Star Citizen x52 settings 3 5

The New Flight model is about to go live with the 3.5 patch of Star Citizen. They changed a lot, and i like it! In this video i'll be telling you how i set-up my Logitech x52 H.O.T.A.S.

I hope you enjoy!

コメント (18)
  • This was actually really helpful dude, been having some trouble trying to get my x52pro working will try this out. Thanks
  • nice work Berry … I'm one of those guys that needs the complete set up instructions .. so I look forward to your next one :)
  • i was destyroying myself trying to setup x52 on SC.... Tomorrow i´m going to test the setup you share! thank you!!!
  • Thanks for the video man. I have an X-55 Rhino so the theory is similar. I use the z axis for yaw as I do for rudder control in my flight sims. Thanks again
  • 1:50 What button do you use and how do I map it in the settings. Awesome video btw
  • do you have a profile on the hotas or you make this keybidings without any external profiles? thank you for the video!
  • Im New to Joysticks and all this lovely stuff, but SC wont register my Hats or anything, wont even pick up that im pressing some keys to try bind it. not really sure what im doing wrong here, am i meant to edit something in Logitech software? sorry for the noob question.
  • I do not see the "(input X)(input4)" it just says "input. Please help as I cant play this at all.
  • Hi there BBlue Eyes! I wonder if you have any tip for taking care of the issues with some keys (and mini joystick - a.k.a. "mouse") being locked in the Logitech setup software on the x52?
  • I do not have a Advanced button in my Settings... -.-
  • Hey this helped but for some reason my ships want roll with my stick in neutral position. Roll is set to z axis in key bindings. But ship rolls all of the time. Any tip of whats wrong and how to fix
  • ios there a way i can do a discord chat with you and share my screen and have you help me get my x52 lined out. im brand new to the hotas and to the game