The Cringiest Show On TV

Published 2023-05-31

All Comments (21)
  • @swagromancer
    As an autistic person, I can confirm that not a day goes by that my colleagues aren't completely shocked and flabbergasted that I am, in fact, autistic.
  • @BottoBobbs
    As an autistic person, I have to say with all honestly that the only good representation of autism by a neurotypical actor is Danny Pudi playing Abed Nadir.
  • @mert828
    They consulted with Autism Speaks for the show and that tells us all we need to know.
  • @smartcakes303
    My partner and I (both autistic) do want to inform people that we are, in fact, SURGEONS
  • @chanyanyanya
    They wouldn’t cast an actual actor with autism because they wanted the autistic characteristics to be super exaggerated and it would be less ethical to tell an actor with autism to play up their autism than it would be to just cast someone to act like they have it. They can make it look like whatever they want at that point
  • I think what makes me most uncomfortable about the show is that he’s kid coded, yet all these women are trying to sleep with him and ‘educate’ him in the bedroom
  • The entire show does a terrible job at representing autism, I swear...the way that he acts like a child, the way that everyone treats him like a child, its such infantilization of autistic people
  • Can confirm as an autistic person that I have Tony Stark superpowers
  • I didn't realize how hurtful this portrayal of autism was to me until I found comfort in the way Jarvis and Jordan were talking about their autistic friends. People don't believe I have autism because I don't act like this stereotype, but because people don't believe I have autism I don't get the accommodations I need. The media representing autism in such a one-dimensional way has really impacted my life.
  • @bi_cycle
    I so appreciate how you talked about this as an autistic person. You literally covered almost everything that I hate about this show. How the mighty child actors fall.
  • @oliveoil8736
    One of Jordan's favorite shows is House?! That's so funny. As a chronically ill person I will say I would prefer to be treated by House than any doctor I've tried. A comparison: House: Calls me a slur, nearly kills me, breaks into my house, doesn't believe my life story but believes my symptoms, does all the tests inpatient over a period of weeks My doctors: Don't believe me most of the time, don't run tests most of the time, when they do run tests they order them one by one even though each test takes over a month, often give up when their first guesses (asthma, iron deficiency, diabetes) are wrong
  • @RichieKrol
    I was diagnosed a savant in fourth grade. People don't understand that just because I can do complex math in my head doesn't mean I can do everything well. It's impossible to explain. Sometimes I can't understand what is going on at work even though everyone else does. I get overstimulated and can barely think but when I look at gears move or numbers change it calms me and I can think again
  • as an actual autistic person, it’s hurtful to see our representation being done by non autistic or disabled people. if you are going to make a show about disabled people, cast disabled actors. our community is so diverse and we are not like the autistic characters they make up in shows and in media. like big bang theory or good doctor, these are not real autistic people or disabled people and it’s annoying they get to show us in that way. idk how else to put it, it’s just uncomfortable to watch cause that’s not how we are. now the best representation I’ve seen and relate to is one of the actors in Not Dead Yet cause the actor is autistic and disabled and he shows our traits really well while not making fun of us.
  • I think the main takeaway people should focus on is that a majority of people (I hope) arent making fun of an autistic meltdown, they're making fun of a badly researched meltdown portrayed by a known autism-speaks supporting non-autistic actor As an autistic person, I kinda cant help but admit how childish its portrayed. I know a lot of fellow ND people who wait till they're alone in the comfort of their room before just letting it all out, where we know we cant be judged. Like? cmon, were bad with emotions, but were still in control of them.
  • @MDaggatt
    As an autistic person who is trying to become a doctor, this show is making it SO MUCH harder to get people to take me seriously.
  • I’m autistic and some random guy asked me what my superpower was the first and last time I talked to them because they found out I have autism. I told them that is a myth and not everyone with autism has a “superpower” and their response was “actually you do though”. We are always either infantilized by the media or made to look like monsters. I can do random stuff not many people can but that’s not because autism gave me a superpower it’s because I hyper focus on random stuff. One of my special interests was Rubik’s cubes before so I know how to do several different types of Rubik’s cubes, but most of the time my main special interests are percy Jackson and the hunger games. I asked for almost only percy Jackson things for Christmas, could talk about the books and the lore to the hunger games for hours and ways the books and movies are similar and different and why I head canon certain characters autistic etc. There definitely are such things as savants but the media makes it seem like we all are.
  • Another autistic person here! this show is... so bad. it's so awful. it's full of horrendous stereotypes about autistic people, like how our romantic life works, and perpetuates the idea that autistic people are only valuable if they're "savants" (which a lot of people don't believe in/think are real by the way) and are seen as traditionalist intelligent and of need of little support. it also tries to push the idea that autistic people are less accepting (him arguing that trans people don't exist... which if he's an insanely smart and studied doctor he should know that they... do????) and it's just all around confusing and just BAD. not to mention there's zero actually autistic actors and it seems like they don't even have autistic people or disabled people in general working on the show.
  • @JacobODell_
    It's such a relief to see this conversation in the mainstream and not just in autistic communities. We've been talking about shows like this and Atypical for years and it's nice that others are seeing the bullshit representation
  • @carson3328
    I'm pretty sure the main actor also supports autism speaks