The Drinker's Top 5 Underrated Sequels

Publicado 2024-01-17
We live in a world of sequels, most of them bad, some of them good, others just plan baffling. But which ones deserved a little more love than they got? Join me as I count down my five favourite picks.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @thecornerkid402
    My dad was an air traffic controller for 33 years and watching Die Hard 2 with him is… hilarious. He starts squirming. Then hiding his face. Louder and louder groans come from him until he finally explodes and starts ranting the many many reasons the entire plot couldn’t even happen.
  • @darthraider450
    The Drinker can’t get pregnant, but he always delivers.
  • @tpotshax8703
    My favorite underrated sequel is The Mummy Returns. Maybe it got more love than I realize, but I never hear anyone mention it let alone praise it. My favorite part is how the main romance couple from the first one was allowed to stay together and stay in love instead of being artificially forced apart in order to repeat the love arc. Instead they have an almost adam's family style relationship and a kid who somehow isn't annoying. It would have been so easy for the movie to use the kid being kidnapped as leverage for relationship drama that pulls them apart for the second act, but instead they comfort and support each other like complete psychopaths /s. There are other things it does well and poorly(like how the brother is flanderized), but overall it's a fun movie that kinda floundered into obscurity unless someone wants to point out the bad CG of the scorpion king at the end.
  • @rig-zag
    I really appreciate these more positive videos from the Drinker, it's a refreshing respite from the usual evisceration of awful Hollywood schlock.
  • @Bibliophilo
    Also worth mentioning. In Predator 2 days you could have a hugely diverse cast like in this fantastic movie and nobody made a big deal about it. It was just a great cast for fitting roles and all in all good characters. How things have changed these days…
  • @fatbob316
    100% agree on Ghostbusters 2...ive never understood the hate for it.
  • @Lun3k
    I honestly had no idea that Ghostbusters 2 was considered "bad" sequel. I liked it a lot when i first watched it (still do) and only years later found that out.
  • @JohnORourke.
    Bill Paxton is the only actor to have been killed by a Terminator, an Alien and a Predator.
  • @medeyer
    "For a Few Dollars More" is another that is overlooked. Sandwiched in between "A Fist Full of Dollars" and "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" it never had its heyday that it deserved. The plot, characters and music were brilliantly done and has one of the best surprises I've seen in years.
    Predator 2 is quite underrated. Danny Glover makes for a great lead. Also Rocky 2 is awesome. My favorite moment is when he’s running up the steps and you got all the kids running behind him and cheering him on. There’s something really feel good about that moment.
  • @Keepbreathing.
    Every time I hear “go away now” I’m like “hmm which one of drinkers videos shall I watch next” we are here to stay Mr.Drinker. Keep up the good work ❤️
  • I love Predator and Ghostbusters 2. Especially the courtroom scene with Rick Moranis as the lawyer. That scene is hilarious ! As honorable mention, I would add Addams Family Values. It's a fun movie that is often looked down compared to the first Addams Family.
  • Blade 2 is also worth a mention. Top notch action sequences and effects that actually improve on the original. Never thought I’d say Luke Goss was a genuinely terrifying villain. Had a very Aliens vibe to it with the monster effects.
  • You know an absolutely great sequel? The Rescuers Down Under. The first one is decent but kind of meh. The sequel is frigging amazing. It has these really gorgeous scenes of the main character riding a giant eagle, the villain is voiced by George C. Scott, and it actually takes itself really seriously for a kids movie. I love it. Even if you're an adult you can totally get into it.
  • @dementeddemon277
    I never understood why ghostbusters 2 got all the hate either. I loved it 😊 And predator 2 was awesome as well 🤘
  • @marinus9950
    The best Drinker content will always be the ones that Drinker suggests or recommends movies and series instead of ranting for bad ones. You're doing both great Drinker and you're always entertaining but I'll always root for positivity over anything.
  • @jeremyusreevu237
    Airplane 2 is an insanely underrated sequel. Unlike most comedy sequels, it manages to understand what made the original movie great, have natural story evolution, jokes that feel like they fit in the original movie, while still feeling different, and giving the characters great closure.
  • A shout out to 28 Weeks Later as an underrated sequel. While the overall relapse of the infected apocalypse was preventable to say the least, the opening sequence still stands even today. Tragedy, fear and desperation all rolled into one scene.
  • @erikmerchant567
    I always thought that "The Chronicles of Riddick" was a great follow up to the movie "Pitch Black". Definitely underrated in my opinion.
  • @PeteMcTeee
    I sincerely appreciate your sarcasm & wit in general whilst ripping apart movies & shows. Which leads me to love that when you give flowers to a production, it lends so much weight. Great work as always my fellow drinker. . . .