Sonic Frontiers - True Final Boss & Ending

Published 2022-11-07

All Comments (21)
  • @CGInferno
    For those who didn't get the space shooting you have to been on Hard Mode. Seen too many comments about it 🤣
  • @dano7584
    It might just seem like foreshadowing that the "hacking missions" match the true final boss, but if taken literally, it indicates that the ancients intentionally setup their firewall as a training exercise so that whoever inadvertently freed The End would have experience showing them how to beat it.
  • It's funny how since the last game, we went from a villain whose name means "never-ending", to a villain literally called THE END!
  • The End's monolouge, as best as I can hear: "Mortal, you have served your purpose. Now face your End. I am the all-consuming void. What can one mote of golden light illuminate within the abyss? Countless stars. Countless Worlds. Countless lives. All fell to me, all brought to nothing. All the teeming chaos of creation? Brought to order. To neutrality. To nothing. I saw your mind as you ran through my prison. You have fought machines and gods. They were mighty? They were finite, I am infinite. I am Nothing. You struggle as so many have done before. You will be consumed like all those before you. I saw your mind. Your courage never wavered. Why? Arrogance? Ignorance? Stupidity? I was contained once; Once. Is that why? My captors bent time and space. My captors built a whole reality to contain me. My captors burn their souls away to fuel their engines. And you? You glitter; you fly about me like a gnat. I am inevitable, I cannot be denied. You strike this incarnation with all your might. It changes nothing. You are not brave, you are not victorious. No matter what form I take.... The End comes for you all!"
  • @mechzilla569
    Damn can’t believe the moon forced us to play Ikaruga as revenge for getting pissed on
  • @xanstergames
    12:43 I swear seeing Super Sonic fly through space like a shooting star in this scene gave me goosebumps…
  • @Spikero2
    12:43 I seriously teared up in this moment. In the end, I didn't care too much about this boss battle to determine if it was good or bad. That shot of Super Sonic flying through the stars to destroy that thing was just... Beautiful.
  • @GoodGirl613
    7:47 ‘countless stars. Countless worlds. Countless lives. All fell to me, all brought to nothing’ I just love this part. It’s just so epic. Especially when that epic music starts when it stops talking😃
  • Even if this boss fight doesn't feel like it should belong in a sonic game, it still feels like a final boss, like with the music and the dialogue. It makes you want to beat this thing so badly
  • @HeroesRiseUp
    God The End’s monologue along with “I’m With You” gave me such chills when I heard it the first time. Even though I find the final boss underwhelming gameplay wise, I was so in awe over this moment.
  • @ShadowDante7
    The fact that Eggman genuinely cares about Sage shows that he definitely has good inside of him, and is possibly even redeemable Edit: this is an old comment…
  • I just realized each boss theme got more more and more surreal as the game went on. Ending with a rather calm emotional final theme rather than the usual high energy rock.
  • Can’t believe how amazing this game turned out. The cutscenes and character relationships are really well done
  • @PJ92586
    "Dear Father" made me cry, this game gave me a second reason to keep hoping for Sonic franchise. See they can make good games..........thank you Sonic team.
  • @ZeroPC1
    Imma be honest. I LOVE the story Ian Flynn is telling here. I just don't think he had enough time to tell it. I wanted to see a bit more development for Sage and Eggman, and Sonic and Sage. I wanted to see a few scenes where Sonic is saying vocally that he understands whats happening in the story. I wanted to see an ending where both Sonic AND Eggman mourn the loss of Sage and so Sonic can understand who exactly Sage was. Again, I dont mean to be nitpicky. I JUST finished the game and I am VERY satisfied with my experience. This game was AWESOME to play and experience. The story was GREAT, I just wish we had more time to see the storyTELLING.
  • "I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ideal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I never die with regrets." -Chapter 1 - Ideal, Ikaruga
  • @hazing1433
    "Even Super Sonic could not stop it" As a person who likes Hyper Sonic I was actually thinking if they gonna make him returns