How To Deal With Threatening People in Public - Jocko Willink

Published 2020-06-21
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Excerpt from JOCKOPODCAST 40

All Comments (21)
  • @tokibulsk1654
    A massive shout-out to JohnsonSpy for their incredible support, amigos. They had my back when I was dealin' with that person who was causin' all that chaos with those threats and blackmail antics. And guess what? They made sure every single bit of the sketchy stuff that person had was completely gone. Johnsonspy, you all rock my world!
  • @pravingamer806
    I can't thank Johnsonspy enough for their incredible support. They were like superheroes, helping me track down the person who was bothering me with those scary messages and threats. And guess what? They even made sure all the bad things that person had were completely removed. Johnsonspy, you're the best!
    This could have easily been my reality …. My 15 year old son was also taken in by this scheme. He and Walker sound like they fit the same description…. Football, hunting, family, Faith…. On the night of January 17th of this year he came to me in tears and said “Mom, help… I’ve really messed up. He repented and handed me his phone.” I was shocked … but we kept calm. I could tell how scared he was … I assured him that these were scams and they weren’t going to ruin his life….but even I was a little nervous. This episode brought me to tears thinking just how close we were to this reality. I applaud Brian Hacks Online for standing up and Helping about this. I did listen to this episode with my son, and tearfully thanked him for coming to me!
  • I can’t believe how honest would someone be, an Angel in human form. You knew how desperate and eager I was even will to pay any amount just to get rid of the sextortion black mailing. But yet you proved how honest you could be. I appreciate you brian hacks online . You have done well. You kept your promise and it was all erased
  • @user-pm8rl6gk6i
    Johnsonspy , I really admire how you stay focused and always remember there are victims, real people, losing their money and even killing themselves because they are ashamed at falling for these scams. God bless you and keep you,Damn it feels good when you expose these guys, for some reason, other YouTubers are nervous to do so. You're the king!
  • @johntharp22
    Two stories- first, years ago, I was at the grocery store with my fiancee. A real jerk walked past my fiancée, bumped hard into her, and said, “Move, (expletive).” I immediately said that there was no need for that kind of language or behavior, and the guy got in my face, trying to initiate a fight. I walked away. In the car, my fiancée said she was embarrassed that I didn’t defend her honor. A year later, she left me for someone else. Second story - today, a neighbor down the street flagged me down and accused me of calling the police on him for loud music he was playing in his yard. He was trying to square up with me, went on to insult my job, and my wife, and suggested I wasn’t “being a man.” I listened to his rant, denied his accusations, and departed without engaging. My wife, who witnessed the whole episode, said something like, “He was challenging the wrong man; he’s lucky you have so much restraint.” Moral of the story - don’t get into fights, and find a loving partner who wants to be with a grownup.
  • @JC-4A53
    The best advice is to not allow anyone displaying aggression to enter you personal space. Avoid any emotion and handle your business when they cross the line. Never allow ego or pride to dictate your actions.
  • @user-uq1fb5tg5g
    As a Retired combat Marine I want to tell you that as what you are doing is just as important as any warrior on the battlefield. You are waging warfare against these criminals and terrorists on the digital battlefield. You are defending and protecting As a Retired combat Marine I want to tell you that as what you are doing is just as important as any warrior on the battlefield. You are waging warfare against these criminals and terrorists on the digital battlefield. You are defending and protecting the most vulnerable of our society against these predators. Keep up the good work most vulnerable of our society against these predators Keep up the good work Brian Hacks Online
  • Sun Tzu said the most important thing in The Art Of War: Always leave your enemy an escape route, or else they will fight with maximum ferocity once they realize they have nothing to lose.
  • Just yesterday I had a conflict with a lady that bumped in to me at the grocery store. She mouthed off to me, I mouthed back. I walked to the bathrooms and her brother blocked the passage out of the hallway, confronting me about what happened. First thing I noticed, he reached his hand in to his pocket. Had it in there the whole time. Guy was much smaller than me, but he seemed way too confident going up against me, a much bigger guy. I walked passed him stating I was on the phone, I’m in a rush, trying to get to a more open area with more witnesses in case things got ugly. Two more people surrounded me as I walked out of the hallway, totaling to 3. I had to swallow my pride, this isn’t worth getting stabbed or shot over. She wronged me, but it didn’t matter. I was the bad guy in their eyes. So I looked the lady in the eyes that I had the initial argument with and apologized for being rude. “Look, I was in a rush, I was really rude. I apologize”. She accepted it and they walked away. Moral of this story, just be the bigger man and say what you need to say to avoid dying over bs. Edit: Alright, I seem to be getting a lot of replies split between “you’re a wimp for backing down” and “you did the right thing”. Look, I’ll say this. I’m so embarrassed by this moment in time. I hate thinking about how I backed down. I was the weaker man in this story, this isn’t like in the movies at all where good prospers over evil. I’m just a normal everyday guy like most of you. I would delete this comment, but I feel like it could help some people that find themselves in unfortunate situations like this. All I can say is, take my embarrassing situation and use it to decide what you’ll do if you ever find yourself in trouble. Ask yourself if it’s worth it.
  • Defend yourself. I was raised to be passive and told to never fight back; thanks mom and dad. Well that got me a ton of screws and rods in my dominant right elbow, a severe TBI and screws plates and pins in my mouth, and a lifelong neurological seizure disorder from that head injury. I'm only 32 years old. I have to be on medication for life. Then there's the PTSD associated with these horrific injuries and surgeries. If I could turn back time i would have rather defended myself at all costs; a prison cell is better than lifelong physical disabilities or better than being dead. You can't simply avoid everything. Please protect your livelihood at all costs. Do not make the same mistakes I did.
  • @SamurangShinobi
    It's better to be a warrior in the garden, than to be a gardener on the battlefield.
  • @dayfibo3723
    “You can’t truly call yourself “peaceful” unless you’re capable of great violence, if you’re not capable of violence you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless”
  • Bouncer for a decade, everything here said is legit. Best choice is always to walk away if you can. Fighting, especially in like a bar, is a great way to get yourself crippled, even if you're Billy Badass and I've seen it happen to a lot of people.
  • @drock5404
    Here's my story from 15 years ago where I wish I could go back and change my decision making. Dating a girl who was a bit wild., get a call at 1:00am asking me to pick her up from a bar where she was jumped on by a group of girls. I show up, she's outside crying. My mistake was walking into the bar to find out what went on. I was talking calmy but loud to the most mature of the group. I'm agreeing with her that my GF is a nutbag and probably instigated the whole thing. Guy walks up behind me, starts pulling on my shirt telling me to go. To make it short, I'm the first one out the door followed by a group of guys, one of them being the alpha right behind me. I was in pretty damn good physical shape but not in my right mind. I end up being hit from behind and woke up on the curb, taken away in an ambulance. 7 plates and 28 screws later, jaw wired shut, dislocated right shoulder, I was out of work for almost a year. Still can't throw a baseball after many years, when I used to toss a 90mph fastball. Fortunately I was able to maintain my beauty, lol. My advice that most probably don't need to hear is to just walk away, don't go into the bar, just go home. I was at the age where I felt indestructible, and that night ended that for good.
  • massively respect how Jocko doesn't act like he knows everything or thinks he is invincible
  • @Hfd678vcdg
    Imagine sitting on a bus and deciding that Jocko looks like your next bullying target.
  • @battlevain
    Pride goes before a fall and there is a hidden honour in walking away. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest level of intelligence. Restraint, calm and patience are not celebrated enough in our society. Let life teach fools their lessons.
  • I had a random angry guy today try to fight me at walmart after bumping into me. The guy was half my size and in his 50s but I got the strong feeling he had a gun or knife on him, and he was unhinged, so I just ignored him walked away. It was a weird experience and made me think how there's ppl like this in the world.