navigation in complex environments. These capabilities lay the groundwork for seamless integration into various settings, from factory floors to residential spaces.
🔋 Battery Efficiency: Optimus's operational efficiency is bolstered by a 2.3 kWh battery, ensuring prolonged performance in diverse tasks and environments. Tesla's continuous refinement of energy consumption further enhances Optimus's endurance and usability.

01:42 When it comes to Tesla Optimus's walking speed, the subject is shrouded in speculation and leaks.
09:36 The efficiency of the Tesla robot at its current walking speed of 1.3 mph is a pertinent question.
11:02 Why is Tesla Optimus's movement speed not so important?

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All Comments (21)
  • @stevechadwick85
    I dont need walking robots. Give me Rosie from the Jetsons. Let that thing just tank around on some wheels. ... I just need something to clean the tile... do the dishes... and fold the laundry... if it COULD prepare a few meals.... winning.
  • This video doesn't do the Optimus Bot justice or take into consideration how much they will improve over 1 year (all bots too)! True that walking speed doesn't matter, but that doesn't mean it's not going to be as fast as humans for walking or running in the next year or two, by the time it's commercially available. Look at Nvidia's latest breakthroughs and you'll see they can just train the bots in simulation worlds and get them up to speed in all ways quite easily. They will be able to share training data for moving their body parts faster and faster. It's only set to move slow with the legs at this moment in time.
  • @13thbiosphere
    All that matters is the ability to do useful work walking speed is not important doing acrobatics is not important
  • @jidun9478
    What happened between 11:33 and 11:36 of this video sounded like and AI threw in an Elmer Fudd Easter egg! 😂
  • @user-rn5co3ue2j
    This is so cool, but I can't help thinking about our future. It's just a little scary to think that eventually, we may be policed by AI driven drones and robots. Can you imagine getting pulled over by a RoboCop? Little drones with those sharp blades zooming above and around you? Where we are heading is far more than just getting some help around the warehouse. We are in a really strange time right now and rushing things that we should think through just a little more. I love Tesla! I love this advancement in technology. I am just really getting Minority Report feelings about our future in 10 years.
  • @brennencox516
    1:00 It's a bit funny that this clip was used. TESLA CAR WORLD mentions obstacle avoidence, yet doesn't show Optiums avoiding anything (not even in a pre-programed way).... Odd, it's like he's just saying things. May as well say "Optimus won't walk fast, but it will be able to fly!" 3:12 CGI representation (and quite cheaply done). 3:16 Compare that with real-world examples. Bravo TESLA CAR WORLD, you've made the point opposite of what you're trying, because you're blinded by the cult of Musk. 3:44 A person sitting to the right of where Optimus is going, 3:52 No one there now, and the desks are separated. Wow.... So impressive /s 4:04 You've yet to give a demonstration of collision avoidence. But this is the 2nd time you've mentioned it. Odd, it's kinda like you're just repeating lies/fairy tales. 6:00 So if Optiums has FSD, why don't Tesla cars have FSD? Oh, you've been caught in a lie. 7:30 "Considering a hypothetical scenario", .... .... your nose is so far up Musk's rear end. Why not consider a hypothetical scenario where Optimus can fly you around the world for $0.0000001 per 1km. Why not? It's based in about as much reality as you're spewing. And didn't you just a few minutes ago say that Optimus' slow speed was good and acceptable, because percision is important, not speed.... Yet now you're making a case for speed (not mentioning percision). Make up your mind. 9:28 Yet no demonstration of Optimus stepping over anything has been show. (A Boston Dynamic's clip showed that though). What is the point of this video? 9:41 Earlier you cited 1.37 mph as the speed of Optimus. Can you not get your own figures correct? 11:43 A computer records what a human does, 11:49 A computer repeats those actions. WOw, computer programing is SUCH A NEW THING!!!! 12:08 May accel, not can accel. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. 13:42 It's been admitted that Optimus can't fold a shirt, at least not by itself, that's why I made my first comment at the 1:00 mark. Anyone who reads this (which I'm guessing will be no one), have you noticed how half of all images/video in this video are CGI? That's very telling. 16:26 Full self-driving cars don't exist yet. It'd be nice if they did, but they don't. Why are you trying so hard to sell lies? 17:49 "the walking capabililty of Optimus" THIS exact video has shown other robots who do a better job at walking.... You're gas-lighting people... you're disgusting....
  • @johns5876
    If a robot could walk down a grocery store aisle and pick up box of toothpaste, a bottle of Pepto and a bottle of aspirin AND it would last at least 3 years without needing a replacement AND it could be done for $100k to $120k, I’d buy 600 of them. Yes, $72M. Can’t wait for this day to happen
  • @skyzar4141
    It is important to walk it'll give them the ability to help the disabled
  • Watched this a dozen times ,,still like it but like the one outside grilling best ,blows my mind
  • @danielcat5831
    What is the run time between maintenance on different components?
  • @4thorder
    Optimus exceeds the ability of for example Unitree to walk efficiently (more like a human). The "smashing grapes" gate will not cut it in the long term for expanding capabilities. Speed doesn't matter at this stage.
  • @markbryan9115
    Musk will send Optimus and his Boring Company to Mars in advance to build/prepare Human habitates and facilities
  • @jimvargas5085
    Will Optimus be able to speak like Amica? Not the actual face but communication by speaking.
  • @chrislong3938
    Unitree just looks like it needs to get to a bathroom a lot more urgently than the others!
  • @konjinni
    Can it work autonomously, on its own power source for a day or at least half a day?