Why the Warthog Would Actually Be Incredibly Useful in War

Published 2022-09-09
Nothing is quite as familiar in Halo as the Warthog. The UNSC's primary troop transport is a classic vehicle that defined an entire generation of video games, but would it work in today's military? In this week's video, I explore the inspiration and history of the vehicles that led to the Warthog and what came after as well as how vehicles such as Warthogs could be used today.

Special credit goes to the many public videos and photos used to illustrate different vehicles and life in the US Military.
Halo © Microsoft Corporation
Halo 3 OST © Marty O'Donell Michael Salvatori

All Comments (21)
  • @abpire
    One reason why the Warthog is always seen is cause we are almost always working with Marines. In the Lore the IFVs and APCs are mostly used by the Army units that garrison planets. The expeditionary and spec ops forces (Marines, ODSTs and Spartans) mostly rely on lighter vehicles, since they are bound to ships that have a limited transport capacity.
  • The lack of a guided missile system on the rocket hog is meant to soft cap the player. If you look closely when driving with a crew the gunner has missiles that track so it is functional but most likely taken out because of multiplayer balancing.
  • Canonically the Warthog actually has armored variants with doors and heavy plating. In fact the base model has spaced titanium armor but the doors are removed. So I'd say the warthog is a good vehicle for it's role.
  • @SenorGato237
    UNSC vehicles are designed with a focus on speed over armor. My head canon on this was always that Covenant weaponry hits so hard that armor would be prohibitively slow, so they just said "fuck it, speed is life."
  • I would suggest also taking a look at the vehicles of Halo Wars 1 and 2 and the Expanded Universe since there's some interesting stuff there like the M99 Stanchion which can turn personal and light vehicles into paste even when they are hiding behind 3 apartment blocks.
  • @arthinugami
    The Warthog is a Technical IMO. It relies on speed and concepts of maneuver warfare rather then armor. It's modern Calvary, designed to attack unprepared forces with speed and mass numbers for hit and runs as well as assaults on lightly defended positions.
  • It should be noted the warthogs chaingun is an antiair gun. Realisticly it prob links up with the marines/spartans visor and allows for a lead indicator.
  • I just thought the UNSC was using what they had on hand, while fighting a losing war. At least that's how it struck me when playing Halo 3 driving a four wheeler while fighting a scarab.
  • i think the marines using the warthog also makes sense for the same reasons as odsts. We've got to remember we are fighting alongside marines for every game but reach, and the marines are usually stationed onboard smaller battleships suggesting they are deployed first before your main army backline of carriers move up
  • Amazing video. I came into this expecting a "yeah it's not realistic but what can you do it wouldn't be fun in multiplayer for players on foot to not have a fighting chance against a warthog"
  • @proper7439
    Just gonna ignore the ridiculous amount of grip strength is would have to hold onto the gun while moving at about 70 mph
  • @theenderclops
    Speaking of more heavily armored troop carriers - for that niche, I feel like the Razorback in Halo Infinite fills that niche better, but it has its fair share of problems: for one, it still has no doors, and the back seats are entirely exposed. But the armor on the hood and windshield are much more effective.
  • @TheAviatorB
    To expand on the topic of the video: The M12 Warthog and M15 Razorback are a type of vehicle that served a wide variety of Roles much like the M38 Willys MB, the M151 Mutt and the Humvee family. In Lore the reasons why the Warthog was the one vehicle we saw the most was due to the ships cargo capacity and the fact that we never had even the slightest of glimpse at the UNSC Army; the only UNSC Branches we see the most even in Halo Wars are the Navy and Marines. The Warthog and Razorback in my eyes can and would serve roles that even most MRAPs couldn't achieve due to the bed size and and the ability to navigate Rough Terrain with ease. easily if not for its Combative roles they can be used for Logistical means and other non combative roles. though it would be fun to have the APC variants and Improvised Variants of the Warthog. Most of the issues from the two vehicles in question come down too the problem we had with the Consoles and their limitations hence why we never saw vehicles from Halo Wars appear in Halo Reach or Halo 4; also vehicles like the M478 Oryx IFV and m349D Bison APC were Made After the first 3 halo games and by Fans for approval by 343.
  • In halo infinite we get the mentioned up armored troop transport in the shape of the razorback. One possible reason the UNSC continues to use the warthog against the covenant is because in the books plasma can tear through armor with ease and would very quickly melt through a slow armored personnel carrier like the MRAP or LATV, but the warthog is very fast and agile and can easily outmaneuver and dodge the covenants plasma bolts as easily as those bolts would tear through a slow APC, all while carrying a very respectable amount of firepower
  • @Wonzling0815
    One thing that usually gets overlooked with Halo vehicles is that they need to be able to function in planetary environments with varying amounts of gravity etc. It would make sense to use relatively light vehicles as a base and add weight as desired
  • @mechislander
    The Singapore Armed Forces has been using the Light Strike Vehicle in a recce role with limited anti-armour capabilities since the late 1990s. The current iteration, the LSV Mk II (introduced in 2013), is pretty much exactly a Warthog.
  • @SoFly2H2D
    I agree completely. The Warthog is most suited for special operations forces to use and recon purposes. Its essentially a trophy truck with a GAU-19/B attached to it (yes, this is a legitimate, real-world weapon that exists and you're welcome). The only thing they would need to do is keep the noise output to a minimum and bingo. I'd love to see the warthog actually become a staple vehicle in the US military.
  • @131207bie
    Who would win, Master Chief or 12,000 sharks?
  • @iv689
    1:19 Something to keep in mind here: In Halo Reach, the mission right before Tip Of The Spear is Nightfall. In Nightfall right at the end of the mission Jun and 6 discover the objectives you have to take on Tip Of The Spear, and Jun mentions something along the lines of: "We should head back, sun will be up in a few hours." And in Tip Of The Spear i think it is Dot (Noble's A.I.) who mentions that this is a risky and rushed operation. TL;DR/Conclusion: The U.N.S.C. had like 4 hours to plan the operation and most importantly... In those 4 hours they took every vehicle they found, those being, some Scorpion Tanks, a shlt ton of Warthogs, and 1 random Mongoose that is seen on the cutscene.