7 Signs Of A Bad Programmer | Prime Reacts

Published 2023-07-20

All Comments (21)
  • @loganeast3901
    "Im not saying Im going to quit netflix within the next 4 years" quits 8 months later
  • @ferahl
    The only thing I got from that is that bad programmers can't write good articles about bad programmers
  • @demmidemmi
    7 reasons why the author is the least liked person on his team while thinking the opposite.
  • @user-wk5lv1lk6d
    Hey man - Your enthusiasm for coding is infectious and is helping me out. I have ADHD also and go through phases of imposter syndrome and the like with my career, despite making progress with my projects. But, yeah, your enthusiasm definitely picks me up to keep on keepin' on as a software engineer. The stress of this career can drag you down sometimes. So, just wanted to say thanks for the laughs and enthusiasm.
  • @FabulousFadz
    1:15 as it happens, I worked with someone some years ago (let's call him Bill) who also wouldn't stop talking about his dog... AAAAAAnd, he had an extra loud mechanical keyboard.
  • Loving these videos. I’ve worked with developers that just wait for me to figure out new stuff so they can just copy my code .. it’s really annoying. I enjoy learning new methods or practices outside of work or during a project if I feel it will make a difference or increase my knowledge. Other developers can just waste so much time or don’t take the time to learn how it works.
  • The Peter principle is a concept in management developed by Laurence J. Peter, which observes that people in a hierarchy tend to rise to "a level of respective incompetence": employees are promoted based on their success in previous jobs until they reach a level at which they are no longer competent, as skills in one job do not necessarily translate to another. <- Copied and pasted from wikipedia
  • I would have closed the article immediately upon reading about 5 minutes stand-up meetings. BRUH.
  • @1gengabe
    Spoiler alert he quits Netflix within the next 9 months
  • I've always used the absolute crap out of whiteboards in my team work. It's a great way to free-form visualize, and collaboratively conceptualize. Even in a well-tuned team individuals often only assume they're on the same page mentally, when in reality, usually days/weeks down the line, they realize they weren't. Actually using whiteboards help a lot with that. "But everyone knows what it means" "I can hear you talking, but I can't hear you meaning" "Meaning isn't a verb" "Exactly" In my experience having a whiteboard standing around unused, doesn't mean whiteboards are a shitty tool, it usually indicates the team doesn't really want to collaborate.
  • @muhwyndham
    If standup actually only 5 minutes (for everyone not for each) then I would be the most diligent people attending standup.
  • "Peter Principle" is a book by Laurence Peter. The basic idea of the book is that an incompetent person can be forced to make lateral moves in organizations, which makes their overall resume look better, and gets them promotions in the long run. Edit: I guess I should have waited until the end of the video to comment. Edit #2: what I described was not the Peter Principle. It is the Dilbert Principle. Oops, my bad.
  • I have a mechanical keyboard at home, not at the office. I don't want my co-workers to hate me that much.
  • @rrraewr
    07:55 my colleague is basically just copy pasting stack overflow or my code and is soon the proud owner of a masters degree in comp sci. A pleasure to work with that guy
  • ThePrimeAgen has reignited my passion for programming. Professional for the last 5 years, but my Burnout has turned into a motivation to grow!
  • @theonlinezone6904
    that article is trash, it's, just trashing personalities at work and not talking about programming at all, if the article mentioned the second one, it could be helpful to people and they can learn if they fall on the bad programmer category, i work with a bad programmers : * they chew more that they can swallow, * always have an opinion about a subject, mostly it's always unrelated to the actual question or topic, they talk without saying nothing * most of their "work" is just copy-pasting your work and tweak it, or even leave it like that, and that breaks the application or cause unexpected bugs that of course you need to fix because they have no idea what they're doing * they ask for "help" when in reality they play victim so you do their job for them * they make the team fall behind due to their incompetence * they don't accept criticisms and they are not willing to accept they are wrong * they don't want to learn the craft, they hold to the bare mininum (if not worse) there you go, 7 real signs you suck as a programmer
  • @albyx
    1:45 I'm pretty happy that our stand-ups are not like what prime is describing. I'm a QA guy and they allow me to sit in on their meetings to hear what kind of features and bugs the devs are working on (they actually allowed me to come in to the meetings). Everyone bullshits for like, 40 seconds at the start of the meeting and then it's down to business. I appreciate that. When they ask me what I'm up to, I just tell them I'm working on breaking things, like always. I keep it down to about 10 seconds or less, unless something specific needs to be in their POV. I work with a solid team.