Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire - Bustin' Makes Me Feel Bad


コメント (21)
  • @adamglenn5477
    Turns herself into a ghost so she can scissor with Melody. Gold.
  • @Agooo13431
    Hollywood plan is working: Make something so terrible that subsequent movies that are just awful would look good in comparison.
  • @heyj64
    Imagine if the ghost girl was actually the demon in disguise, manipulating the feelings of a genius, yet emotionally vulnerable teenager into releasing its frozen nightmare unto the world, thus showing that genius girl, despite her vast technological expertise, is still just a kid with the critical judgement of: a kid
  • @JoeShawWriter
    "It becomes kind of depressing when you look at where we were, and where we are now." That works for so many things.
  • @Lord_Deimos
    The entire modern entertainment industry can be described as "fatherless behaviour" and you can't change my mind.
  • My wife wonders why I watch nothing but 80s and 90s classics. THIS IS WHY
  • @Darmes3k
    7:27 …and there it was. “This right here is what happens when a whole generation of fatherless children grow up into neurotic emotionally stunted adults and start writing movie scripts that have to deal with parental relationships.” Drinker, you have nailed maybe one of the bigger societal issues that is hitting out society hard: lack of positive father (and mother) figures in familial relationships. Unlike many other times when the Drinker nails a point (and I go “ya, take that crummy Hollywood establishment”)… this on-point remark just made me feel…. sad inside.
  • @MrClaretMatt
    I'm truly amazed at how Lucky went from a waitress into being a qualified Engineer of some sort in just two years with no appreciable education. Almost as if the writers had to shoe horn her back in to keep the DEI boxes ticked or something.
  • @bbtank3000
    Modern Hollywood to longtime fans: "Your time is over. This movie wasn't made for you."
  • @RenR70
    “Well it wasn’t as bad as I thought” is pretty much how I sum up every movie I watch these days.
  • @specialk9424
    "It turns out that driving down a crowded street in New York City, indiscriminately firing particle beam weapons, isn't the safest way to get around." Still safer than taking the NYC subway, these days.
  • @tocsa120ls
    There is no f'in way in heck I pay actual money to see a movie with Patton Oswalt AND Kumal Nanjiani in it.
  • It's sad, we don't expect anything good from Hollywood anymore.
  • Apologies if already shared, but I recently learned that in ‘84 Ghostbusters, a running gag is Louis being locked out of his apartment… and then going on to become the Keymaster. Subtle brilliance.
  • @Vorpal_Wit
    Nothing can ever come close to replacing the original Ghostbuster because that movie contained the single greatest line of dialogue ever penned into a screenplay: "Ssssh!, Listen! smell that?"
  • The original Ghostbusters were all seasoned comedians. They didn't have to act stupid or have dumb gags to be funny, they WERE funny. The story was pretty serious, but they Busters always took it stride.
  • @garysmith9823
    Patton Oswalt is always a sign you should think twice before seeing any movie.
  • When Rudd said "Bustin' makes me feel good." I rolled my eyes so hard I think I pulled a muscle.
  • @TheSektorz
    a super-genius little girlboss, who also just so happens to be a lesbian? that's such an original, never-before-seen concept...... I love that we live in such abundance of creative minds making movies and video games