Disney Wouldn't Let Chad Chad Leave

Published 2023-08-02

All Comments (21)
  • @videolover2003
    Jesus Christ. This is lawsuit territory. Imagine being that poor family... And the fact that the employees pretended like everyone was already off??! WTF?!!!
  • @aerogirl246
    The employees acting like no one was there as if they werent told multiple times is crazy
  • @eggymoon
    wow that sounds messed up that there is no emergency button in the pods: what happens if someone has an attack while on the ride??? 💀
  • @ZackObermeyer
    They wanted to do everything possible for them not to go to the medical center so they could minimize the seriousness of the whole incident. Shady.
  • @samanthalewis9782
    I hope a lot of people complained about that. Honestly horrifying to think what could have happened if there was a fire. Those poor kids are probably traumatized.
  • @hailey4149
    this is horrifying and disney is such a powerful company that any lawsuits would probably result in no changes :/
  • @bleachedbonez
    People like to think this is all super suspicious but honestly Disney is just obsessed with no one knowing anything is going wrong at Disneyland. They coordinate all of this to hide anything negative but it just ends up looking like the secret police making people disappear. I used to work for Disney corporate and this was one of my biggest issues, they try to act flawless and it just looks creepy
  • @mcarter99
    I think the biggest issue is the alarm telling you to evacuate when the pods are apparently fireproof. If it was a real fire you would stay locked in until the fire was dealt with. The alarm telling them to evacuate when they can't and in a real fire shouldn't is horrible. They should play a message in the pods stating that the pod is fireproof and they will be let out when it is safe. Those poor kids might be traumatized from this. All they needed was a different alarm in the pods so people weren't panicking.
  • @meg..meg.
    We only heard about this because of YouTubers being involved- imagine how often it ACTUALLY happens. The response was WAAAY to coordinated for it to be a rare thing
  • @ShallowVA
    Stuck in a tiny pod that's malfunctioning and can only be opened from the outside? Dang, Disney got the OceanGate Titanic Simulator ride already?!
  • @hophie.2110
    Chad Chad's a real champ champ for getting back on that ride after getting locked in 🙏🏾
  • @dancoroian1
    I would've gone into full panic attack mode hearing an employee say "I checked all the pods and they're empty, they've all been evacuated," while I'm currently stuck in one 😳
  • @kittikat4124
    The reason they didn't want Amanda to go to the medical center was to make the incident look as clean as possible to news outlets. Basically they can say "oh we had everything under control, see no one even needed medical treatment, so it was all good, people were just stuck for a few minutes no big deal" which will cause less people to cover it because it's not as eye catching as "disney ride leaves guest stranded, 5 needed medical attention" or whatever.
  • getting stuck on a theme park ride is truly a unique experience... my family once got stuck on the pirates of the caribbean ride for over an hour. our boat was right next to the exit but we weren't allowed to disembark until the employees lashed the rafts together. there was a little kid in our boat who needed to pee and an employee told the parents to find an empty water bottle lol. my dad got a phone call from his boss and got promoted while we waited. they didn't turn the audio off either so were treated to a continuous soundtrack of gunshots and inebriated singing. the drunken yo-ho's are seared into my brain forever. fun times!
  • @stephenlee1108
    Knowing Chad Chad was in a group trip with Evan and Katelyn and Amanda from Swell Entertainment is such a weird sight
  • @lauraslyricallife
    I feel so bad for all of them, but especially for the family with kids. I would be extremely livid if my kids were that scared and I had no way of getting to them to comfort them. I hope they got someone to listen in park management or something bc holy cow what a way to ruin a super expensive and what was supposed to be a fun vacation.
  • @a-goblin
    i feel like the employees were trained to deny & feign ignorance for liability issues, bc if they were to admit anything in the moment, disney would be liable & with denial, they can negotiate settlements way down. something like that. idk i'm not a lawyer. but i am glad everyone got out alive!
  • @sari9645
    Omg I would’ve had a panic attack. If there was a real fire chad chad and the other people stuck would’ve died! Disney should’ve comped them