The Tesla Bot: Explained!


コメント (21)
  • Marques: “Will it come in Matte Black?” Dbrand: "We have got you covered!"
  • @SuperSaf
    I just want to know how long can it run for 5mph? Maybe I can outrun it but it’ll eventually catch up with me 🤔
  • @japiler
    You should revisit this topic with new updates from Tesla
  • “How does it charge? Will it sit on a USB Port in a corner of the room everyday”?🤣🤣
  • @TeaNBon3z
    “Max speed of 5mph so they can’t outrun us” Tesla Bot: drives Tesla car
  • I'm not sure about having one in my own home, but I can see sending a few hundred of them to Mars on the first few flights. They can be programmed to build habitats for humans, so when they arrive they have pre-built quarters. They don't need water, or food, or toilet facilities. They can maneuver around on the surface without suits, or breathing apparatus, they don't need to rest, except to charge the batteries, and if for some reason the ship mal-functions, or blows up, you only lost a few robots, no human lives.
  • I think the point about human-shaped robots is the possibility of a generalised multi-functionality... a washing up robot or a floor-vacuuming robot is limited to those specific tasks and certainly don't require AI... But an AI in human shape which could move, act and to a large degree think like a human has virtually unlimited possibilities.
  • Marques: “Will it come in Matte Black?” I see Marques still has his priorities in order despite the situation
  • “Max speed of 5mph so they can’t outrun us” Next day software update available: Increased max speed to 100mph.
  • "I doubt they will leapfrog boston dynamics in two years" -teslabot in 2023 doing almost the same
  • Your videos are very informative and articulated in a very digestible way!
  • Soon Chancellor Bezos will create a Clone Army to fight the Tesla Federation
  • @mlc1610
    “It has a max speed of 5Mph , so you can outrun it” Tesla bot: "Human has a maximum speed at 0Mph when asleep"
  • i just want to say how well you make videos honestly i just love your content and i always can trust your opinions and takes on things
  • @Mikeguevy
    You’re the best. No hype, no dramas just chill and simply cool and interesting to watch. Thank you.
  • The I robot wallpaper in the background the whole video is unsettling lol
  • @Sullyrows
    “It has a max speed of 5 mph, so you can outrun it” killed me
  • @raven9ine
    Well, sure, for very specific task, robots in a very specific form factor for the task at hand are more efficient, humanoid might not be the best choice for that. However, there's an advantage we humans have over very specific and efficient task focused robots, and that is adaptability and versatility, and in that discipline our humanoid form is actually extremely good. So, if you want a robot being able to accomplish a multitude of task, giving it a humanoid form makes a lot of sense. I mean, your roomba sure can't dust off furniture or go grocery shopping. Legs can overcome obstacles wheels cannot, hands are versatile and can use the same tools humans do. Additionally, there's the factor of familiarity, which might be more important than you might think, for robots that "live" among us.
  • @MeikoMiha
    My assumption is the human form is the best one to use. my reasoning is in order for the robot to function in multiple task and work fluently in a human world it needs to adapt as one.